zaus / forms-3rdparty-integration

Wordpress Plugin - Forms 3rdparty Integration - a plugin to help integrate 3rdparty services with common WP Forms plugins like Contact Form 7 and Gravity Forms
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Trying to set up Contact Form 7 to integrate with Salesforce & Mailchimp #5

Closed pmorettini closed 10 years ago

pmorettini commented 10 years ago


I've just installed the plug-in and am very confused by the interface. Sorry, I'm sure it's my fault I'm a newbie.

I expected to see some type of template set up to work with these two services based upon the plugin description. But I don't see anything like that and really don't know how to start the integrations. Can someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction?



zaus commented 10 years ago

I know the admin is a little overwhelming at first, but that's due to the flexibility so it can support any mapping, and because I can't afford the time to keep up with the possibility of other services changing how they work. I don't want to sound argumentative, I'm just explaining the reasoning. If there are some common or standard fields in Mailchimp, it's very possible we could write an 'add-on' plugin for this to make it easier to work with Mailchimp.

Otherwise, you'll have to find the names of the mailchimp fields from whatever submission form they provide (view source, look for input names. If they are common/standard like 'first_name', 'email', etc, then it should be a fairly straightforward mapping.

That said, maybe the 'simple' solution is to just directly include forms as Mailchimp suggests:

Let me know if you're interested in more direct assistance, and we can continue 'offline'.

pmorettini commented 10 years ago


Thanks for your fast reply.

I totally understand your reasoning from a maintenance/support perspective. But to be honest, the reason I installed the plugin was the statement "Comes with a couple examples of hooks for common CRMs (listrak, mailchimp, salesforce)." Not knowing how everything would work, I took this to mean it would be very easy for me to configure the plugin to integrate Contact Form 7 with Salesforce and Mailchimp (I need to do both). I'm just a marketing guy, so it's very important that it's easy. I'm also not being argumentative--I just really would like to use your plugin.

By the way, the biggest problem I had was I just really didn't know where to START in the admin screen. For example, what do I need to do to connect the Salesforce or Mailchimp service to your plugin? I assume this is a step that needs to happen before being able to map fields from Contact 7 to one of these services.

Is that connection done through the "Submission URL"? That would be my assumption, but I don't know what that URL would be for Saleforce or Mailchimp. If that is the case, where would I find that URL?

And what confused me more is that "Submission URL" field was pre-populated with a URL from the site with the Contact 7 form I'm trying to integrate ( with Salesforce/Mailchimp. So that really confused me, maybe I am wrong that this is supposed to be a Salesforce or Mailchimp URL?

I think your idea for the "simple' solution, to supply a basic configuration, at least for popular services like salesforce and mailchimp is a good one. For their own stability reasons, I doubt if their common/standard fields will change much.

I would greatly appreciate your offer of direct assistance "offline". I think your plugin is a great idea and would really like to use it. My email address is


Phil Morettini PS: Since I wrote this originally, I noticed your links in the last post. I now have the Mailchimp submission URL, but the plugin doesn't seem to populate the mapping fields with the contact 7 fields. I assume from you message the Mailchimp fields have to be put in manually (there are only 3 fields in Mailchimp). Can't find the Salesforce information (Submission URL) anywhere in Sales force.

pmorettini commented 10 years ago

Hi Zaus, I haven't heard from you "offline". Are you still going to be able to help me? I'd appreciate you letting me know either way. Thanks, Phil

zaus commented 10 years ago

sorry really busy week; was also waiting for a way to contact you offline and completely missed your email at the end.

zaus commented 10 years ago

Closed, resolved offline ("on hold"). Would like to eventually post screenshots/walkthrough explanation as part of plugin documentation.

rchavex commented 10 years ago

Can you post the solution for this question? I have having the same issue. I am very confused with the interface and leads are not being submitted to salesforce. The debug email I receive does not show the submission url under * Post (to Service) *. I am certain I am missing something. Do I need to add hooks to function.php? If so, what would that be?

zaus commented 10 years ago

We didn't get to really solve it. Can you post your debug email? Maybe it can tell me more.

