when creating an opsgenie alert, it's required to be able to optionally set custom fields in the alert.
in such case notify_opsgenie should look like:
notify_opsgenie(teams=['zmon', 'ops'], message='Number of failed requests is too high!', include_alert=True,customfields={"runbooks":"https://runbo.stups.zalan.do/teams/zerowing/runbooks/marid_rollback"})
when creating an opsgenie alert, it's required to be able to optionally set custom fields in the alert. in such case notify_opsgenie should look like:
notify_opsgenie(teams=['zmon', 'ops'], message='Number of failed requests is too high!', include_alert=True,customfields={"runbooks":"https://runbo.stups.zalan.do/teams/zerowing/runbooks/marid_rollback"})