zauberware / rails-devise-graphql

A Rails 6 boilerplate to create your next Saas product. Preloaded with graphQL, devise, JWT, CanCanCan, RailsAdmin, Rubocop, Rspec, i18n and more.
MIT License
284 stars 54 forks source link

Prefered Authentication gem? devise_token_auth? #26

Open simonfranzen opened 3 years ago

simonfranzen commented 3 years ago

Dear rails and graphql community,

many thanks for more than 200 stars on github! This is amazing! 💙

Maybe you could help us out in decision making: Would it be better to integrate devise_token_auth as token authentication method.

The truth is that we dropped the current graphql-auth gem in our other projects. We are using devise_token_auth there and it works very well.

thank you1

RizkiHerdaID commented 3 years ago

I've been using this boilerplate for the last 4 months for learning RoR. In fact, I also use it for a project for the company I work for.

It's difficult for me to integrate graphql-auth with our custom doorkeeper login flows. For now, my code for admin authentication is kinda 'messy' because I need to copy and paste some codes from graphql_auth to make it work.

Besides, I notice devise_token_auth maintains a session for each client/device, which is what I needed for my project. If this can work with the boilerplate, I would love to refactor my codes to use devise_token_auth.

harryct229 commented 2 years ago

First of all, thank you for this good boilerplate and gem.

I have been using this for my project. I am agree that It's difficult to integrate graphql-auth, sometimes I end of patching and copy-pasting the functions.

I think it would be great if we can integrate devise_token_auth in this. Do you have any plan to upgrade this?


simonfranzen commented 2 years ago

Hey, yes we are on it to publish a new version in August with devise_token_auth!

thehashrocket commented 2 years ago

Is the update2021 branch safe to use now or is it still being updated?

simonfranzen commented 2 years ago

hey, sorry, no branch is not safe to use :|

hassanrbh commented 1 year ago

hey still the branch not safe to use ?