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Create Bondage Interfaces in java
export interface InitProvider extends defaultTx{ public_key : string, title :string } export interface InitCurve extends defaultTx{ endpoint:string, term:CurveType, broker?: address|undefined } export interface EndpointParams extends defaultTx{ endpoint:string, endpoint_params: string[] } export interface SetProviderParams extends defaultTx { key: string, value: string } export interface SetProviderTitle extends defaultTx{ from:address, title:string } export interface Endpoint extends defaultTx{ endpoint:string } //#################################### SUBSCRIBER #########################33 export interface BondType extends defaultTx { subscriber ?:address, provider:address, endpoint:string, dots : NumType } export interface DelegateBondType extends BondType { subscriber :address } export interface UnbondType extends defaultTx{ provider:address, endpoint:string, dots : NumType } export interface SubscribeType extends defaultTx { provider:address, endpoint:string, dots : NumType, endpointParams : string[] } export interface SubscriberHandler{ handleResponse : ()=>void, handleUnsubscription ?: ()=>void, handleSubscription ?: ()=>void }
Properly imported and instantiated
Create Bondage Interfaces in java
Definition of done
Properly imported and instantiated