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Unable to hot deploy services #267

Closed ambasta closed 10 years ago

ambasta commented 10 years ago


I've been trying to deploy a service as per the tutorial against a gh install. However, while the server does pick up the service from pickup_dir and I can view that the packages are present in the db in deployment_package, the status for each deployment in deployment_status stays stuck at awaiting-deployment.

zato.server.service.internal.hot_deploy.Create.handle never gets called for the service to be deployed.

I am using commit 4caab39a27af048d05cfbd1b0946af473a104da6 and following are the server logs when running in debug mode:

2014-06-24 13:01:13,436 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-5 - zato.server.pickup.gevent_pickup:22 - IN_MODIFY[], event:[1: IN_ALL_EVENTS|IN_CLOSE|IN_CLOSE_WRITE] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,437 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-5 - zato.common.util:22 - About to hot-deploy [/home/amitprakash/delhivery/done/highway/server1/pickup-dir/] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,439 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-5 - SQLConnectionPool:22 - Checked out dbapi_conn:<connection object at 0x5d98270; dsn: 'dbname=zato user=zato password=xxxx host= port=5432 application_name=parallel/navi/localhost/6481/MainThread', closed: 0>, conn_record:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x5e0b850>, conn_proxy:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionFairy object at 0x5edec10> 2014-06-24 13:01:13,485 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-5 - SQLConnectionPool:22 - Checked in dbapi_conn:<connection object at 0x5d98270; dsn: 'dbname=zato user=zato password=xxxx host= port=5432 application_name=parallel/navi/localhost/6481/MainThread', closed: 0>, conn_record:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x5e0b850> 2014-06-24 13:01:13,486 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-5 - SQLConnectionPool:22 - Checked out dbapi_conn:<connection object at 0x5d98270; dsn: 'dbname=zato user=zato password=xxxx host= port=5432 application_name=parallel/navi/localhost/6481/MainThread', closed: 0>, conn_record:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x5e0b850>, conn_proxy:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionFairy object at 0x5173b10> 2014-06-24 13:01:13,487 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-5 - SQLConnectionPool:22 - Checked in dbapi_conn:<connection object at 0x5d98270; dsn: 'dbname=zato user=zato password=xxxx host= port=5432 application_name=parallel/navi/localhost/6481/MainThread', closed: 0>, conn_record:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x5e0b850> 2014-06-24 13:01:13,488 - DEBUG - 6482:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/all data: '{"action": "11000", "package_id": 8, "msg_type": "0002"}' pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,488 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-4 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/all data: '{"action": "11000", "package_id": 8, "msg_type": "0002"}' pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,489 - DEBUG - 6482:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message payload [action: '11000' msg_type: '0002' package_id: 8 ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,489 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-4 - - Got broker message payload [action: '11000' msg_type: '0002' package_id: 8 ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,824 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-7 - apscheduler.threadpool:22 - Started worker thread 2014-06-24 13:01:13,826 - DEBUG - 6482:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K00FC7V80A6MVX6E2PBDEE8ZA2TC pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,825 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-7 - zato.server.scheduler:22 - Sent a job execution request, name [zato.stats.aggregate-by-minute], service [zato.stats.aggregate-by-minute], extra [] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,826 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-4 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K00FC7V80A6MVX6E2PBDEE8ZA2TC pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,828 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-4 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K00FC7V80A6MVX6E2PBDEE8ZA2TC pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,828 - DEBUG - 6482:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message payload [action: '10004' cid: K02DK0NX30GHDV9CE161RAC8JWG1 job_type: interval_based msg_type: '0001' name: zato.stats.aggregate-by-minute payload: '' service: zato.stats.aggregate-by-minute ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,893 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-8 - apscheduler.threadpool:22 - Started worker thread 2014-06-24 13:01:13,895 - DEBUG - 6482:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K03BZ5Q55CEDJA2RGEVVNK8D0VGP pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,894 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-8 - zato.server.scheduler:22 - Sent a job execution request, name [], service [], extra [] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,895 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-4 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K03BZ5Q55CEDJA2RGEVVNK8D0VGP pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,896 - DEBUG - 6482:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message payload [action: '10004' cid: K00ZAW2QKPH2NPW2FP6FS0GD929M job_type: interval_based msg_type: '0001' name: payload: '' service: ] 2014-06-24 13:01:13,896 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-4 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K03BZ5Q55CEDJA2RGEVVNK8D0VGP pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:14,827 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-7 - apscheduler.threadpool:22 - Exiting worker thread 2014-06-24 13:01:14,896 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-8 - apscheduler.threadpool:22 - Exiting worker thread 2014-06-24 13:01:20,825 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-9 - apscheduler.threadpool:22 - Started worker thread 2014-06-24 13:01:20,827 - DEBUG - 6482:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K05RZK4AQHAVZJXS53YJHH5N9TBV pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:20,826 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-9 - zato.server.scheduler:22 - Sent a job execution request, name [zato.server.cluster-wide-singleton-keep-alive], service [zato.server.cluster-wide-singleton-keep-alive], extra [server_id:3;cluster_id:2] 2014-06-24 13:01:20,827 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-4 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K05RZK4AQHAVZJXS53YJHH5N9TBV pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:20,828 - DEBUG - 6482:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message payload [action: '10004' cid: K025P5Y8X4Q5C99A3YAHRMJSFZ4D job_type: interval_based msg_type: '0001' name: zato.server.cluster-wide-singleton-keep-alive payload: server_id:3;cluster_id:2 service: zato.server.cluster-wide-singleton-keep-alive ] 2014-06-24 13:01:20,828 - DEBUG - 6481:Dummy-4 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K05RZK4AQHAVZJXS53YJHH5N9TBV pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 13:01:21,828 - DEBUG - 6481:Thread-9 - apscheduler.threadpool:22 - Exiting worker thread

dsuch commented 10 years ago

Are you sure this is 4caab39a27af048d05cfbd1b0946af473a104da6? There are references to APScheduler in the log and APScheduler has been removed from git master in b7ab6437d3b8c5d950f90af6fee679cd9ba434ff, i.e. several days before 4caab39a27af048d05cfbd1b0946af473a104da6.

ambasta commented 10 years ago

Hi Dariusz,

Apologies for specified the incorrect log. The correct logs are @

Also please note the db errors raised while running qs

ambasta commented 10 years ago

Additionally, relevant log section on uploading the service via Upload a service package.

2014-06-24 18:56:34,796 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-9 - - url_match:[<Result () {}>], channel_item:[[('audit_back_log', 1440), ('audit_enabled', False), ('audit_max_payload', 0), ('audit_repl_patt_type', u'json-pointer'), ('connection', u'channel'), ('data_format', u'json'), ('host', None), ('id', 246), ('is_active', True), ('is_internal', True), ('match_target', u':::/zato/admin/invoke'), ('match_target_compiled', <Parser u':::/zato/admin/in...'>), (u'merge_url_params_req', True), ('method', None), ('name', u'admin.invoke.json'), (u'params_pri', u'channel-params-over-msg'), (u'password', u'a8e446c701794286b569c4bb011d708e'), (u'password_type', None), (u'ping_method', u'HEAD'), (u'pool_size', 20), ('replace_patterns_json_pointer', []), ('replace_patterns_xpath', []), ('sec_type', u'basic_auth'), ('security_id', 1), (u'security_name', u'admin.invoke'), (u'serialization_type', u'suds'), (u'service_id', 123), (u'service_impl_name', u'zato.server.service.internal.service.Invoke'), (u'service_name', u'zato.service.invoke'), ('soap_action', u''), ('soap_version', None), ('timeout', 10), ('transport', u'plain_http'), (u'url_params_pri', u'path-over-qs'), ('url_path', u'/zato/admin/invoke'), (u'username', u'admin.invoke')]] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,797 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-9 - - channel_params {}, path_params {}, _qs {} 2014-06-24 18:56:34,797 - INFO - 9384:Dummy-9 - zato.service.invoke:22 - cid:[K047DCHPRK7MN68PM7HX19R2FD2X], name:[zato.service.invoke], SIO request:[{u'name': u'zato.service.upload-package', u'data_format': u'json', u'id': u'', u'channel': u'invoke', u'async': False, u'payload': u'eyJwYXlsb2FkX25hbWUiOiAibXlfc2VydmljZS5weSIsICJjbHVzdGVyX2lkIjogIjEiLCAicGF5\nbG9hZCI6ICJabkp2YlNCNllYUnZMbk5sY25abGNpNXpaWEoyYVdObElHbHRjRzl5ZENCVFpYSjJh\nV05sQ2dwamJHRnpjeUJIWlhSRGJHbGxiblJFXG5aWFJoYVd4ektGTmxjblpwWTJVcE9nb2dJQ0Fn\nWkdWbUlHaGhibVJzWlNoelpXeG1LVG9LSUNBZ0lDQWdJQ0J6Wld4bUxteHZaMTlwXG5ibkIxZENn\ncENnPT1cbiJ9\n', u'transport': None, u'expiration': 15}] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,798 - INFO - 9384:Dummy-9 - zato.service.upload-package:22 - cid:[K047DCHPRK7MN68PM7HX19R2FD2X], name:[zato.service.upload-package], SIO request:[{u'cluster_id': 1, u'payload_name': u'', u'payload': u'ZnJvbSB6YXRvLnNlcnZlci5zZXJ2aWNlIGltcG9ydCBTZXJ2aWNlCgpjbGFzcyBHZXRDbGllbnRE\nZXRhaWxzKFNlcnZpY2UpOgogICAgZGVmIGhhbmRsZShzZWxmKToKICAgICAgICBzZWxmLmxvZ19p\nbnB1dCgpCg==\n'}] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,798 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-9 - zato.common.util:22 - About to hot-deploy [/tmp/] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,800 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-9 - SQLConnectionPool:22 - Checked out dbapi_conn:<pg8000.core.Connection object at 0x7827f50>, conn_record:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7827f10>, conn_proxy:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionFairy object at 0x7e06650> 2014-06-24 18:56:34,829 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-9 - SQLConnectionPool:22 - Checked in dbapi_conn:<pg8000.core.Connection object at 0x7827f50>, conn_record:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7827f10> 2014-06-24 18:56:34,830 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-9 - SQLConnectionPool:22 - Checked out dbapi_conn:<pg8000.core.Connection object at 0x7827f50>, conn_record:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7827f10>, conn_proxy:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionFairy object at 0x7ffb2d0> 2014-06-24 18:56:34,833 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-9 - SQLConnectionPool:22 - Checked in dbapi_conn:<pg8000.core.Connection object at 0x7827f50>, conn_record:<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7827f10> 2014-06-24 18:56:34,834 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/all data: '{"action": "11000", "package_id": 1, "msg_type": "0002"}' pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,834 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/all data: '{"action": "11000", "package_id": 1, "msg_type": "0002"}' pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,835 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message payload [action: '11000' msg_type: '0002' package_id: 1 ] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,835 - INFO - 9384:Dummy-9 - zato.service.upload-package:22 - cid:[K047DCHPRK7MN68PM7HX19R2FD2X], name:[zato.service.upload-package], response:[] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,835 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message payload [action: '11000' msg_type: '0002' package_id: 1 ] 2014-06-24 18:56:34,836 - INFO - 9384:Dummy-9 - zato.service.invoke:22 - cid:[K047DCHPRK7MN68PM7HX19R2FD2X], name:[zato.service.invoke], response:[{"zato_service_invoke_response": {"response": ""}}] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,839 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06TH9YZFN4WZ58TNCSHPN7PQRW5 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,839 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06TH9YZFN4WZ58TNCSHPN7PQRW5 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,839 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06TH9YZFN4WZ58TNCSHPN7PQRW5 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,840 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06TH9YZFN4WZ58TNCSHPN7PQRW5 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,840 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06WXQQ8V6H639EACV228QF0VPAM pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,841 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06WXQQ8V6H639EACV228QF0VPAM pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,841 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06WXQQ8V6H639EACV228QF0VPAM pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,841 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06WXQQ8V6H639EACV228QF0VPAM pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,843 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06QF6VBC2DW4GH7QCEQCV0P5BX4 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,843 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06QF6VBC2DW4GH7QCEQCV0P5BX4 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,844 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06QF6VBC2DW4GH7QCEQCV0P5BX4 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,844 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06QF6VBC2DW4GH7QCEQCV0P5BX4 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,845 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K069K7R5FZNNDTR5E7BSXNJ2SDQG pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,845 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K069K7R5FZNNDTR5E7BSXNJ2SDQG pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,846 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K069K7R5FZNNDTR5E7BSXNJ2SDQG pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,846 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K069K7R5FZNNDTR5E7BSXNJ2SDQG pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,852 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K046JDXRQ7YW4S8JFX64WEZ7CWX1 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,852 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K046JDXRQ7YW4S8JFX64WEZ7CWX1 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,853 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K046JDXRQ7YW4S8JFX64WEZ7CWX1 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,853 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K046JDXRQ7YW4S8JFX64WEZ7CWX1 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,867 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K073R512J1TT9N55NBAGK2KNJ986 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,867 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K073R512J1TT9N55NBAGK2KNJ986 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,868 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K073R512J1TT9N55NBAGK2KNJ986 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,868 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K073R512J1TT9N55NBAGK2KNJ986 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,934 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K07R9BJS5F4WER6DSBH16BVJWSR1 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,934 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K07R9BJS5F4WER6DSBH16BVJWSR1 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,935 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K07R9BJS5F4WER6DSBH16BVJWSR1 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:40,935 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K07R9BJS5F4WER6DSBH16BVJWSR1 pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:41,021 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K07S7GJGP6AFM3FYA50Z01Q776HX pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:41,021 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K07S7GJGP6AFM3FYA50Z01Q776HX pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:41,022 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K07S7GJGP6AFM3FYA50Z01Q776HX pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:41,022 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K07S7GJGP6AFM3FYA50Z01Q776HX pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:42,840 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06T3CTQ30NA66HF3FDTK9WCXDPD pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:42,840 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06T3CTQ30NA66HF3FDTK9WCXDPD pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:42,841 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06T3CTQ30NA66HF3FDTK9WCXDPD pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:42,841 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K06T3CTQ30NA66HF3FDTK9WCXDPD pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:42,842 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K052RHVDRA8CGEQ5GXYP3G7PBQSR pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:42,842 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - Got broker message:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K052RHVDRA8CGEQ5GXYP3G7PBQSR pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:42,843 - DEBUG - 9384:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K052RHVDRA8CGEQ5GXYP3G7PBQSR pattern: null type: message ] 2014-06-24 18:56:42,843 - DEBUG - 9534:Dummy-3 - - No payload in msg:[channel: /zato/to-parallel/any data: zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K052RHVDRA8CGEQ5GXYP3G7PBQSR pattern: null type: message ]

dsuch commented 10 years ago

Can you please send the body of the service you're deploying? Also, what OS is it exactly? I can't reproduce it on neither Ubuntu 12.04 nor CentOS 6.5.

