zalando / postgres-operator

Postgres operator creates and manages PostgreSQL clusters running in Kubernetes
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wal-g when setting WALG_AZ_PREFIX only substitutes $(SCOPE) and $(PGVERSION) #2227

Open juwalter opened 1 year ago

juwalter commented 1 year ago

Please, answer some short questions which should help us to understand your problem / question better?


when following the setup according to

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: pod-env-overrides
  namespace: postgres-operator-system
  # Any env variable used by spilo can be added
  WALG_AZ_PREFIX: "azure://container-name/$(SCOPE)/$(PGVERSION)" # Enables Azure Backups (SCOPE = Cluster name) (PGVERSION = Postgres version)

this all really works fine thus far. However :) when we were using S3 previously, we got a better "path" name for the storage location of the WAL segments, like so:

IMHO, this is a much better storage location as it does allow to simply identify from what particular cluster those WAL segments came from. I think it would also allow to have clusters with the same name in different k8s namespaces. Therefore, I set out to try to replicate this pattern using Azure blob, but no dice.

I found this WALE_S3_PREFIX seems to actually be created by spilo at

    prefix_env_name = write_envdir_names[0]
    store_type = prefix_env_name[5:].split('_')[0]
    if not wale.get(prefix_env_name):  # WALE_*_PREFIX is not defined in the environment
        bucket_path = '/spilo/{WAL_BUCKET_SCOPE_PREFIX}{SCOPE}{WAL_BUCKET_SCOPE_SUFFIX}/wal/{PGVERSION}'.format(**wale)
        prefix_template = '{0}://{{WAL_{1}_BUCKET}}{2}'.format(store_type.lower(), store_type, bucket_path)
        wale[prefix_env_name] = prefix_template.format(**wale)
    # Set WALG_*_PREFIX for future compatibility
    if store_type in ('S3', 'GS') and not wale.get(write_envdir_names[1]):
        wale[write_envdir_names[1]] = wale[prefix_env_name]

What I did not find was how / where WALG_AZ_PREFIX: "azure://container-name/$(SCOPE)/$(PGVERSION)" is actually been interpolated. It does not appear to happen in spilo, nor in wal-g; that pretty much leaves the operator?

Many thanks in advance!

mightymiracleman commented 6 months ago

Hello, if I understand what you are after, I also had the need to include the cluster id in our backup paths (under azure); ( I wanted to make sure that if I needed to restore it the backups would go to a new location and have the backups "pristine" so I could attempt multiple restorations if need be).

I was able to accomplish this by including an initContainers section on the cluster that would query k8s for the postgresql cluster custom resource and store the uid in a configmap; then in the env section of the postgresql cluster I added a variable referencing the configmap / cluster id, finally, I overrode the WALG_AZ_PREFIX and referenced that newly added env var to get it into the path. I hope all this makes sense. (see below for more detail)

I was able to get this working by:

youvegotmoxie commented 3 months ago

I was able to overcome this using a solution similar to @mightymiracleman

In the Postgresql manifest

  - name: PG_UID
        fieldPath: metadata.uid

In the operator Pod config

WALG_AZ_PREFIX: azure://backups/spilo/$(SCOPE)/$(PG_UID)/wal
mightymiracleman commented 3 months ago

I was able to overcome this using a solution similar to @mightymiracleman

In the Postgresql manifest

  - name: PG_UID
        fieldPath: metadata.uid

In the operator Pod config

WALG_AZ_PREFIX: azure://backups/spilo/$(SCOPE)/$(PG_UID)/wal

I did give this a try as it is a lot cleaner than the way I was doing it; but I think this is pulling the uid from the POD and not the postgresql cluster. I added it to one of my clusters and was surprised to see different values for the 2 env vars I had; the first one was my postgresql cluster uid, the second one I tracked down to the pod that the spilo container was running in; I also bounced the pod and noticed the value changed (and matched up with the pod) did I miss something on that?

youvegotmoxie commented 3 months ago

You are correct. I observed the same after a bit more testing. DownwardAPI doesn't support getting the UID from the StatefulSet or the Postgresql objects so I think your solution is the only way this will work.

mightymiracleman commented 3 months ago

No worries @youvegotmoxie ! I would have loved to do it the way you posted; it was a heck of a lot cleaner.