zang09 / ORB_SLAM3_ROS2

ROS2 wrapping package for orbslam3 library
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ORB-Slam3 for ROS2 stops after receiving 1 frame #2

Closed sumitpaulde closed 1 year ago

sumitpaulde commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for this beautiful work. I am publishing the sensor.image/Image type message from my one ROS2 node and trying to run ORB-Slam3 for the published topics. I have also edited the topic name in the monocular-slam-node.cpp. Even though I can see the stream of images as a video(continous frames) from the subscriber, the ORBSLAM3-for-ROS2 stops working as soon as it receives one frame. Any idea what I am doing wrong? slam1 slam2

zang09 commented 1 year ago

I guess it was problem of less feature extraction from your camera image. I may recommended test it your build program first, on given dataset.

sumitpaulde commented 1 year ago

This camera image works fine with the ROS1 ORB slam but not with the ORB slam for ros2. Do you have any idea what is wrong?

zang09 commented 1 year ago

Then, i don't know what is the problem.. exactly. I need to test it on the same evironment to figure out.

ZhaoDidididi commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem with stereo-inertial mode.

ZhaoDidididi commented 1 year ago

This camera image works fine with the ROS1 ORB slam but not with the ORB slam for ros2. Do you have any idea what is wrong?

I solved the problem by replacing the default version 4.5.5 OpenCV of Jetpack 5.0.2 with the version 4.2.0 OpenCV. For me, the problem is the version conflict of the cv-bridge. The default version of the cv-bridge in ROS2 box is version 4.2.0, so the ORB-SLAM3 source code needs to be compiled using OpenCV4.2.0.

zang09 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @ZhaoDidididi. It's good to here that you solved the problem. I didn't trouble with this problem, because i tested it on OpenCV 4.2.0. I will write this troubleshooting on Thank you.

sumitpaulde commented 1 year ago

Thanks guys for your reply. I have reinstalled Opencv 4.2.0 but having new issue

/home/spaul/ros2_ws/install/orbslam3/lib/orbslam3/stereo: Symbol `_ZTVN6rclcpp19QOSEventHandlerBaseE' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
/home/spaul/ros2_ws/install/orbslam3/lib/orbslam3/stereo: Symbol `_ZTVN6rclcpp8WaitableE' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
/home/spaul/ros2_ws/install/orbslam3/lib/orbslam3/stereo: Symbol `_ZTVN6rclcpp12experimental28SubscriptionIntraProcessBaseE' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
/home/spaul/ros2_ws/install/orbslam3/lib/orbslam3/stereo: symbol lookup error: /home/spaul/ros2_ws/install/orbslam3/lib/orbslam3/stereo: undefined symbol: _Z19_get_symbol_funcptrPv

This is in my laptop. Any idea what is wrong?

XCYYYYY commented 1 year ago

This camera image works fine with the ROS1 ORB slam but not with the ORB slam for ros2. Do you have any idea what is wrong?

I solved the problem by replacing the default version 4.5.5 OpenCV of Jetpack 5.0.2 with the version 4.2.0 OpenCV. For me, the problem is the version conflict of the cv-bridge. The default version of the cv-bridge in ROS2 box is version 4.2.0, so the ORB-SLAM3 source code needs to be compiled using OpenCV4.2.0.

hello,i solved this problem by replacing opencv4.5.0 with opencv 4.2.0 when i run mono mode, but when i run the RGBD mode i still face the problem: "ORBSLAM3-for-ROS2 stops working as soon as it receives one frame", i am confused, do u have any idea? thanks a lot!

EndlessLoops commented 1 year ago

Compile a separate cv_bridge for ORBSLAM3_ROS2. Refer: