zalando-incubator / kube-ingress-aws-controller

Configures AWS Load Balancers according to Kubernetes Ingress resources
MIT License
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Documentation with all supported flags #395

Open ddezoysa opened 3 years ago

ddezoysa commented 3 years ago


Currently kube-ingress-aws-controller support multiple flags such as --logs-s3-bucket, --logs-s3-prefix, --redirect-http-to-https which can be passed as args to the kube-ingress-aws-controller. Unable to find the documentation with all supported tags.

Appreciate if you can provide the documentation link with all supported flags.

szuecs commented 3 years ago

Maybe it helps if I add a short description here. We have to document it better. :)

% docker run --help 2>&1 | grep -E --color '\-s3\-|redirect-http' -A 2
  --logs-s3-bucket=""            S3 bucket to be used for ALB logging
  --logs-s3-prefix=""            Prefix within S3 bucket to be used for ALB
  --aws-waf-web-acl-id=""        WAF web acl id to be associated with the ALB.
  --redirect-http-to-https       Configure HTTP listener to redirect to HTTPS
                                 Sets default Load Balancer type (application or