To remind you, all this plugin does is map a form submission to another URL. So you basically need to have another form already created, and most CRMs can do that with a web lead generator. Then you find out the action of that generated form to use as the "submission URL", and the name that each field expects to use in the mapping section. Then you just match up the expected name from the service to the name from the wp submission, which you can find from the debug email if you can't get it from the CF7/GF admin pages.

I've got to be honest, it sounds really straightforward to me, so I need your help to explain it better.

rchavex commented 10 years ago

I'm editing my original post. After reading your last comment, I went back and checked the submission url. This is where I get confused. I had added the url from the action that salesforce provided. Should I add the url from the CF7 form? Also, should I also be adding the field names to the submission url or do I do it in the mapping section? I currently have it on the mapping section. I will provide the debug email in a separate post.

I know it's straightforward to you, but it's the first time I use this plugin and it's not making sense to me. I think I have followed the directions properly. Yet, I know I am missing something.

rchavex commented 10 years ago
 *** Service ***
 [name] => Salesforce-Federal Teach Grant
 [url] =>
 [forms] => Array
 [0] => cf7_1237

 [success] =>
 [failure] =>
 [timeout] => 10
 [hook] => true
 [mapping] => Array
 [0] => Array
 [val] => 1
 [lbl] => account id
 [src] => xxxxxx
 [3rd] => oid

 [1] => Array
 [val] => 1
 [lbl] => first name
 [src] => first_name
 [3rd] => first_name

 [2] => Array
 [val] => 1
 [lbl] => last name
 [src] => last_name
 [3rd] => last_name

 [3] => Array
 [val] => 1
 [lbl] => email
 [src] => email
 [3rd] => email

 [4] => Array
 [val] => 1
 [lbl] => phone number
 [src] => phone
 [3rd] => phone

 [5] => Array
 [val] => 1
 [lbl] => program of interest
 [src] => program
 [3rd] => 00N50000001L5fG

 [6] => Array
 [val] => 1
 [lbl] => lead source
 [src] => lead_source
 [3rd] => lead_source


 [separator] => ,

 *** Post (Form) ***
 [_wpcf7] => 1237
 [_wpcf7_version] => 3.3
 [_wpcf7_unit_tag] => wpcf7-f1237-t1-o1
 [_wpnonce] => a93bde5b8e
 [first_name] => John
 [last_name] => Calderon
 [email] =>
 [phone] => 3213213214
 [program] => TEST
 [lead_source] => TWeb
 [_wpcf7_is_ajax_call] => 1

 *** Post (to Service) ***
 [timeout] => 10
 [body] => Array
 [oid] => xxxxxxx
 [first_name] => first_name
 [last_name] => last_name
 [email] => email
 [phone] => phone
 [00N50000001L5fG] => program
 [lead_source] => lead_source


 *** Response ***
 [headers] => Array
 [date] => Wed, 12 Mar 2014 04:43:16 GMT
 [cache-control] => private
 [content-type] => text/html;charset=UTF-8
 [connection] => close

 [body] =>
 [response] => Array
 [code] => 200
 [message] => OK

 [cookies] => Array

 [filename] =>
zaus commented 10 years ago

Aha, there's your problem -- you've checked the 'is value' checkboxes, which means you're submitting the 'Form Submission Field' column as a value to be mapped to the '3rd Party Field', rather than using the value of the form's submission.

Of course, when I write it like that, I can certainly see why you're confused. :) I'll see what I can do to clear that up.

And regarding your earlier post, your initial configuration is correct -- use the 3rdparty's form URL as the 'submission url' here, and leave the field names to the mapping section.

zaus commented 10 years ago

Okay, just pushed some more labeling and explanation in the admin page.

rchavex commented 10 years ago

Success!!! I unchecked the "Is Value" and the lead went through. Thank you so much for your patience.

hirewebsolutions commented 7 years ago


Contact Form 7 Salesforce CRM Integration:

Thank You