zardoy / vscode-fix-all-json

Utils & commands for fixing problems in JSON
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Handle comma after moving lines #9

Open zardoy opened 1 year ago

zardoy commented 1 year ago

Simple json example:

    "foo": 5,
    "bar": true

When you move "bar": true above (Move Line Up command, alt+up) this happens:

    "bar": true
    "foo": 5,


  1. for "bar" key comma should be added
  2. for "foo" key comma should be removed
zardoy commented 1 year ago

For the sake of simplicity:

  1. Let's override alt+up alt+down commands for json & jsonc languages: example
  2. You should jsonc-parser parse probably to determine wether target line is last node
zardoy commented 1 year ago
First working basic code: ```ts import { parseTree, findNodeAtOffset, Node } from 'jsonc-parser' if (!doc) throw new Error('') if (!editor) throw new Error('') let swapDirection = -1 as 1 | -1 let root = parseTree(doc.getText()) if (!root) throw new Error('') // todo do the same for each cursor let line = doc.lineAt(editor.selection.start) let node = findNodeAtOffset(root, doc.offsetAt(line.range.start.with(undefined, line.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex))) if (node?.parent?.type === 'property') node = node.parent const parent = node?.parent if (!node || !parent?.children) throw new Error('') const nodeIndex = parent.children.indexOf(node) const swapNode = findSiblingNode(parent.children, nodeIndex, swapDirection, line.lineNumber) if (!swapNode) throw new Error('No swap node') const isNodeIndexLast = (i: number) => i === parent.children!.length - 1 // todo check line const swapLine = doc.lineAt(line.lineNumber + swapDirection) const swapNodeIndex = parent.children.indexOf(swapNode) const removeTrailingComma = (text: string) => { // todo handle comments & trailiing whitespaces return text.replace(/,$/, '') } const addTrailingComma = (text: string) => { // todo handle comments & trailiing whitespaces if (text.endsWith(',')) return text return `${text},` } let curLineText = line.text let swapLineText = swapLine.text if (swapDirection === 1 && isNodeIndexLast(swapNodeIndex)) { curLineText = removeTrailingComma(curLineText) swapLineText = addTrailingComma(swapLineText) } if (swapDirection === -1 && isNodeIndexLast(nodeIndex)) { curLineText = addTrailingComma(curLineText) swapLineText = removeTrailingComma(swapLineText) } editor.edit(edit => { edit.replace(line.range, swapLineText) edit.replace(swapLine.range, curLineText) }) function findSiblingNode(list: Node[], index: number, swapDirection: 1 | -1, curLineNumber: number) { let lastCorrentNode: Node | undefined while (true) { index += swapDirection const nextNode = list[index] if (!nextNode) break const { line: nodeLine } = doc!.positionAt(nextNode.offset + nextNode.length) if (nodeLine === curLineNumber) continue if (nodeLine === curLineNumber + swapDirection) { // probably there are other nodes on this line lastCorrentNode = nextNode continue } // have gone too far otherwise break } return lastCorrentNode } ```
AgentRBY commented 1 year ago

The feature was more complicated than I thought, so the implementation is a bit delayed.

zardoy commented 1 year ago

Just made it possible to move whole statements for any language (including JSON), and it seems to be handling commas after moving very well:, so I'm not priorizing this issue. On the other hand for existing workflows, when user uses existing builtin move lines commands we can also help him to manage commas. So I'm up for implementing this one just to make out-of-the-box experience even better.

AgentRBY commented 1 year ago

This extension (like your solution above) works well on single-level JSON. But when the transition from one level to another appears problems. That's why I have a delay in implementing this feature (I also have a deadline at work now, so I can't devote much time to extensions)