zappar-xr / zappar-react-three-fiber

Our SDK for the 3D rendering platform React-Three-Fiber.
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Camera shows gray background #91

Closed GwenGuts closed 2 weeks ago

GwenGuts commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I tried to launch an example with InstantTracker as described here:

When I launch the example, I have the prompt for authorizing the use of the camera, when I accept, I'm redirected to a page with the Button "Tap here..." at the bottom of the page. But the camera isn't capturing anything and instead, I have a gray background.

What I want to do is to tap the screen when seeing a Qr Code to place an object on it, as in the example.

What I see on my tablet screen:


The tablet:

The config of my dev environment:

function App() { let [placementMode, setPlacementMode] = useState(true);

return (
   <BrowserCompatibility />
      <ZapparCamera />
      <InstantTracker placementMode={placementMode} placementCameraOffset={[0, 0, -5]}>
          <sphereGeometry />
          <meshStandardMaterial color="hotpink" />
      <directionalLight position={[2.5, 8, 5]} intensity={1.5} />

      onClick={() => {
        setPlacementMode((currentPlacementMode) => !currentPlacementMode);
      onKeyDown={() => {
        setPlacementMode((currentPlacementMode) => !currentPlacementMode);
      Tap here to
      {placementMode ? ' place ' : ' pick up '}
      the object


export default App;

I also tried on an Android smartphone, same result.

Thanks for your help
GwenGuts commented 2 weeks ago

So it was vite which was the guilty one. If I use webpack and the initial react-app-rewired module (like in the code sandbox), it works... Maybe add support for vite in the future ?


nyan-left commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @GwenGuts ,

Vite requires a bit of extra setup, here's an example repo

GwenGuts commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @GwenGuts ,

Vite requires a bit of extra setup, here's an example repo

Ho thanks for the tip !