zalmoxisus / remote-redux-devtools

Redux DevTools remotely.
MIT License
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i can't get this to work! #62

Open AgentChris opened 7 years ago

AgentChris commented 7 years ago


I've tried to change the version but is not working.

I've a windows machine:

the current version is: 0.5.7 for remote-redux-devtools 5.2.4 socketcluster-client

zalmoxisus commented 7 years ago

As discussed in #6, it was an issue of React Native for Windows. It's fixed in, which is available on react-native@v0.41.0-rc.0. If you want to support earlier versions, use remote-redux-devtools@0.5.1 for now, which includes socketcluster-client@4.

AgentChris commented 7 years ago

I've installed this remote-redux-devtoolx@0.5.1 using this command after i've uninstalled the previous version npm i remote-redux-devtools@0.5.1 --save-dev but the socketcluster-client is 5.2.4

my package.json looks like: "dependencies": { "react": "~15.4.0-rc.4", "react-native": "0.40.0", "react-redux": "^5.0.1", "redux": "^3.6.0", "redux-thunk": "^2.1.0", "socketcluster-client": "^5.2.4" }, "devDependencies": { "babel-jest": "18.0.0", "babel-preset-react-native": "1.9.1", "jest": "18.1.0", "react-test-renderer": "~15.4.0-rc.4", "remote-redux-devtools": "^0.5.1" },

zalmoxisus commented 7 years ago

You should use socketcluster-client@4 to solve that issue. Why are you adding it to your dependencies? Do you use it internally?

AgentChris commented 7 years ago

no, but reactnative installs socketcluster-client@5.2.4 by default, i've installed socketcluster-client@4, but i have the same problem, also I have yarn installed on the project but not sure if this cause an effect

zalmoxisus commented 7 years ago

@AgentChris, in the dependencies of your package.json you have specified "socketcluster-client": "^5.2.4". The path from your screenshot is present only in socketcluster-client@5 not in 4.

Also you could just update reactnative to react-native@v0.41.0-rc.0, which fixes the path issue on Windows.

AgentChris commented 7 years ago

ok I'will try that, but i would prefer to use the stable version for react-native 0.40.0 thanks for your help :), i really appreciate your fast response 👍

AgentChris commented 7 years ago

if you want to use remote-redux-devtools on windows with react-native current version you need to install the version 0.5.0, you can do this by using the flowing command: yarn add remote-redux-devtools@0.5.0 --dev or if you don't have yarn: npm install remote-redux-devtools@0.5.0 --save-dev

RanzQ commented 7 years ago

I'm still getting this error with remote-redux-devtools@0.5.7 and react-native@0.41.0 / 0.42.0-rc.1.

zalmoxisus commented 7 years ago

@RanzQ are you also running on Windows 10? The error is exactly as in the screenshot above (in the socketcluster-client path)? Does downgrading to remote-redux-devtools@0.5.0 helps?

RanzQ commented 7 years ago

@zalmoxisus Yeah, Windows 10 and exactly the same error. Removed the devtools compose and the error is gone. Version 0.5.0 works.

zalmoxisus commented 7 years ago

Weird, @jhen0409's patch should fix the path. Also I don't get why it's socketcluster-client\\lib\\sctransport.j\\lib\\ws-browser.js, it should at least be sctransport.js.

RanzQ commented 7 years ago

The part of the path ...sctransport.j\\lib... looks weird...

jhen0409 commented 7 years ago

Looks like it's problem of path resolve, I found it haven't use path.sep in here.

So isn't fixed the problem fully, let's fix it again. 😂

lednhatkhanh commented 7 years ago

I get the exact same problem with windows 10

zalmoxisus commented 7 years ago

@lednhatkhanh, as noted in the README, you should use remote-redux-devtools@0.5.0 for Windows. At least for one month till the next release of React Native.

juslintek commented 7 years ago

Well same happens on macOS Sierra, unless you downgrade to 0.5.0

jhen0409 commented 7 years ago

RN 0.43 should fixed the problem of top. (with

sukeshthakare commented 7 years ago

I also get same error on Windows 10..

8:40:50 PM: (node:6424) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2865): UnableToResolveError: Unable to resolve module C:\Users\Sukeshu\Desktop\abc\SocialApp\node_modules\socketcluster-client\lib\sctransport.j\lib\ws-browser.js from C:\Users\Sukeshu\Desktop\abc\SocialApp\node_modules\socketcluster-client\lib\sctransport.js: Directory C:\Users\Sukeshu\Desktop\abc\SocialApp\node_modules\socketcluster-client\lib\sctransport.j\lib\ws-browser.js doesn't exist

jhen0409 commented 7 years ago

@sukeshthakare I can't reproduce it again on RN ^0.43, is your RN version number correct?

sukeshthakare commented 7 years ago

my RN version is 0.42.3 . see all my dependencies,

"dependencies": { "expo": "^15.1.0", "react": "~15.4.0", "react-native": "0.42.3", "lodash": "^4.13.1", "moment": "^2.13.0", "native-base": "2.1.0-rc.2", "react-native-animatable": "^1.1.0", "react-native-button": "^1.8.2", "react-native-easy-grid": "0.1.8", "react-native-gifted-chat": "^0.1.3", "react-native-gifted-spinner": "0.1.0", "react-native-lightbox": "^0.6.0", "react-native-list-popover": "^1.0.5", "react-native-modalbox": "^1.3.9", "react-native-router-flux": "3.37.0", "react-native-search-bar": "^3.0.0", "react-native-simple-modal": "^4.0.2", "react-native-slide-down-panel": "^1.0.6", "react-native-swiper": "^1.5.4", "react-native-vector-icons": "^4.0.0", "react-redux": "^5.0.3", "redux": "^3.6.0", "redux-persist": "^4.4.2", "redux-thunk": "^2.2.0", "remote-redux-devtools": "^0.5.7", "remote-redux-devtools-on-debugger": "^0.7.0" }

GeekRishabh commented 7 years ago

@sukeshthakare use "react-native-vector-icons": "4.0.0", "remote-redux-devtools": "0.5.0",

jhen0409 commented 7 years ago

my RN version is 0.42.3 . see all my dependencies

The fix is landed on React Native >= 0.43 (, if you can't upgrade RN version for some reasons, just use remote-redux-devtools@0.5.0 as @GeekRishabh said.

chrisjowen commented 7 years ago

Still an issue with rn ^0.45.1 and dev tools ^0.5.11

psychobolt commented 7 years ago

Due to some other dependencies in my project (react-intl), I am using RN ^0.42.0 and redux-devtools 0.5.0 (zalmoxisus's advice for WIndows). But upgrading redux-devtools ^0.5.11 will give me the path resolve issue.

chocobuckle commented 6 years ago

Is it still recommended that Windows 10 users use v0.5.0?