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ZAP 2.15.0 installer (Windows x64) detected as malicious by Microsoft Defender Antivirus #8491

Closed ksast closed 1 month ago

ksast commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

I tried to download the latest installer 2.15.0 via winget using the following command, but it triggered an alert coming from Microsoft Defender Antivirus: "winget.exe" upgrade -e ZAP.ZAP --version 2.15.0 --silent --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --log C:\path\to\logfile.log

The alert is named "'Packunwan' unwanted software was prevented". Maybe the 2.15.0 package of ZAP is malicious.

The same alert is triggered when downloading directly from the ZAP website:

File hash (sha256): 28b348dd65116ddabbbbd98b7f84864a0bb0f98d656266f2f08bfd010ae51c57

This could be a potential supply chain attack where a malicious file is distributed via a public package manager (i.e. winget).

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Try to execute the command from the description on a client that is protected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus.

Expected behavior

Download and install a safe package.

Software versions



No response

Errors from the zap.log file


Additional context

Please also see

Would you like to help fix this issue?

psiinon commented 1 month ago

We do think this is very likely to be a false positive, but we are doing due diligence

For reference we did submit the Windows installer to Virus Total: As you will see 3 services flagged it, but not Windows Defender.

It is worth noting that virus scanners are very flaky, and ZAP is a security tool which by nature "does bad things".

psiinon commented 1 month ago

Its worth noting that the alert is 'Packunwan' unwanted software was detected New Detected Informational So its just potentially additional software, it is not complaining about anything malicious. ZAP is a complex tool that has many components. It is not surprising that a virus scanner would detect "potentially unwanted software".

psiinon commented 1 month ago

Submitted directly to Windows Defender online:

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 17-04-42 Submission details (eaa15095-3db8-49f9-ad79-d00f3b3d1f40) - Microsoft Security Intelligence

psiinon commented 1 month ago

ZAP is a security tool. It “does bad things”. We know that virus scanners regularly flag the active scan rule add-ons, which is not surprising as they perform attacks. The Microsoft Defender alert just says that the ZAP exe is potentially “unwanted software” - it is not claiming that the exe is malicious. Virus scanners are notoriously unreliable, especially when it comes to security tools. We have double checked the exe and the files it creates and have seen no evidence of anything malicious. If anyone can provide us with any more specific evidence of malicious code then we will of course investigate further. Or if anyone has any suitable contacts at Microsoft we’d love to talk to them.

benmcgarry commented 1 month ago

I just had a poke around at this, and appears in the build there is a file called "ascanrules-release-66.zap". It looks like this file might be causing the detection as it is flagged by Defender for This does look to be a FP.

psiinon commented 1 month ago

"ascanrules-release-66.zap" is the active scan rule add-on: - these are the rules which attack web apps. So its really not surprising that it gets flagged by AV tools 😁

ksast commented 1 month ago

It's worth mentioning that the detection does not apply to version 2.14.0.

kingthorin commented 1 month ago

We did encounter similar things when 2.14 was first released. Though to a lesser extent. In the mean time both AV solutions and ZAP have changed/evolved.

psiinon commented 1 month ago

For reference:

benmcgarry commented 1 month ago

I've sent this to some contacts at MSFT so hopefully it can get routed to the right people.

kingthorin commented 1 month ago

Thanks @BenMcGarry

benmcgarry commented 1 month ago

Appears Smart Screen is now flagging on it: image

psiinon commented 1 month ago

@BenMcGarry isnt that just saying that ZAP is from an unknown publisher, rather than its failed an AV check? This is expected as we are not yet signing the installer..

benmcgarry commented 1 month ago

I dont get that prompt on the 2.14 release which i'd assume would also trigger? Did any of the build process change for 2.15?

psiinon commented 1 month ago

Not radically, but there are bound to have been some changes

kingthorin commented 1 month ago

2.14 might be "popular" enough that SmartScreen ignores it.

benmcgarry commented 1 month ago

It appears the detection has now been removed for this on latest definition versions. It no longer alerts as a PUA. @ksast does it still happen for you?