zalando / SwiftMonkey

A framework for doing randomised UI testing of iOS apps
MIT License
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Is there a way to get monkeyAround function to have scrolling as one of its generic actions? #74

Open ldasilvaNZ11 opened 5 years ago

ldasilvaNZ11 commented 5 years ago

I noticed Monkey seems to always tap on the very first element of my screen. Is there a way to get it to scroll down randomly so that it won't always tap on the same element of my screen?

func monkeyAround(_ iterationsToMonkey: Int) { bringAppToForeground() // Rotate back to Portrait, to avoid Plus size iPhone locking issues XCUIDevice.shared.orientation = UIDeviceOrientation.portrait // Sleep while the animation completes sleep(1)

    // Now we setup the Monkey, to tap objects randomly, and - if an alert displays - tap a random button on any alert that pops-up
    _ = app.descendants(matching: .any).element(boundBy: 0).frame
    let monkey = Monkey(frame: app.frame)
    monkey.addXCTestTapAlertAction(interval: 100, application: app)
    monkey.addUIAutomationShakeAction(weight: 3)
    monkey.addUIAutomationLockAction(weight: 2)
    //monkey.addUIAutomationClickVolumeDownAction(weight: 5)
    monkey.addUIAutomationTapAction(weight: Double(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(80) - UInt32(60)) + UInt32(60)))
    monkey.addUIAutomationDragAction(weight: 4)
    monkey.addUIAutomationFlickAction(weight: 2)

    // Begin taking a screenshot each second, until timer is stopped below with stopTimer()
    // If persistScreenshotsOnSuccess = true, then we'll save the values of the screenshots even if the test passes
    // If persistScreenshotsOnSuccess = false, then we'll only save the values of the screenshots if the tests fail. Otherwise, we'll ditch the screenshots

    // Don't set this much lower than 10, as sometimes it can't escape what's already on-screen
    monkey.monkeyAround(iterations: iterationsToMonkey)

    // Stop the timer, then ensure the app is foregrounded again, just in case it's gone off to Safari or the home screen

Cheers, Lucas