zatonovo / lambda.r

Functional programming in R
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dplyr pipes + arithmetic functions causes parsing error #30

Open vixr opened 9 years ago

vixr commented 9 years ago

Using arithmetic operators in function form (e.g. *) causes an error when used in conjunction with dplyr pipes and lambda.r. See example below:


## works
foo1(bar) %as% {
    bar * 2

## works
foo2(bar) %as% {
    `*`(bar, 2)

## works
foo3 <- function(bar) {
    bar %>% `*`(2)

## error - "Error in parse(text = text) ... unexpected '*'"
foo4(bar) %as% {
    bar %>% `*`(2)

EDIT: this seems to be specific to multiplication; addition + works