Closed nothingismagick closed 5 years ago
Which Firefox version are you using?
1556662771252 geckodriver INFO geckodriver 0.19.1
That's quite old geckodriver, ZAP bundles (and should be using) 0.24.0.
FYI there isnt currently an option to specify Chrome, but we could add one...
Firefox 66.0.3 (on MacOS) I am also using the freshest daily / weekly version of zaproxy from here:
Allowing the user of the app-extension to choose chrome would be excellent (and important) because many Quasar devs use chrome first (and test compliance on firefox, safari etc.) Its not my preference, just something that has organically happened.
If you are thinking about this, I'd like to reference our call from last week and figure out if there is a way to collaborate with cypress and use their chrome or electron browser as a target as well.
I've no problem with us supporting other browsers, but that will almost certainly require changes to the selenium add-on (which we use for launching the browsers). I think we'll need to know the path to the browser executable and to the related webdriver. @thc202 is that everything we would need (in addition to the selenium code changes)?
@nothingismagick the geckodriver being used is too old for that Firefox version: Do you know from where that geckodriver is being added? Is that on the path?
@psiinon yes, the path to the browser binary should be enough in this case (both use ChromeDriver).
This might be coming from a global install of wdio (which probably has outdated module deps), but I am on mobile for the rest of the day and can't check at the moment.
So, I can't find geckodriver in my path. To whit I just installed it just now like:
$ brew install geckodriver
$ geckodriver -V
geckodriver 0.24.0
$ geckodriver -v
1556735093590 webdriver::httpapi DEBUG Creating routes
1556735093599 geckodriver DEBUG Listening on
So, even in that console, I still get an outdated geckodriver when running the command as I showed above. I also can confirm that wdio and webdriver are not in my path either. So it seems that the geckodriver being used is coming from zaproxy.
You're using a weekly so you can check addon versions from the CLI (-suppinfo).
$ bash ./zap/ZAP_D-2019-04-29/ -suppinfo
Found Java version 1.8.0_181 Available memory: 16384 MB Using JVM args: -Xmx4096m OWASP ZAP Version: D-2019-04-29 Installed Add-ons: [[id=accessControl, version=6.0.0], [id=alertFilters, version=8.0.0], [id=ascanrules, version=33.0.0], [id=ascanrulesBeta, version=25.0.0], [id=bruteforce, version=8.0.0], [id=coreLang, version=14.0.0], [id=diff, version=9.0.0], [id=directorylistv1, version=4.0.0], [id=formhandler, version=3.0.0], [id=fuzz, version=11.0.0], [id=gettingStarted, version=10.0.0], [id=help, version=9.0.0], [id=hud, version=0.4.0], [id=importurls, version=6.0.0], [id=invoke, version=10.0.0], [id=jxbrowser, version=14.0.0], [id=jxbrowserlinux64, version=12.0.0], [id=jxbrowsermacos, version=12.0.0], [id=jxbrowserwindows, version=12.0.0], [id=jxbrowserwindows64, version=5.0.0], [id=onlineMenu, version=7.0.0], [id=openapi, version=13.0.0], [id=plugnhack, version=12.0.0], [id=portscan, version=9.0.0], [id=pscanrules, version=24.0.0], [id=pscanrulesBeta, version=19.0.0], [id=quickstart, version=26.0.0], [id=replacer, version=8.0.0], [id=reveal, version=3.0.0], [id=saverawmessage, version=5.0.0], [id=savexmlmessage, version=0.1.0], [id=scripts, version=25.0.0], [id=selenium, version=15.0.0], [id=sequence, version=6.0.0], [id=spiderAjax, version=23.0.0], [id=tips, version=6.0.0], [id=webdriverlinux, version=9.0.0], [id=webdrivermacos, version=9.0.0], [id=webdriverwindows, version=9.0.0], [id=websocket, version=19.0.0], [id=zest, version=29.0.0]] Operating System: Mac OS X Java Version: Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_181 System's Locale: en_FR Display Locale: en_GB Format Locale: en_GB ZAP Home Directory: /redacted/Library/Application Support/ZAP_D/ ZAP Installation Directory: /redacted/test2/zap/ZAP_D-2019-04-29/./ Look and Feel: Mac OS X (
What's the path in Options > Selenium > geckodriver? If you don't have UI, you can check in the config.xml
file, element selenium/firefoxDriver
<selenium version="2">
<chromeDriver>/redacted/Library/Application Support/ZAP/webdriver/macos/64/chromedriver</chromeDriver>
<firefoxDriver>/redacted/Library/Application Support/ZAP/webdriver/macos/64/geckodriver</firefoxDriver>
So I can confirm:
64 $ rm geckodriver && ln -s /usr/local/bin/geckodriver .
Enables this on my machine.
It would be great to know what version that binary had though.
OK, I see, that was picking the geckodriver from stable ZAP home dir (which is indeed older) not dev.
That must be leftover from the MacOS install that I performed last week. After purging ZAP and ZAP_D everything works as expected.
So instead of creating another issue (which i can do if you prefer) - I am still having problems with the harness. Now I can get firefox to open (yay) but it will not immediately go to the route I want:
$ bash ./zap/ZAP_D-2019-04-29/ -daemon -host -port 8008 \
-hud -nostdout -quickurl http://localhost:8080
The quickurl is not propegated. If I then manually visit localhost:8080, the HUD will not show up.
If I remove the quickurl flag, I can then manually enter the address - and the HUD will appear.
quickurl is a scan flag it has nothing to do with your browser. (Do it in UI mode and you'll see what it does. Or review this:
Thankyou! So is there a way for me to tell the HUD where to go right away?
Because it looks like i should be able to place that here:
1556805773506 mozrunner::runner INFO Running command: \
"/Applications/" "-marionette" "-foreground" \
"-no-remote" "-profile"
aka "-new-window http://localhost:8080"
or something along those lines.
Thankyou! So is there a way for me to tell the HUD where to go right away?
Not that I'm aware of.
I'll close this issue because my problem was solved by symlinking the up to date geckodriver into the manually installed macOS version of zap - or removing the manually installed version entirely.
I think that this may be due to something wrong with Firefox - but the error output is a little mysterious. If I don't use -daemon then it works (but I have to click through the GUI manually, and I MUST use chrome).
Is there a secret command for choosing to launch a different browser? using
-browser chrome
makes it hang...