zarfld / LinuxCnc_PokeysLibComp

Pokeys comp for LinuxCnc using
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Using **issue templates** #112

Closed zarfld closed 6 days ago

zarfld commented 1 month ago

Using issue templates in GitHub ensures that issues are created with the necessary context and information to make them easier to triage, debug, and resolve. They help standardize issue reporting, improve communication, and save time. Here are best practices for creating and using GitHub issue templates:

1. Create Different Templates for Different Issue Types

2. Include Relevant Sections in Each Template

3. Keep Templates Simple and Concise

4. Make Use of Dynamic Fields (Checkboxes, Drop-Downs, etc.)

5. Enforce Required Fields

6. Encourage Users to Search Before Submitting

7. Provide Links to Documentation or Contribution Guidelines

8. Use Labels Automatically with Templates

9. Regularly Review and Update Templates

10. Combine Issue Templates with GitHub Actions

Example of Bug Report Template:

name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: "[Bug]: <Title>"
labels: bug
assignees: ''

**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '...'
3. Scroll down to '...'
4. See error '...'

**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

- OS: [
- LinuxCnc Version: 
- used LinuxCnc Configuration [HAL and INI file]
- Version [e.g., v1.0.0]

**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.


The best practices for using GitHub issue templates ensure that contributors provide the necessary details for every issue. This results in faster resolution, reduced back-and-forth communication, and clearer context for maintainers and contributors. Templates should be simple, customized for different issue types, and automated with labels and actions to streamline the issue management process.