zawadz88 / MaterialPopupMenu

Shows Material popup menus grouped in sections & more
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UI Testing Robolectric Issue #73

Closed JamesRoome closed 3 years ago

JamesRoome commented 3 years ago

Error When trying to do automated UI tests with Robolectric I get this error:

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker from class androidx.appcompat.widget.MaterialRecyclerViewPopupWindow$Companion

This is caused by MaterialRecyclerViewPopupWindow being in the androidx namespace so Robolectric does its bytecode magic on it.

Fix: Don't put MaterialRecyclerViewPopupWindow in the androidx namespace.

Workaround: Use a custom RobolectricTestRunner

 * MaterialRecyclerViewPopupWindow uses the androidx namespace, so Robolectric tries to instrument it, which doesn't turn out well.
class CustomRobolectricTestRunner(testClass: Class<*>?, injector: Injector) : RobolectricTestRunner(testClass) {
    private var androidConfigurer: AndroidConfigurer = injector.getInstance(

    constructor(testClass: Class<*>?): this(testClass, defaultInjector().build())

    override fun createClassLoaderConfig(method: FrameworkMethod?): InstrumentationConfiguration {
        val configuration: ConfigurationStrategy.Configuration = (method as RobolectricFrameworkMethod).configuration
        val config: Config = configuration.get(

        val builder = Builder(super.createClassLoaderConfig(method))
        androidConfigurer.configure(builder, interceptors)
        androidConfigurer.withConfig(builder, config)
zawadz88 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for submitting this issue and a workaround! I'm not sure if I can move the package. If remember correctly it was needed to access some package-private resources. I'll have a look if this can be fixed by other means though!

JamesRoome commented 3 years ago

I didn't look into the details too much, other than "bytecode instrumentation magic". But now that I'm thinking about it, all you might need to tweak the companion object a bit so the instrumentation works.

zawadz88 commented 3 years ago

Hi @JamesRoome, This should be now fixed in 4.1.0. Thanks for reporting this and providing a lot of info to fix the issue!

JamesRoome commented 3 years ago

Yes is works, happy to delete my CustomRobolectricTestRunner!

Thanks for the quick fix.