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display my WOT's user verified hash of an app #102

Closed alltheseas closed 1 week ago

alltheseas commented 2 weeks ago

user story

As a ZS user who is shopping for an app, I would like to see who (if anyone) from my WOT has verified a particular app's sha256, so that I can have greater confidence ZS is not rugpulling me.

acceptance criteria

  1. ZS displays npub WOT's hash verifications visually (e.g. alice, bob, carla have all validated a particular app)


This is similar visually to alice, bob, carla follow a particular npub

franzaps commented 1 week ago

Adding to my comment here I don't think this makes sense. If were to be malicious, it could also fake "(if anyone) from my WOT has verified a particular app's sha256". So there's zero gain, more complex UI, and more work.

Feel free to reopen if there's a better argument