zarkones / XENA

XENA is Corss-Platform Software for Cyber-Security Automation, Adversary Simulations, and Red Team Operations. XENA strives to be fully integrated security penetration testing framework. It is equipped with a post-exploitation agent, C2 server, and a dark-themed elegant user interface.
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Crash Bug Fix #65

Closed zarkones closed 2 weeks ago

zarkones commented 2 weeks ago

If you had no C2 API key or a wrong key set in the Settings of the UI client it might crash when you try to build an agent.

Reason for that is; C2 wouldn't return its public key, and we'd try to pem decode a slice of bytes of length zero. Tale as old as programming itself I suppose.

A change was required in xena-client which now sits at 0.3.4, and in one file in XENA itself.