zaldor30 / GuildRecruiter

Addon for recruiting new guild members
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russian support base #91

Open Knoot opened 2 weeks ago

Knoot commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug Currently the search does not work at all for the Russian version.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. change game language to russian
  2. start search
  3. See nothing

Expected behavior Players must be found

Additional context The problem is in the keys for the filter. Filter by race, for Russians it is "р", not "r". Filter by class, for Russians it is "к", not "c". Potential filter by zone, for Russians it is "з", not "z". "р"/"к"/"з" - are not Latin characters

zaldor30 commented 2 weeks ago

I believe this is an Ace3 issue. I just downloaded the new Ace3 libraries and replaced the ones I am using. That control was made in Ace3, let me know if that fixed it.

Knoot commented 2 weeks ago

No, it didn't help. The problem is in screens\GR_Scanner.lua:624 and :641 local query = 'c-"''"' local query = 'r-"''"' "c", "r" and potential "z" must be localized

zaldor30 commented 2 weeks ago

I am doing that. The top is the info I am using where the upper/lower case is the and the all upper is the classFile. Wow_KQDiTgGXZo

The mixed case name is the local version.

zaldor30 commented 2 weeks ago

The big box Wow_XuVudL8duT

Knoot commented 1 week ago

localized class name is used, no problem here. Same with races. Note the filter name
Correct ("к-") image Incorrect ("c-") the addon makes a request like this image Воин = Warrior

zaldor30 commented 1 week ago

Is that a specific filter rule for Russian? I was going off the wowpedia using C_FriendList.SendWho('bob z-"Teldrassil" r-"Night Elf" c-"Rogue" 10-15') format as the ruleset. I don't have any localization set up for Russian at this time. I have Ace localization in place, but no translations. But, did not know that the /who command changes for other languages.

zaldor30 commented 1 week ago

Ok, I see what you are saying now.
з = zone (зона) р = race (раса) к = class (класс)

That is needed instead of the z- r- c-. Is there a good way to get system messages in the language of the interface without having to change the interface to that language? I can't change it past Spanish and I rely on those messages.

Knoot commented 6 days ago

I only know one way - changing the interface language. For FGI I added these filters to the localization on curseforge. It is likely that these filters should only change for Russian, and possibly for Chinese