zalmoxisus / remote-redux-devtools

Redux DevTools remotely.
MIT License
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SocketProtocolError: Client pong timed out every 20 seconds #156

Open aminta opened 1 year ago

aminta commented 1 year ago

I use React Native with Hermes but without Flipper because of incompatibility with some Firebase libraries.

So, I start yarn redux-devtools --hostname=localhost --port=8000 --open, start the Metro server and I've configured the store (with RTK Query) like so:

import devToolsEnhancer from 'remote-redux-devtools'; [...] const store = configureStore({ reducer: persistedReducer, middleware: getDefaultMiddleware => getDefaultMiddleware({ serializableCheck: { ignoredActions: [FLUSH, REHYDRATE, PAUSE, PERSIST, PURGE, REGISTER], }, }).concat(...middlewares),

devTools: false, enhancers: [devToolsEnhancer({realtime: true, port: 8000})], });

All it works but every 20 seconds I got from Metro: [SocketProtocolError: Client pong timed out]

Any suggestion?

row248-hola commented 1 year ago

@aminta use instead of this package because it's already deprecated