zalando / skipper

An HTTP router and reverse proxy for service composition, including use cases like Kubernetes Ingress
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Service Mesh interface #1063

Open szuecs opened 5 years ago

szuecs commented 5 years ago could be interesting

szuecs commented 5 years ago

660 might be more powerful, than SMI and it's quite new so we do not need to rush and we should observe and think about what is changing and what do we need to merge different operators create ingress, for example stackset-controller and what these need in order to provide a good solution for all our users.

szuecs commented 4 years ago

We had some internal discussions and might go with something similar to, but more powerful and without TCP route, which does not makes sense (it's SNI not tcp...). We basically want to switch a full RouteGroup and we don't want to define path with regexp which is not sane in the first place.