zalopay-oss / backstage-grpc-playground

A backstage plugin support gRPC playground for API entities and can be run as standalone app
MIT License
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Not receiving response from playground #11

Open ajinkya-harness opened 1 month ago

ajinkya-harness commented 1 month ago

Not able to get response from the playground while testing it using a live server. The wait for response is followed by failed to fetch message.

This was the proto file

syntax = "proto3";

package connectrpc.eliza.v1;

// The ElizaService definition.
service ElizaService {
  // Sends a message and receives a response.
  rpc Say (SayRequest) returns (SayResponse) {}

// The request message containing the user's sentence.
message SayRequest {
  string sentence = 1;

// The response message containing the response from Eliza.
message SayResponse {
  string sentence = 1;

This was the grpc curl which works

➜  ~ grpcurl \
    -d '{"sentence": "I feel happy."}' \ \
  "sentence": "Feeling happy? Tell me more."
OrkoHunter commented 1 month ago

Hey @fr0stf0x @whatvn - first of all thank you so much for creating this plugin and the playground. We just tried this today and seems like it's not able to connect to a gRPC server.

Are you guys still using/maintaining this plugin by any chance? Want to ensure if the plugin still works or is it something on us? Thank you! <3