zaufi / pytest-matcher

A pytest plugin to match test output against patterns stored in files
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Make the `expected_out` instance printable #1

Open zaufi opened 6 years ago

zaufi commented 6 years ago

... i.e. convertible to string, so it can be printed w/ ordinal print(expected_out)

xymaxim commented 10 months ago

Currently, the plugin fixtures store and read a pattern file content on an assertion line. Thus, it's not possible to access the content before that. The reading should be moved out from the assert ( step to the arrange one. Since the fixtures are called just before a test run, it could look like the following:

def expected_out(request):
    # If store not requested, read an expectation file's content here:

def test_printing(expected_out):
    # By creating a new public attribute,  e.g.  `content` or `output`:
    # Or, with adding the __str__() method, just:

With this approach, each check test run will read an expectation file, even without the assert statement.

Do you see any drawbacks here?

zaufi commented 10 months ago

Sorry, I didn't get the point of reading ahead of time when the content became actually needed… producing unnecessary disk I/O (e.g., in a case when a test w/o any print(expected_out) failed on another assert before the one checking expected output), losing laziness, &etc. Why not override __str__, or __repr__, or whatever print() calls on an instance of an arbitrary object and perform reading here (caching the result, of course, for the future reference by assert)?

xymaxim commented 10 months ago

Ah, I got your point about the laziness. It sounds reasonable, and it fits printing as well as editing, thanks.