zama-ai / concrete-ml

Concrete ML: Privacy Preserving ML framework built on top of Concrete, with bindings to traditional ML frameworks.
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[Question] What HE algorithm is used? #718

Closed Drenches closed 1 month ago

Drenches commented 1 month ago

Hello! Thanks for the great project. The HE part is user-oblivious and very easy to use in my application. But I want to know what exact HE algorithm is used in Is that BFV or BGV? How can I locate the parameters of encryption scheme in the source code?

bcm-at-zama commented 1 month ago

Hello. Actually we use none of BFV or BGV, but TFHE. You will see several of our videos who explain TFHE,

bcm-at-zama commented 1 month ago

And for the cryptographic parameters: actually, Concrete (and on top, Concrete ML) aims to simplify the user experience. And here, our typical user is a data scientist or a ML practitioner. So, they write Python and they don't know / want to know anything about cryptography: they just want that it works.

So, we'll normally not show the parameters to them, nor let them the complicated task to find them (has to be secure, accurate and optimal, which is very difficult).

bcm-at-zama commented 1 month ago

But if you really want to see, there is an option that you could find in the documentation . In particular, there is a show_optimizer option in the compilation, which will print things like:

### Optimizer display
--- Circuit
  4 bits integers
  0 manp (maxi log2 norm2)
--- User config
  1.000000e+00 error per pbs call
  1.000000e-05 error per circuit call
-- Solution correctness
  For each pbs call:  1/150879, p_error (6.627801e-06)
  For the full circuit: 1/103675 global_p_error(9.645478e-06)
--- Complexity for the full circuit
  6.200000e+01 Millions Operations
-- Circuit Solution
CircuitSolution {
    circuit_keys: CircuitKeys {
        secret_keys: [
            SecretLweKey {
                identifier: 0,
                polynomial_size: 1024,
                glwe_dimension: 1,
                description: "big-secret[#0 : partitions [0]]",
            SecretLweKey {
                identifier: 1,
                polynomial_size: 738,
                glwe_dimension: 1,
                description: "small-secret[#1 : partitions [1]]",
        keyswitch_keys: [
            KeySwitchKey {
                identifier: 0,
                input_key: SecretLweKey {
                    identifier: 0,
                    polynomial_size: 1024,
                    glwe_dimension: 1,
                    description: "big-secret[#0 : partitions [0]]",
                output_key: SecretLweKey {
                    identifier: 1,
                    polynomial_size: 738,
                    glwe_dimension: 1,
                    description: "small-secret[#1 : partitions [1]]",
                ks_decomposition_parameter: KsDecompositionParameters {
                    level: 4,
                    log2_base: 3,
                description: "ks[#0 : partitions [0] -> [1]]",
        bootstrap_keys: [
            BootstrapKey {
                identifier: 0,
                input_key: SecretLweKey {
                    identifier: 1,
                    polynomial_size: 738,
                    glwe_dimension: 1,
                    description: "small-secret[#1 : partitions [1]]",
                output_key: SecretLweKey {
                    identifier: 0,
                    polynomial_size: 1024,
                    glwe_dimension: 1,
                    description: "big-secret[#0 : partitions [0]]",
                br_decomposition_parameter: BrDecompositionParameters {
                    level: 2,
                    log2_base: 8,
                description: "pbs[#0 : partitions [1] -> [0]]",
        conversion_keyswitch_keys: [],
        circuit_bootstrap_keys: [],
        private_functional_packing_keys: [],
    instructions_keys: [],
    crt_decomposition: [],
    complexity: 61979934.0,
    p_error: 6.627800740887001e-6,
    global_p_error: 9.645477781347605e-6,
    is_feasible: true,
    error_msg: "",
Drenches commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your quick reply! It's very helpful for me.

bcm-at-zama commented 1 month ago

Of course. Do you mind if we close the issue?

Drenches commented 1 month ago

Sure, I don't mind. Thank you.