zapstore / zapstore

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Fix versionCode that is not the one I provided in pubspec.yaml #81

Closed franzaps closed 1 week ago

franzaps commented 3 weeks ago

If you must use split APKs, you can try setting the versionCodeOverride in the android/app/build.gradle file to match the value you want to use. This will override the automatic versionCode assignment.

franzaps commented 1 week ago

Gradle automatically increments the version code for each split APK by a multiple of 1000 to ensure each APK has a unique version code, when building with --split-per-abi

As long as we don't package one fat APK (unlikely, as the vast majority of the market runs arm64-v8a and the target file is much smaller), we're good.

For the record, the following ABIs will have version codes: