Establish Issue Tracking and Feature Request Process
To streamline the development and improve collaboration on the project, we need to establish a clear process for tracking issues and managing feature requests. This will ensure that bugs, enhancements, and new features are properly documented, prioritized, and assigned to team members for resolution.
Define Issue Categories:
Create labels for different types of issues such as:
Bug: For tracking errors, unexpected behavior, or malfunctions.
Enhancement: For improving existing functionality.
Feature Request: For new feature ideas and discussions.
Documentation: For documentation-related issues.
Testing: For tracking automated tests and unit test cases.
Help Wanted: For community or developer assistance.
Question: For inquiries or clarifications.
Apply the labels consistently to new issues and existing ones.
Create a Feature Request Template:
Create a template specifically for feature requests that includes the following sections:
Description: A detailed explanation of the requested feature.
Use Case: Explain why this feature is needed and how it will be used.
Benefits: Describe how the feature will improve the project.
Possible Implementation: If applicable, a rough outline of how it could be implemented.
Provide instructions for contributors on how to submit feature requests using this template.
Establish a Bug Reporting Process:
Create a template for reporting bugs, including fields for:
Description: A clear and concise explanation of the issue.
Steps to Reproduce: The specific steps that trigger the bug.
Expected Behavior: What should have happened if the bug did not occur.
Actual Behavior: What actually happened.
Screenshots or Logs: Attach any supporting information (if applicable).
Ensure that contributors and developers know how to fill out the template correctly.
Create Issue Management Workflow:
Set up issue milestones or sprints to group related issues together.
Define clear priority levels (e.g., Low, Medium, High, Critical) to help developers focus on the most urgent issues first.
Assign issues to team members or community contributors.
Close issues when they are resolved and verify the solution in a test branch or CI pipeline before merging into the main branch.
Implement Automation for Issue Management:
Use GitHub's built-in automation to:
Automatically assign labels based on issue titles or keywords.
Move issues through different stages of completion (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Done).
Notify team members when new issues are assigned.
Track the completion of feature requests and bug fixes in relation to new releases.
Monitor and Evaluate Feature Requests:
Regularly review feature requests to ensure that high-priority or popular requests are discussed and considered for future updates.
Provide feedback to contributors who submit feature requests, clarifying feasibility, timelines, or implementation plans.
Provide a Contributor Guide:
Update the repository's to include guidelines on how to report issues and submit feature requests.
Include instructions on how to format issue titles and descriptions for clarity.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] Labels are created for issue tracking and applied to all new and existing issues.
[ ] Bug and feature request templates are available in the repository.
[ ] Issue milestones are set up and regularly updated.
[ ] GitHub automation is configured to streamline the issue tracking process.
[ ] Clear documentation is provided for contributors on how to submit bug reports and feature requests.
Establish Issue Tracking and Feature Request Process
To streamline the development and improve collaboration on the project, we need to establish a clear process for tracking issues and managing feature requests. This will ensure that bugs, enhancements, and new features are properly documented, prioritized, and assigned to team members for resolution.
Define Issue Categories:
Create a Feature Request Template:
Establish a Bug Reporting Process:
Create Issue Management Workflow:
Implement Automation for Issue Management:
Monitor and Evaluate Feature Requests:
Provide a Contributor Guide:
to include guidelines on how to report issues and submit feature requests.Acceptance Criteria: