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multi-sig release #80

Closed alltheseas closed 1 week ago

alltheseas commented 3 weeks ago

user story

As a team of devs developing one app, we would like to set up a multi-sig quorum to sign releases, so that we distribute signing responsibilities & risk.

acceptance criteria

  1. devs can set up quorum m of n multi-sig for signing releases


  1. what happens if a dev retires, or steps away?


see see

franzaps commented 1 week ago

Shouldn't we leave these things to emerge from users? Maybe there's little demand

alltheseas commented 1 week ago

Fair. Let me add a new label - unvalidated

franzaps commented 1 week ago

Sure is there value in collecting issues that may never be implemented?

franzaps commented 1 week ago

How about having ONE issue where we add these unvalidated ideas? A lot of them adds clutter when trying to find the important stuff

alltheseas commented 1 week ago

How about having ONE issue where we add these unvalidated ideas? A lot of them adds clutter when trying to find the important stuff