As of now, it is not possible to select a mode for the BNO055.
It is currently hardcoded in the NDOF mode (using gyrometer, accelerometer and magnetometer) giving an absolute orientation.
For certain applications, only the relative orientation (BNO055 in IMU mode) is enough.
The advantage of using a different mode, for example IMU mode, is that it doesnt require movement of the sensor for intialization as the NDOF mode does.
As of now, it is not possible to select a mode for the BNO055. It is currently hardcoded in the NDOF mode (using gyrometer, accelerometer and magnetometer) giving an absolute orientation. For certain applications, only the relative orientation (BNO055 in IMU mode) is enough.
The advantage of using a different mode, for example IMU mode, is that it doesnt require movement of the sensor for intialization as the NDOF mode does.