zarr-developers / geozarr-spec

This document aims to provides a geospatial extension to the Zarr specification. Zarr specifies a protocol and format used for storing Zarr arrays, while the present extension defines conventions and recommendations for storing multidimensional georeferenced grid of geospatial observations (including rasters).
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OGC Charter #23

Closed briannapagan closed 11 months ago

briannapagan commented 1 year ago

First completed draft of the OGC Charter. Would especially like feedback on the Out of Scope section.

briannapagan commented 1 year ago

Also - if we can have reviewers submit suggestions by Wednesday May 31st, that way we can send to Scott before next OGC meeting in person scheduled for June 5th.

ashiklom commented 1 year ago

GeoDataCube SWG, for reference.


ashiklom commented 1 year ago

A few more for reference that may be useful:

OGC GeoParquet Standards Working Group Charter.pdf



christophenoel commented 1 year ago

I wish to articulate two personal viewpoints on the charter:

rabernat commented 1 year ago

I think the central tension here is how many specific features should be explicitly enumerated in the charter vs. emerging from the SWG. Clearly there is disagreement about the scope of the spec (e.g. visualization or no). But to move forward, we need to agree on the scope of the charter, which is not the same thing.

christophenoel commented 1 year ago

I think the central tension here is how many specific features should be explicitly enumerated in the charter vs. emerging from the SWG. Clearly there is disagreement about the scope of the spec (e.g. visualization or no). But to move forward, we need to agree on the scope of the charter, which is not the same thing.

I don't perceive any conflicts in this regard, but it is important for the OGC charter to encompass a wide range of topics of interest to be explored. Generally, it is advisable to avoid imposing restrictions on topics, as participants will naturally contribute based on their specific areas of interest and commitment. In my case, visualization is the focus, and fostering an inclusive attitude tends to yield better results.

However, if GeoZarr merely consists of CF (Climate and Forecast) conventions combined with Zarr, then the same objective can be accomplished using NCZarr.

briannapagan commented 12 months ago

Thank you everyone for the extensive conversations and suggestions. I have 2-3 left to consider. I am suggesting canceling the July 5th bi-weekly call in exchange for everyone taking the time to read through the charter once more and give any last edits before I merge and send to Scott at the OGC. From our last meeting, I think with the switching of some terminology we can proceed with having some of these discussions as part of the SWG itself.

Please give a thumbs up or down by Friday July 7th. @ashiklom @christophenoel @rabernat @tylere @dblodgett-usgs @matthewhanson @ethanrd @sharkinsspatial

christophenoel commented 12 months ago

I fully endorse the charter we've compiled, finding its content astoundingly well-conceived. Kudos to all of use for our unwavering commitment and the remarkable accomplishment achieved :) :)

tylere commented 12 months ago

I left a few additional comments, but all are minor. Thumbs up on the charter content.

briannapagan commented 11 months ago

@rabernat @sharkinsspatial @ethanrd @matthewhanson would you also like to sign the charter as a supporter, if so let me know I will add your names/affiliations.

rabernat commented 11 months ago

Yes for sure!