ambasta commented 10 years ago

from zato.server.service import Service

class GetClientDetails(Service): def handle(self): self.log_input()

This is the body of the service.

I am running this on ubuntu 14.04

ambasta commented 10 years ago


I'd like to debug this further myself. I just wanted a little guidance wrt two items.

  1. Are the db conflicts expected?
  2. What invokes zato.server.service.internal.hot_deploy.Create.handle ?
dsuch commented 10 years ago

Thanks @ambasta - I have just confirmed it on CentOS 6.5 as well so it's not something OS-specific.

Yes, DB conflicts are expected hence they are on DEBUG.

zato.server.service.internal.hot_deploy.Create.handle look on_broker_msg_HOT_DEPLOY_CREATE up in zato-server's

As for what is going on - it looks like only one of the gunicorn_workers gets updated when code is being hot-deployed. So when you have two of them, the service may appear to have been deployed but at times it will seem it's not there. I'll be working on it now as well.

dsuch commented 10 years ago

Hmm.. actually I spoke too soon. I'm working on a VM with rather slow I/O and when I was deploying the service the other gunicorn worker simply didn't boot yet.

Now that I understand the the case with the other one is I wait for it to boot, I still cannot reproduce it.

ambasta commented 10 years ago


What invokes zato.server.service.internal.hot_deploy.Create.handle

I have further debugged the issue and have noticed that common.util.deployment_info pauses indefinitely at socket.getfqdn call in common.util.current_host

strace showed

epoll_wait(13, 404f3f0, 64, 999) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call) --- SIGWINCH {si_signo=SIGWINCH, si_code=SI_KERNEL} --- rt_sigreturn() = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call) epoll_wait(13, 404f3f0, 64, 153) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call) --- SIGWINCH {si_signo=SIGWINCH, si_code=SI_KERNEL} --- rt_sigreturn() = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)

against the relevant gunicorn worker, so I am not sure if its due to a race condition or the thread being killed. Thus I am looking for what function invokes zato.server.service.internal.hot_deploy.Create.handle

ambasta commented 10 years ago

I am assuming, this is invoked due to topic_callbacks subscribing to kvdb.pubsub ?

dsuch commented 10 years ago

@ambasta - thank you for diagnosing it thus far!

This is what happens from a moment you place any file in pickup-dir:

So to sum it up - there are several steps, starts with inotify, goes through the broker which notifies all the gunicorn workers which then update their list of services accordingly.

Again, thanks for your assistance!

ambasta commented 10 years ago


Thanks for the detailed response.

Now when parallel_server.notify_new_package was called it published a HOT_DEPLOY.CREATE message. Upon receiving it by the worker store, its name is translated to the name of a callback function on_broker_msg_HOT_DEPLOY_CREATE

Everything works upto this point. You mention that on receiving by the worker store, which is where my doubts lie.

Is the worker store always listening for new messages. If so, does it fork the callback when it receives a new message, or is it blocking in nature.

If it forks the callback, what is used to create the fork? More gunicorn workers threads, python threading or some redis magic?

Or is message reception signal based. In which case again, are messages blocking or non blocking in nature.

dsuch commented 10 years ago

Is the worker store always listening for new messages. If so, does it fork the callback when it receives a new message, or is it blocking in nature.

As it happens, it neither forks nor blocks.

A worker_store is invoked from a server's broker_client - and that client is defined in (not in which is used by ZeroMQ, AMQP and JMS WebSphere MQ connectors).

That broker client is a gunicorn greenlet - you'll notice it when a server starts. This greenlet spawns new greenlets upon receiving any messages from the broker. Each spawned greenlet, in this situation, is a single call to one of on_broker_msg_* in worker store.

2014-07-04 10:29:29,022 - INFO - 4127:Dummy-3 - - Starting broker client, host:[localhost], port:[6379], name:[parallel-K04WAYTK5CHXJC1K5DEPGRZ7JZ5B], topics:[['/zato/to-parallel/all', '/zato/to-parallel/any', '/zato/to-singleton']]

So at the point on_broker_msg_HOT_DEPLOY_CREATE is called we are already in a new greenlet and calling any function/method will block only that new greenlet that was spawned to handle that one broker message only.

ambasta commented 10 years ago

Awesome, this was the only missing piece of info that I think I need. Pretty sure the greenlet is getting blocked on IO or getting killed. Will debug further and report :dancer:

dsuch commented 10 years ago

Yes, my bad on the terminology which is so overloaded.

I meant that the on_broker_msg_HOT_DEPLOY_CREATE's greenlet wouldn't block other greenlets' IO not that its own IO could not get stuck.

ambasta commented 10 years ago

Hey, so adding sleep(2) after spawn(callback, ... resolves all issues.

Pretty sure this is the gevent blocking on IO as I said previously. Clearly, this is not the right approach. So you might want to look into monkey patching everything except Threads

I'll try to implement the same on my end as well.

dsuch commented 10 years ago

Can you check the following?

Curious to see what the greenlet is doing?

ambasta commented 10 years ago

2014-07-07 13:01:55,853 - INFO - 6611:Dummy-2 - zato.common.util:22 - +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Proc:Thread/Greenlet | Traceback | +================================+============================================================================================+ | 6611:(No name) | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/zato-server/src/zato/server/broker/client. | | | py", line 75, in run | | | for msg in self.client.listen(): | | | Arguments: run(self=< object at 0x6274e10>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'msg': {'channel': '/zato/to-parallel/any', | | | 'data': 'zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K04HJPCX8DBHW3A444A83WH61M7H', | | | 'pattern': None, | | | 'type': 'message'}, | | | 'self': < object at 0x6274e10>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 2159, in listen | | | response = self.handle_message(self.parse_response(block=True)) | | | Arguments: listen(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'response': {'channel': '/zato/to-parallel/any', | | | 'data': 'zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K04HJPCX8DBHW3A444A83WH61M7H', | | | 'pattern': None, | | | 'type': 'message'}, | | | 'self': <redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 2094, in parse_response | | | return self._execute(connection, connection.read_response) | | | Arguments: parse_response(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>, block=True) | | | Local variables: | | | {'block': True, | | | 'connection': Connection, | | | 'self': <redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 2076, in _execute | | | return command(_args) | | | Arguments: _execute(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>, | | | connection=Connection, command=<bound method | | | Connection.read_response of Connection>, *args=()) | | | Local variables: | | | {'args': (), | | | 'command': <bound method Connection.read_response of | | | Connection>, | | | 'connection': Connection, | | | 'self': <redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis | | | /", line 545, in read_response | | | response = self._parser.read_response() | | | Arguments: read_response(self=Connection) | | | Local variables: | | | {'self': Connection} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis- | | | 2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", line 213, in read_response | | | response = self._buffer.readline() | | | Arguments: read_response(self=<redis.connection.PythonParser object at 0x62741d0>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'self': <redis.connection.PythonParser object at 0x62741d0>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis- | | | 2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", line 151, in readline | | | self._read_from_socket() | | | Arguments: readline(self=<redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'buf': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x6273d50>, | | | 'data': '', | | | 'self': <redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis- | | | 2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", line 109, in _read_from_socket | | | data = self._sock.recv(socket_read_size) | | | Arguments: _read_from_socket(self=<redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>, | | | length=None) | | | Local variables: | | | {'buf': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x6273d50>, | | | 'length': None, | | | 'marker': 0, | | | 'self': <redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>, | | | 'socket_read_size': 65536} | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:MainThread | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/gevent-1.0-py2.7 | | | -linux-x86_64.egg/gevent/", line 364, in run | | | | | | Arguments: run(self=<Hub at 0x4171690 epoll default pending=0 ref=2 fileno=15>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'loop': <loop at 0x41458c0 epoll default pending=0 ref=2 fileno=15>, | | | 'self': <Hub at 0x4171690 epoll default pending=0 ref=2 fileno=15>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/zato-common/src/zato/common/ | | |", line 787, in dump_stacks | | | rows.extend(sorted(get_threads_traceback(pid).items())) | | | Arguments: dump_stacks(_ignored=(23, <frame object at 0x69addf0>)) | | | Local variables: | | | {'ignored': (23, <frame object at 0x69addf0>), | | | 'pid': 6611, | | | 'rows': [[u'Proc:Thread/Greenlet', u'Traceback']], | | | 'table': <texttable.Texttable instance at 0x68e03b0>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/zato-common/src/zato/common/ | | |", line 761, in get_threads_traceback | | | result[key] = get_stack(frame, True) | | | Arguments: get_threads_traceback(pid=6611) | | | Local variables: | | | {'frame': <frame object at 0x6b69f40>, | | | 'id_name': {139638345209600: 'Dummy-1', 139638735636224: 'MainThread'}, | | | 'key': u'6611:MainThread', | | | 'pid': 6611, | | | 'result': {u'6611:(No name)': u' File "/home/amitprakash/zato-broker/src/zato/broker/ | | |", line 75, in run\n for msg in | | | self.client.listen():\n\n Arguments: run(self=< object at | | | 0x6274e10>)\n Local variables:\n\n {\'msg\': {\'channel\': \'/zato/to-parallel/any\',\n | | | \'data\': \'zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K04HJPCX8DBHW3A444A83WH61M7H\',\n | | | \'pattern\': None,\n \'type\': \'message\'},\n \'self\': | | | < object at 0x6274e10>}\n\n File | | | "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", line | | | 2159, in listen\n response = self.handle_message(self.parse_response(block=True))\n\n | | | Arguments: listen(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>)\n Local variables:\n\n | | | {\'response\': {\'channel\': \'/zato/to-parallel/any\',\n \'data\': | | | \'zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K04HJPCX8DBHW3A444A83WH61M7H\',\n \'pattern\': | | | None,\n \'type\': \'message\'},\n \'self\': <redis.client.PubSub object at | | | 0x6274810>}\n\n File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1- | | | py2.7.egg/redis/", line 2094, in parse_response\n return self._execute(connection,| | | connection.read_response)\n\n Arguments: parse_response(self=<redis.client.PubSub object | | | at 0x6274810>, block=True)\n Local variables:\n\n {\'block\': True,\n \'connection\': | | | Connection,\n \'self\': <redis.client.PubSub object at | | | 0x6274810>}\n\n File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1- | | | py2.7.egg/redis/", line 2076, in _execute\n return command(args)\n\n Arguments: | | | _execute(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>, | | | connection=Connection, command=<bound method | | | Connection.read_response of Connection>, args=())\n Local | | | variables:\n\n {\'args\': (),\n \'command\': <bound method Connection.read_response of | | | Connection>,\n \'connection\': | | | Connection,\n \'self\': <redis.client.PubSub object at | | | 0x6274810>}\n\n File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1- | | | py2.7.egg/redis/", line 545, in read_response\n response = | | | self._parser.read_response()\n\n Arguments: | | | read_response(self=Connection)\n Local variables:\n\n | | | {\'self\': Connection}\n\n File | | | "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 213, in read_response\n response = self._buffer.readline()\n\n Arguments: | | | read_response(self=<redis.connection.PythonParser object at 0x62741d0>)\n Local | | | variables:\n\n {\'self\': <redis.connection.PythonParser object at 0x62741d0>}\n\n File | | | "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 151, in readline\n self._read_from_socket()\n\n Arguments: | | | readline(self=<redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>)\n Local variables:\n\n | | | {\'buf\': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x6273d50>,\n \'data\': \'\',\n \'self\': | | | <redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>}\n\n File | | | "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 109, in _read_from_socket\n data = self._sock.recv(socket_read_size)\n\n Arguments: | | | _read_from_socket(self=<redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>, length=None)\n | | | Local variables:\n\n {\'buf\': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x6273d50>,\n \'length\': | | | None,\n \'marker\': 0,\n \'self\': <redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at | | | 0x6274cd0>,\n \'socket_read_size\': 65536}\n'}, | | | 'th': <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon 139638345209600)>, | | | 'thread_id': 139638735636224} | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653aa50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K046QS24SR2J1GWGMJ7R446)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653ac30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05DMBM32AQYSAPGKB7JNH5)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653acd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K058QC9PFVMJ07A3T9GGB99)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653ad70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05BPW8RBHMJG5HCB1CTP7V)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653ae10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06S1FJ2Y4ADJEVPMFAWA0J)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653aeb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06NBCG8R3972VW1Y2ZJ8YM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653af50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0512S2N8QK09FXJDV99CZ4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07X7MZARZE4BT4864JNT32)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c00f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05ZMQNDTYXSKTTPD6GT53W)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04F83GXQD09GG1V5XKM6AM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04CNGA7JDX4CJ40PFN31SB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c02d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05E0PH1D2M6BZ1V70KJTW7)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05ADYJTG4W0WBRHB41QRMY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07HT3ZVZ7N8QF9QVEA2M6H)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c04b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07BR94ZFAV2KRYMQVM9TJH)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07AS6JV6XA1Z4C9ENPYFVK)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c05f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05WAHRGXF99G4H088VXA75)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0725JNDCPP678NRKC8ZFK4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04175S5K1AT2QMNFP4QBRJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c07d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07YKC6Y4CXBBDXGZ29VH25)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04R0BHX8XBJJ5JTP2K3KF4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07SPHBJDMZXSV6V20WHTP2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c09b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06B51WG24KGYF6V2ZA79PW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0a50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K063XQGFXFE63VHMQAJ01KB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0af0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05PKX5R0XYD740RCR906FE)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0b90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04SWT47J4YCDFWJJDQXBV1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0c30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05FGK2AKFCGNKYK7FKNXCM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0cd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05RMKBYM9CTPADRTG3849Z)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0d70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0609NE2Z845MBB77RE8NJM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0e10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06G9A735YSKST60PCV836C)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0eb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06BXJGN64984RRTG6PG2EA)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0f50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0534MJB5GPCMT5KAWSRD7J)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06P0XW2SBWQ0AY15DK7326)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca0f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K047N2C8Q6Q1TY8V1BZ2WXZ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04E5GY3F0ZZQKBP2WGQT3X)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06M5SQ2NXH88HD7FE5QPQX)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca2d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04Z1R01JREMT999M0EP3EY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04XGYJFE6PW02822SB7J0B)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05V6SZJT1D57J9C4PXHR5G)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca4b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K074W1EKB7Z8XWN62YGDHRF)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K071NCNEKBH9Z4KD49374ZR)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca5f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K042X8N63AJGB4V17YFEWCS)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0560ZMK6YZ2ATKQR45ZGS3)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06WJWJMG7JB36YQC56F6A4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca7d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04AXFZNNV6QSCR3Q7THD7V)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04D419H91JPYSBB0RNGE96)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06HNHSG8APKG1WEQ9377YA)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca9b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05FBWCKDX61JHPMHAYN81J)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68caa50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0677R68K092MNYV05J0JYM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68caaf0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04E5K0ZS82WXWKSJJA77N4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cab90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04592Q341ZFQJ20QH5BSMJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cac30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K056QJJYVH3QZM5MKWZ5D60)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cacd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K051QBT1M63YC5XHGYXGDWE)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cad70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K074NEF1G6WVG7NEADZXS00)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cae10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06KVRBVN12MDJQFN4TZEQC)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68caeb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04Z12SDERQFHV5681XY06F)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68caf50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K077GAFGC20YG34TW9RX7XV)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0429EAMDWTPZAJ59KF2DN1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db0f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06RQATD0Z1KS1K5D41XBCX)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06041QY0MG4S8P9FT1PA12)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06567PZHXTB1MZTP1YTTC0)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db2d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07GNW4JFJWZJBJ3CXC7X40)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06N4Q1TXB1Z1A73TFH9ARB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K055W4GHYA6PFV7B9QHF9H9)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db4b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06Z8F4H5N45FTE72E8D0QA)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04Z4G9GSKN7AX1C1XP942S)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db5f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K065Q1J7KFJC8A66ATJ06VK)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05QFP26YE0E2FWZPZ3BP8Y)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0711TPTNZ2VBX1X90Y45Q1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db7d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05K6FKKHWNDH8XQFTJ5PJ8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06E8GKABMV6EZFCDDFFNDD)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K049FJG319TTH44HS0C1FWC)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db9b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05EFHJCPN2HD4XGATYT01G)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68dba50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K043354FZD7552YMM0VD0E8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68dbaf0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04YR1MS8CE5043JDQG8W6K)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68dbb90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04PJEYPXKDSZNMNKRBJK7F)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68dbc30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05E15WDYASYWEZWYBKH49E)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04B25RES9ADXVXQR975KFW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e50f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07PC27BKEPZSES3ASCF45Z)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06NY3C65JBJDH0S9DRP4QB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06JB7TS450NRQ1DYJWEWBF)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e52d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04EBWHJCPYFC0VJ5T40QR2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K059CWYZHYER41TTDZTP0YS)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05CP962HZKA4TAMXA2VPX5)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e54b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K040H1VPPFFB6Q33P0M9EAW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04W7RMM7B6X130PA8W4QQD)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e55f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05GF950GM39VN4KZHE24QN)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07SFC6KQGXXWCNR9WWBZRC)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07DSDE4SJT6G9YWZ5ZY3RZ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e57d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K051RNKF4TCW27HYE6TYFN6)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07GZ6D4G2NNEASGS883GQ2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0579E6WHKZVW6XJ0JHWVJB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e59b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06V4PE5J28HEDEV37ARN0G)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5a50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05M23A5KJC01ZN6B08XY9R)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5af0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06VPWF6MQ13QPD9C47AP64)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5b90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K070BMD07409P40C3H1ZQVP)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5c30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04KJYQJ08Z6ZSDVK2E78S4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5cd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06MCJY96KATEPS1CSBEXD1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5d70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K050RBRY7GCG6Z0BT8PA74V)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5e10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K045RAY3302TCVM0VNPAS8W)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5eb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05B51XZBJH9C32TR3X5K5N)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5f50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06JBNMQWTXYSQ8D0JJV9CJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07JNCPDJ4DKGSBWT57C04Z)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f00f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K074DWRPKWMNATCTKCB9PDZ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K064PH88RAKTH0C6V90570D)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06YA387AS86R9AHQZKC1XN)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f02d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K067X23VR7ZVSGTGGK8QS1D)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='11000', | | | msg_type='0002', package_id=)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04TXJ6R7MCTNMBR842F0WM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f04b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K041CYV0PR0ECGAQYMCPGP8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06Y4J6SK84N95P8RW1ETEG)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f05f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04NJZKMK7S7R692AF72FV4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04GEDA0F3SHVEX12PGQ03P)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04T6F1QTNYBG8RBM5ESHA5)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f07d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04VFN81QTVC2WN2JS33R9G)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0432RDWZHH4J0JVJY0HAG2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07AJQXGVBZ6EJQ58E1RTNT)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f09b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K066EXZYK61NDZM5Z8DYQ0X)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0b90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07QVKH9ZSKRQ167A9P4GKJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0c30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06HMVBY5YY0NYZYCCQKCGT)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0cd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0674RZMBW47QKMJEJ40EKW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0d70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K076Q7K82PY62SWMX5JJANV)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0e10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05M12CMPDX1KXEA6YM22QY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0eb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06H5KV5K3Y9SMBEMWDHCZ9)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0f50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K061Y9T2RV3DBA2KE0R9GF0)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K043P6ACQCM8SEVZQQGJ9Q6)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69630f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05VF1ACVGZ402HVNPA9R9Q)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K042RVJYY2ZJ88XQ4KNHMN6)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07E4AVWS19NCKSYH56069F)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69632d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06NQ0ZQMTSP2B2T5FVRD8W)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07731HE8GCEBM3SRA1Y983)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07ZM740TQHSE0DQJSHDDT2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69634b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07JTCRTJXTJD4G2RNB43JT)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K070BH38H7B17XF91E667GV)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69635f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05XGJ8MW8K6CJBEN3PST65)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K064Y4QN8TH130R7S01XY4R)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0456H1YQ81D3JYFX5D1637)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69637d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K047178CEY39GJHJQ3VYAGY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06WMXKNQSQK7BYZ62WTV0M)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05AGGHZZV5CV1HDB9829Q8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69639b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07YS9FBP3T4A8GBMZ27J44)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963a50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0794GHRV5ZP34RFJBJMVZW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963af0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K048DY70HP8KE3GT1XFH0C3)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963b90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04T7C6QEQ6DGW3JJNB3FRB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963c30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07YZ13P9XQ7GETTEX0FHNY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963cd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K047C25J8BX877JPZ5PWFP4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963d70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07SKKAVPCB804JGE43QPNN)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963e10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04K7HJFB0J3WE4TX01795P)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963eb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07GT2MJGCR2212HN35G39D)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963f50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05VBN2QQC34WTQMV60E1G3)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04SPXRKGD9FW83FZ3Q0BWJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c0f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04WHR38CD3QT4R22HSDXW9)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04H7YFSWH2FKMABN5PS18Q)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0432T6HSAMQ049KTVBMGXQ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c2d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05XAGWYR98J0NCXG56KYP0)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04KFQCSMYQPVQ3CNJZCD8E)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05K1HCS88SV9ZNPJ4QR211)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c4b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K054NXW7DHXK7ABH1DCA4YC)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07CME15YWX2YGF1848N0R8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c5f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07TQ3DSFDPDRTRQZPX2QDB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0539THXTE1A39X41AVK8TS)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06WZRNM3A3GJPGT2DD49YG)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c7d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K048S6Q0G1SN0AVJM0Z0H0H)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04ZW3B1W5511REZ84QQBQN)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06GZXADCQ9T7FA7B77092N)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c9b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K068879V0T5WS3QB711WG2B)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696ca50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07N5RD1BDVMWEMXJGZ3CJX)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696caf0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05ZTT73AA0NGVNSBQ7CX37)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696cb90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06YHRXZYC5KMDZ8GKKSTBM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696cc30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K049P43E462WN9GBD7NG8NH)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696ccd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05F8AA1PZZYNMGV5CKW9BA)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696cd70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04SPY8GDENVPNKWF2781NP)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696ce10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06C2J024SM0NW760R2RRYJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696ceb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06GE55FKFBJSE3J3365H5B)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696cf50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K053KKKSAG7GVMPQ9JXJ5Y1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Hub at 0x4171690 epoll | | | default pending=0 ref=2 | | | fileno=15> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

ambasta commented 10 years ago

2014-07-07 13:01:55,853 - INFO - 6611:Dummy-2 - zato.common.util:22 - +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Proc:Thread/Greenlet | Traceback | +================================+============================================================================================+ | 6611:(No name) | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/zato-server/src/zato/server/broker/client. | | | py", line 75, in run | | | for msg in self.client.listen(): | | | Arguments: run(self=< object at 0x6274e10>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'msg': {'channel': '/zato/to-parallel/any', | | | 'data': 'zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K04HJPCX8DBHW3A444A83WH61M7H', | | | 'pattern': None, | | | 'type': 'message'}, | | | 'self': < object at 0x6274e10>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 2159, in listen | | | response = self.handle_message(self.parse_response(block=True)) | | | Arguments: listen(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'response': {'channel': '/zato/to-parallel/any', | | | 'data': 'zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K04HJPCX8DBHW3A444A83WH61M7H', | | | 'pattern': None, | | | 'type': 'message'}, | | | 'self': <redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 2094, in parse_response | | | return self._execute(connection, connection.read_response) | | | Arguments: parse_response(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>, block=True) | | | Local variables: | | | {'block': True, | | | 'connection': Connection, | | | 'self': <redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 2076, in _execute | | | return command(_args) | | | Arguments: _execute(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>, | | | connection=Connection, command=<bound method | | | Connection.read_response of Connection>, *args=()) | | | Local variables: | | | {'args': (), | | | 'command': <bound method Connection.read_response of | | | Connection>, | | | 'connection': Connection, | | | 'self': <redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis | | | /", line 545, in read_response | | | response = self._parser.read_response() | | | Arguments: read_response(self=Connection) | | | Local variables: | | | {'self': Connection} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis- | | | 2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", line 213, in read_response | | | response = self._buffer.readline() | | | Arguments: read_response(self=<redis.connection.PythonParser object at 0x62741d0>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'self': <redis.connection.PythonParser object at 0x62741d0>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis- | | | 2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", line 151, in readline | | | self._read_from_socket() | | | Arguments: readline(self=<redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'buf': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x6273d50>, | | | 'data': '', | | | 'self': <redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis- | | | 2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", line 109, in _read_from_socket | | | data = self._sock.recv(socket_read_size) | | | Arguments: _read_from_socket(self=<redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>, | | | length=None) | | | Local variables: | | | {'buf': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x6273d50>, | | | 'length': None, | | | 'marker': 0, | | | 'self': <redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>, | | | 'socket_read_size': 65536} | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:MainThread | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/gevent-1.0-py2.7 | | | -linux-x86_64.egg/gevent/", line 364, in run | | | | | | Arguments: run(self=<Hub at 0x4171690 epoll default pending=0 ref=2 fileno=15>) | | | Local variables: | | | {'loop': <loop at 0x41458c0 epoll default pending=0 ref=2 fileno=15>, | | | 'self': <Hub at 0x4171690 epoll default pending=0 ref=2 fileno=15>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/zato-common/src/zato/common/ | | |", line 787, in dump_stacks | | | rows.extend(sorted(get_threads_traceback(pid).items())) | | | Arguments: dump_stacks(_ignored=(23, <frame object at 0x69addf0>)) | | | Local variables: | | | {'ignored': (23, <frame object at 0x69addf0>), | | | 'pid': 6611, | | | 'rows': [[u'Proc:Thread/Greenlet', u'Traceback']], | | | 'table': <texttable.Texttable instance at 0x68e03b0>} | | | File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/zato-common/src/zato/common/ | | |", line 761, in get_threads_traceback | | | result[key] = get_stack(frame, True) | | | Arguments: get_threads_traceback(pid=6611) | | | Local variables: | | | {'frame': <frame object at 0x6b69f40>, | | | 'id_name': {139638345209600: 'Dummy-1', 139638735636224: 'MainThread'}, | | | 'key': u'6611:MainThread', | | | 'pid': 6611, | | | 'result': {u'6611:(No name)': u' File "/home/amitprakash/zato-broker/src/zato/broker/ | | |", line 75, in run\n for msg in | | | self.client.listen():\n\n Arguments: run(self=< object at | | | 0x6274e10>)\n Local variables:\n\n {\'msg\': {\'channel\': \'/zato/to-parallel/any\',\n | | | \'data\': \'zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K04HJPCX8DBHW3A444A83WH61M7H\',\n | | | \'pattern\': None,\n \'type\': \'message\'},\n \'self\': | | | < object at 0x6274e10>}\n\n File | | | "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", line | | | 2159, in listen\n response = self.handle_message(self.parse_response(block=True))\n\n | | | Arguments: listen(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>)\n Local variables:\n\n | | | {\'response\': {\'channel\': \'/zato/to-parallel/any\',\n \'data\': | | | \'zato:broker:to-parallel:any:K04HJPCX8DBHW3A444A83WH61M7H\',\n \'pattern\': | | | None,\n \'type\': \'message\'},\n \'self\': <redis.client.PubSub object at | | | 0x6274810>}\n\n File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1- | | | py2.7.egg/redis/", line 2094, in parse_response\n return self._execute(connection,| | | connection.read_response)\n\n Arguments: parse_response(self=<redis.client.PubSub object | | | at 0x6274810>, block=True)\n Local variables:\n\n {\'block\': True,\n \'connection\': | | | Connection,\n \'self\': <redis.client.PubSub object at | | | 0x6274810>}\n\n File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1- | | | py2.7.egg/redis/", line 2076, in _execute\n return command(args)\n\n Arguments: | | | _execute(self=<redis.client.PubSub object at 0x6274810>, | | | connection=Connection, command=<bound method | | | Connection.read_response of Connection>, args=())\n Local | | | variables:\n\n {\'args\': (),\n \'command\': <bound method Connection.read_response of | | | Connection>,\n \'connection\': | | | Connection,\n \'self\': <redis.client.PubSub object at | | | 0x6274810>}\n\n File "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1- | | | py2.7.egg/redis/", line 545, in read_response\n response = | | | self._parser.read_response()\n\n Arguments: | | | read_response(self=Connection)\n Local variables:\n\n | | | {\'self\': Connection}\n\n File | | | "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 213, in read_response\n response = self._buffer.readline()\n\n Arguments: | | | read_response(self=<redis.connection.PythonParser object at 0x62741d0>)\n Local | | | variables:\n\n {\'self\': <redis.connection.PythonParser object at 0x62741d0>}\n\n File | | | "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 151, in readline\n self._read_from_socket()\n\n Arguments: | | | readline(self=<redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>)\n Local variables:\n\n | | | {\'buf\': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x6273d50>,\n \'data\': \'\',\n \'self\': | | | <redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>}\n\n File | | | "/home/amitprakash/delhivery/zato/code/eggs/redis-2.9.1-py2.7.egg/redis/", | | | line 109, in _read_from_socket\n data = self._sock.recv(socket_read_size)\n\n Arguments: | | | _read_from_socket(self=<redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at 0x6274cd0>, length=None)\n | | | Local variables:\n\n {\'buf\': <cStringIO.StringO object at 0x6273d50>,\n \'length\': | | | None,\n \'marker\': 0,\n \'self\': <redis.connection.SocketBuffer object at | | | 0x6274cd0>,\n \'socket_read_size\': 65536}\n'}, | | | 'th': <_DummyThread(Dummy-1, started daemon 139638345209600)>, | | | 'thread_id': 139638735636224} | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653aa50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K046QS24SR2J1GWGMJ7R446)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653ac30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05DMBM32AQYSAPGKB7JNH5)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653acd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K058QC9PFVMJ07A3T9GGB99)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653ad70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05BPW8RBHMJG5HCB1CTP7V)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653ae10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06S1FJ2Y4ADJEVPMFAWA0J)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653aeb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06NBCG8R3972VW1Y2ZJ8YM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x653af50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0512S2N8QK09FXJDV99CZ4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07X7MZARZE4BT4864JNT32)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c00f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05ZMQNDTYXSKTTPD6GT53W)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04F83GXQD09GG1V5XKM6AM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04CNGA7JDX4CJ40PFN31SB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c02d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05E0PH1D2M6BZ1V70KJTW7)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05ADYJTG4W0WBRHB41QRMY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07HT3ZVZ7N8QF9QVEA2M6H)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c04b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07BR94ZFAV2KRYMQVM9TJH)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07AS6JV6XA1Z4C9ENPYFVK)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c05f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05WAHRGXF99G4H088VXA75)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0725JNDCPP678NRKC8ZFK4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04175S5K1AT2QMNFP4QBRJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c07d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07YKC6Y4CXBBDXGZ29VH25)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04R0BHX8XBJJ5JTP2K3KF4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07SPHBJDMZXSV6V20WHTP2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c09b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06B51WG24KGYF6V2ZA79PW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0a50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K063XQGFXFE63VHMQAJ01KB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0af0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05PKX5R0XYD740RCR906FE)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0b90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04SWT47J4YCDFWJJDQXBV1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0c30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05FGK2AKFCGNKYK7FKNXCM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0cd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05RMKBYM9CTPADRTG3849Z)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0d70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0609NE2Z845MBB77RE8NJM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0e10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06G9A735YSKST60PCV836C)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0eb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06BXJGN64984RRTG6PG2EA)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68c0f50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0534MJB5GPCMT5KAWSRD7J)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06P0XW2SBWQ0AY15DK7326)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca0f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K047N2C8Q6Q1TY8V1BZ2WXZ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04E5GY3F0ZZQKBP2WGQT3X)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06M5SQ2NXH88HD7FE5QPQX)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca2d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04Z1R01JREMT999M0EP3EY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04XGYJFE6PW02822SB7J0B)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05V6SZJT1D57J9C4PXHR5G)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca4b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K074W1EKB7Z8XWN62YGDHRF)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K071NCNEKBH9Z4KD49374ZR)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca5f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K042X8N63AJGB4V17YFEWCS)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0560ZMK6YZ2ATKQR45ZGS3)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06WJWJMG7JB36YQC56F6A4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca7d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04AXFZNNV6QSCR3Q7THD7V)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04D419H91JPYSBB0RNGE96)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06HNHSG8APKG1WEQ9377YA)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68ca9b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05FBWCKDX61JHPMHAYN81J)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68caa50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0677R68K092MNYV05J0JYM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68caaf0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04E5K0ZS82WXWKSJJA77N4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cab90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04592Q341ZFQJ20QH5BSMJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cac30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K056QJJYVH3QZM5MKWZ5D60)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cacd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K051QBT1M63YC5XHGYXGDWE)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cad70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K074NEF1G6WVG7NEADZXS00)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68cae10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06KVRBVN12MDJQFN4TZEQC)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68caeb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04Z12SDERQFHV5681XY06F)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68caf50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K077GAFGC20YG34TW9RX7XV)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0429EAMDWTPZAJ59KF2DN1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db0f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06RQATD0Z1KS1K5D41XBCX)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06041QY0MG4S8P9FT1PA12)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06567PZHXTB1MZTP1YTTC0)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db2d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07GNW4JFJWZJBJ3CXC7X40)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06N4Q1TXB1Z1A73TFH9ARB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K055W4GHYA6PFV7B9QHF9H9)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db4b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06Z8F4H5N45FTE72E8D0QA)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04Z4G9GSKN7AX1C1XP942S)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db5f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K065Q1J7KFJC8A66ATJ06VK)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05QFP26YE0E2FWZPZ3BP8Y)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0711TPTNZ2VBX1X90Y45Q1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db7d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05K6FKKHWNDH8XQFTJ5PJ8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06E8GKABMV6EZFCDDFFNDD)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K049FJG319TTH44HS0C1FWC)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68db9b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05EFHJCPN2HD4XGATYT01G)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68dba50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K043354FZD7552YMM0VD0E8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68dbaf0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04YR1MS8CE5043JDQG8W6K)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68dbb90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04PJEYPXKDSZNMNKRBJK7F)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68dbc30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05E15WDYASYWEZWYBKH49E)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04B25RES9ADXVXQR975KFW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e50f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07PC27BKEPZSES3ASCF45Z)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06NY3C65JBJDH0S9DRP4QB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06JB7TS450NRQ1DYJWEWBF)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e52d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04EBWHJCPYFC0VJ5T40QR2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K059CWYZHYER41TTDZTP0YS)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05CP962HZKA4TAMXA2VPX5)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e54b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K040H1VPPFFB6Q33P0M9EAW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04W7RMM7B6X130PA8W4QQD)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e55f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05GF950GM39VN4KZHE24QN)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07SFC6KQGXXWCNR9WWBZRC)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07DSDE4SJT6G9YWZ5ZY3RZ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e57d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K051RNKF4TCW27HYE6TYFN6)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07GZ6D4G2NNEASGS883GQ2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0579E6WHKZVW6XJ0JHWVJB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e59b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06V4PE5J28HEDEV37ARN0G)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5a50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05M23A5KJC01ZN6B08XY9R)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5af0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06VPWF6MQ13QPD9C47AP64)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5b90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K070BMD07409P40C3H1ZQVP)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5c30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04KJYQJ08Z6ZSDVK2E78S4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5cd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06MCJY96KATEPS1CSBEXD1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5d70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K050RBRY7GCG6Z0BT8PA74V)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5e10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K045RAY3302TCVM0VNPAS8W)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5eb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05B51XZBJH9C32TR3X5K5N)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68e5f50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06JBNMQWTXYSQ8D0JJV9CJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07JNCPDJ4DKGSBWT57C04Z)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f00f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K074DWRPKWMNATCTKCB9PDZ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K064PH88RAKTH0C6V90570D)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06YA387AS86R9AHQZKC1XN)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f02d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K067X23VR7ZVSGTGGK8QS1D)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='11000', | | | msg_type='0002', package_id=)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04TXJ6R7MCTNMBR842F0WM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f04b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K041CYV0PR0ECGAQYMCPGP8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06Y4J6SK84N95P8RW1ETEG)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f05f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04NJZKMK7S7R692AF72FV4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04GEDA0F3SHVEX12PGQ03P)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04T6F1QTNYBG8RBM5ESHA5)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f07d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04VFN81QTVC2WN2JS33R9G)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0432RDWZHH4J0JVJY0HAG2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07AJQXGVBZ6EJQ58E1RTNT)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f09b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K066EXZYK61NDZM5Z8DYQ0X)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0b90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07QVKH9ZSKRQ167A9P4GKJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0c30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06HMVBY5YY0NYZYCCQKCGT)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0cd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0674RZMBW47QKMJEJ40EKW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0d70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K076Q7K82PY62SWMX5JJANV)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0e10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05M12CMPDX1KXEA6YM22QY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0eb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06H5KV5K3Y9SMBEMWDHCZ9)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x68f0f50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K061Y9T2RV3DBA2KE0R9GF0)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K043P6ACQCM8SEVZQQGJ9Q6)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69630f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05VF1ACVGZ402HVNPA9R9Q)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K042RVJYY2ZJ88XQ4KNHMN6)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07E4AVWS19NCKSYH56069F)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69632d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06NQ0ZQMTSP2B2T5FVRD8W)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07731HE8GCEBM3SRA1Y983)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07ZM740TQHSE0DQJSHDDT2)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69634b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07JTCRTJXTJD4G2RNB43JT)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K070BH38H7B17XF91E667GV)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69635f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05XGJ8MW8K6CJBEN3PST65)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K064Y4QN8TH130R7S01XY4R)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0456H1YQ81D3JYFX5D1637)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69637d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K047178CEY39GJHJQ3VYAGY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06WMXKNQSQK7BYZ62WTV0M)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05AGGHZZV5CV1HDB9829Q8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x69639b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07YS9FBP3T4A8GBMZ27J44)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963a50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0794GHRV5ZP34RFJBJMVZW)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963af0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K048DY70HP8KE3GT1XFH0C3)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963b90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04T7C6QEQ6DGW3JJNB3FRB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963c30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07YZ13P9XQ7GETTEX0FHNY)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963cd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K047C25J8BX877JPZ5PWFP4)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963d70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07SKKAVPCB804JGE43QPNN)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963e10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04K7HJFB0J3WE4TX01795P)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963eb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07GT2MJGCR2212HN35G39D)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x6963f50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05VBN2QQC34WTQMV60E1G3)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c050: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04SPXRKGD9FW83FZ3Q0BWJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c0f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04WHR38CD3QT4R22HSDXW9)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c190: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04H7YFSWH2FKMABN5PS18Q)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c230: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0432T6HSAMQ049KTVBMGXQ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c2d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05XAGWYR98J0NCXG56KYP0)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c370: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04KFQCSMYQPVQ3CNJZCD8E)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c410: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05K1HCS88SV9ZNPJ4QR211)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c4b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K054NXW7DHXK7ABH1DCA4YC)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c550: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07CME15YWX2YGF1848N0R8)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c5f0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07TQ3DSFDPDRTRQZPX2QDB)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c690: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K0539THXTE1A39X41AVK8TS)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c730: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06WZRNM3A3GJPGT2DD49YG)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c7d0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K048S6Q0G1SN0AVJM0Z0H0H)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c870: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04ZW3B1W5511REZ84QQBQN)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c910: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06GZXADCQ9T7FA7B77092N)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696c9b0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K068879V0T5WS3QB711WG2B)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696ca50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K07N5RD1BDVMWEMXJGZ3CJX)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696caf0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05ZTT73AA0NGVNSBQ7CX37)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696cb90: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06YHRXZYC5KMDZ8GKKSTBM)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696cc30: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K049P43E462WN9GBD7NG8NH)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696ccd0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K05F8AA1PZZYNMGV5CKW9BA)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696cd70: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K04SPY8GDENVPNKWF2781NP)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696ce10: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06C2J024SM0NW760R2RRYJ)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696ceb0: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K06GE55FKFBJSE3J3365H5B)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Greenlet at 0x696cf50: | | | <bound method | | | WorkerStore.on_broker_msg of < | | | zato.server.base.worker.Worker | | | Store object at 0x4ed1510>>(Bu | | | nch(action='10004', | | | cid='K053KKKSAG7GVMPQ9JXJ5Y1)> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6611:<Hub at 0x4171690 epoll | | | default pending=0 ref=2 | | | fileno=15> | | +--------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

ambasta commented 10 years ago

Since the sleep fixes the issues with the broker, I am marking this issue closed.