zardoru / becgi

flask based venue for bmwest
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Music player embed. #19

Open DolphinDTM opened 8 years ago

DolphinDTM commented 8 years ago

Either allowing DDL links to mp3/ogg/wav or SoundCloud embeds, preferably both. I know the concern regarding SoundCloud embeds was that you potentially needed to resolve the song ID via Javascript which could lead to code injection.

zardoru commented 8 years ago

WRT soundcloud embeds: I think we can get around it by validating URLs. DDL links to mp3/ogg/wav should be doable by an audio tag. For METTATUNES I think we can settle for markdown? In any case, this has priority above the other embeds.

DolphinDTM commented 8 years ago

I didn't know it was possible to embed either in Markdown or am I misunderstanding?

zardoru commented 8 years ago

Not really, but you can build links at least. like this

DolphinDTM commented 8 years ago

Fair. Embeds are not a huge priority anyway.