zalando / spilo

Highly available elephant herd: HA PostgreSQL cluster using Docker
Apache License 2.0
1.51k stars 371 forks source link

Support for Timescale pg_influx #980

Closed berlincount closed 4 months ago

berlincount commented 4 months ago


and thanks for this awesome project!

There's a pg_influx extension available, adding InfluxDB Line Protocol support to PostgresQL.

It's maintained by the folks at TimescaleDB, und and would make a great addition (and also solve a usecase of mine, heh) ...

Please a have a look at and maybe consider integration?

You should be far quicker than me to do so.

Thank you very much in advance!

hughcapet commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, no. Spilo image is already quite big and we tend not to include extensions not available in pgdg. Furthermore, the project's readme says:

It is an ongoing experimental work for educational purposes and as such there are no guarantees regarding feasability for any specific purpose, including its intended use.

But you can always build your own Spilo including whatever you want:)