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Onboard devs to nostr #66

Open alltheseas opened 1 month ago

franzaps commented 1 week ago

Not sure this makes sense, there is nowhere to add stuff to zs. Devs will be signing their own apps, these events carry their pubkey which normally have a kind 0 with LUD-16 payment info

alltheseas commented 1 week ago

Not sure this makes sense, there is nowhere to add stuff to zs. Devs will be signing their own apps, these events carry their pubkey which normally have a kind 0 with LUD-16 payment info

Imagine you are a new dev to nostr. You dont care for nostr social media, but you want to receive zaps.

Where do you create a profile? Where do you add a LN address? Does ZS recommend using e.g. coracle, amethyst etc?

franzaps commented 1 week ago

Good questions, should we rename this to onboarding? Without nostr does not work - so should we hold the nsec of these devs? Maybe on our bunker, charging them a premium?

alltheseas commented 1 week ago

should we rename this to onboarding?

Yes. Done.

Without nostr does not work - so should we hold the nsec of these devs? Maybe on our bunker, charging them a premium?

I don't think devs should be charged anything, at least in the bootstrap phase (imagine paying a subscription for your google play, f-droid, appstore account that has practically zero users).

If the devs see value (e.g. via update zaps, or other mechanisms) then ZS can suggest an equivalent of a "zap split".

In addition to keypair generation, sending devs to find an e.g. alby invite code is too much friction.

Ideally they have an LN address in parallel with nostr key creation, so that it "just works" ™️

franzaps commented 1 week ago


I meant premium as %