zaus / forms-3rdparty-xpost

Converts external submission from [Forms: 3rdparty Integration]( plugin to XML post; optionally can add custom headers (to allow SOAP submissions).
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Post XML string? #5

Closed andrelecomte closed 9 years ago

andrelecomte commented 9 years ago

I love these plugins and was happy to find the XML nesting feature. Thank you for your great development!!

Is it possible to post parameters like this?:

XMLString: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><name>John</name> ResponseType: StatusCode

zaus commented 9 years ago

Not really sure what you're asking -- do you mean you just want to send one field rather than a nested construct? If so, it does not, but I could help you figure out how to do that instead. What is the ResponseType?

andrelecomte commented 9 years ago

Sorry, if you could help me figure it out that would be great!

I do just want to send the nested XML construct as a value for one field. Could I somehow use a hook or modify forms-3rdparty-integration.php or forms-3rdparty-xpost.php so this is added to the start of the POST body?: ResponseType=StatusCode&XMLString=

XMLString is the form field where the 3rd-party service expects to receive all the XML data. ResponseType is another form field that allows a choice between either a "Status Code Response" or an "XML Response" from the submission URL. Is it possible to POST one field (ie., XMLString) that contains all the form submission data?

Currently the raw body of my POST starts like this: %3C%3Fxml+version=%221.0%22

However, I think it needs these static parameters added at the start: ResponseType=StatusCode&XMLString=%3C%3Fxml+version%3D%221.0%22

zaus commented 9 years ago

You could hook to ..._service_filter_args to change the $args['body'] to what you're looking for. Just make sure to hook later than Xpost (>12) does so the output will already have been transformed.

andrelecomte commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I don't understand php. Something like this?: $args[ResponseType=StatusCode&XMLString='body']

zaus commented 9 years ago

no, more like:

$args['body'] = http_build_query(array(
    'ResponseType' => 'StatusCode',
    'XMLString' => $args['body']
andrelecomte commented 9 years ago

Thank you very much! Am I on the right track by adding this to my theme's functions.php?:

add_filter('Forms3rdPartyIntegration_service_filter_args', 'MY_HOOK', 10, 3);

function MY_HOOK ($args) { $args['body'] = http_build_query(array( 'ResponseType' => 'StatusCode', 'XMLString' => $args['body'] ));}

zaus commented 9 years ago

yes -- but the 3 of ...'MY_HOOK', 10, 3); means your hook function expects 3 arguments, so it should look more like:

function MY_HOOK($args, $service, $form)

like Xpost:

Since you only need the first param $args, you can change the hook to 1, but for the sake of conformity (i.e. so you don't later forget you have the other stuff available) you might want to add the other arguments.

andrelecomte commented 9 years ago

I added $service and $form; thanks for the explanation! Now I've got stuck with the output being empty. Could this be an issue with hook priority?:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in wp-content/plugins/forms-3rd-party-xpost/forms-3rdparty-xpost.php on line 126

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in wp-content/plugins/forms-3rd-party-xpost/forms-3rdparty-xpost.php on line 143

zaus commented 9 years ago

Ah... My mistake. I forgot to mention that you need to set a later priority than xpost - so the 10 in "10, 3" should be more like 13 (bigger than xpost's 12) in order to allow it to turn the body into XML before you manipulate it further. Also, are you returning $args at the end of your hook? That might be why you got the null warning. WP filters are mean to transform and return the first argument (as opposed to actions that don't return anything).

andrelecomte commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the tips! I tried this in functions.php:

add_filter( 'Forms3rdPartyIntegration_service_filter_args', 'MY_HOOK', 13, 3 );

function MY_HOOK( $service, $form, $args ) { $args['body'] = http_build_query(array( 'ResponseType' => 'StatusCode', 'XMLString' => $args['body'] ));

... but the only way I could get it to work was by changing line 84 in forms-3rdparty-xpost.php to this:

$args['body'] = http_build_query(array( 'ResponseType' => 'StatusCode', 'XMLString' => $this->simple_xmlify($args['body'], null, isset($root) ? $root : 'post')->asXML() ));

zaus commented 9 years ago

Your solution just forgot to return $args at the end -- then it would have worked. No need to change the plugin source.

zaus commented 9 years ago

Also, the order of your hook arguments are wrong. As in, it should look like:

add_filter( 'Forms3rdPartyIntegration_service_filter_args', 'MY_HOOK', 13, 3 );

function MY_HOOK( $args, $service, $form ) {
   $args['body'] = http_build_query(array( 
   'ResponseType' => 'StatusCode', 
   'XMLString' => $args['body'] 
   return $args; // you forgot this line too
andrelecomte commented 9 years ago

This works perfectly. Thanks for all your help!!