zalando-incubator / kube-ingress-aws-controller

Configures AWS Load Balancers according to Kubernetes Ingress resources
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Add an option to allow to have only tagged certs to be available for use #652

Closed szuecs closed 4 months ago

szuecs commented 10 months ago

As of today all issued ACM and IAM certificates are detected and possibly put into the TLS Listener of ALB/NLB dependeing on matching hostnames and ingress/routegroup resources. After a production incident, one idea is to make the switch of certificates more explicit. To allow explicitly taking a certificate to production, we can have a flag --tag=k=v that would only detect certificates that have a tag key k with a tag value v. This option should be optional, which ensures non breaking change and deployments can ensure the migration, before using this feature.

szuecs commented 4 months ago

this was done