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Blank categories and releases #94

Closed franzaps closed 1 week ago

franzaps commented 3 weeks ago


alltheseas commented 3 weeks ago

Is this a loading state? Should there be a "loading" animation?

franzaps commented 3 weeks ago

The skeleton you see there is the "loading" animation... yes it's a loading state that never resolves

alltheseas commented 3 weeks ago

The skeleton you see there is the "loading" animation... yes it's a loading state that never resolves

You understand this, but will a newcomer to ZS?

cc @NielLiesmons

franzaps commented 3 weeks ago

I don't quite understand your concern. Skeletons are a design pattern that's well established and used everywhere

This bug is about a failure to exit that state and display actual data

alltheseas commented 3 weeks ago

I experienced a prolonged wait time, and was not sure the skeleton was a loading animation indicating progress. I had doubts that there was progress being made under the hood.

This felt like a mini-anxiety moment.

It is possible this is only experienced by me.

franzaps commented 3 weeks ago

Ok got it. Related to #83

(we could make the animation more pronounced and you should only see this when the local database is empty - i.e first time)

franzaps commented 1 week ago

should report via #37

franzaps commented 1 week ago

Tried with different screen sizes but can't reproduce. For sure that blank area is a red screen during Flutter development, and a stacktrace is being thrown. Should be caught by our error handler and reported. See #37