zangman / de10-nano

Absolute beginner's guide to the de10-nano
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device-overlay not working #6

Closed duckyvirus closed 2 years ago

duckyvirus commented 2 years ago

ok, i've followed the wiki 4x... i've tried the prebuilt... nothing i do gets me past "illegal argument" when trying to use blink via the overlay. the rbf is fine, and works if i directly flash to the FPGA. I've copied and pasted the dtso, tried changing the base_fpga_region to base-fpga-region. none of it is fixing this issue. as soon as i try

echo -n "blink.dtbo" > blink/path

i get the exact same error. help please

duckyvirus commented 2 years ago

cancelling this. the issue was i trusted the image in "Flash FPGA from HPS (running Linux)" it states to set all dips to on yet shows them all off. i switched them on and now it works