zawy12 / difficulty-algorithms

See the Issues for difficulty algorithms
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LWMA difficulty algorithm #3

Open zawy12 opened 6 years ago

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

CN coins: The last test of your fork is to make sure your new difficulties when you sync from 0 are matching the old difficulties when running the pre-fork code. See this note.

FWIW, it's possible to do the LWMA without looping over N blocks, using only the first and last difficulties (or targets) and their timestamps. In terms of difficulty, I believe it's:

ts = timestamp  D_N is difficulty of most recently solved block. 
D_{N+1} = next_D
S is the previous denominator:
S = D_N / [ D_{N-2} + D_{N-1}/N - D_{-1}/N ] * k * T
k = N/2*(N+1)
D_{N+1} = [ D_{N-1} + D_N/N - D_0/N ] * T * k / 
[ S - (ts_{N-1}-ts_0) + (ts_N-ts_{N-1})*N ]

I discovered a security weakness on 5/16/2019 due to my past FTL recommendations (which prevent bad timestamps from lowering difficulty). This weakness aka exploit does not seem to apply to Monero and Cryptonote coins that use node time instead of network time. If your coin uses network time instead of node local time, lowering FTL < about 125% of the "revert to node time" rule (70 minutes in BCH, ZEC, & BTC) will allow a 33% Sybil attack on your nodes, so the revert rule must be ~ FTL/2 instead of 70 minutes. If your coin uses network time without a revert rule (a bad design), it is subject to this attack under all conditions See:

People like reading the history of this algorithm.

Comparing algorithms on live coins: Difficulty Watch Send me a link to open daemon or full API to be included.

LWMA for Bitcoin & Zcash Clones

See LWMA code for BTC/Zcash clones in the comments below. Known BTC Clones using LWMA: are BTC Gold, BTC Candy, Ignition, Pigeon, Zelcash, Zencash, BitcoinZ, Xchange, Microbitcoin.

Testnet Checking Emai me a link to your code and then send me 200 testnet timestamps and difficulties (CSV height, timestamp, difficulty). To fully test it, you can send out-of-sequence timestamps to testnet by changing the clock on your node that sends your miner the block templates. There's a Perl script in my github code that you can use to simulate hash attacks on a single-computer testnet. Here's example code for getting the CSV timestamps/difficulty data to send me:

curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblockheadersrange","params":{"start_height":300,"end_height":412}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -r '.result.headers[] | [.height, .timestamp, .difficulty] | @csv'

Discord There is a discord channel for devs using this algorithm. You must have a coin and history as a dev on that coin to join. Please email me at to get an invite.

Donations Thanks to Sumo, Masari, Karbo, Electroneum, Lethean, and XChange. 38skLKHjPrPQWF9Vu7F8vdcBMYrpTg5vfM or your coin if it's on TO or cryptopia.

LWMA Description This sets difficulty by estimating current hashrate by the most recent difficulties and solvetimes. It divides the average difficulty by the Linearly Weighted Moving Average (LWMA) of the solvetimes. This gives it more weight to the more recent solvetimes. It is designed for small coin protection against timestamp manipulation and hash attacks. The basic equation is:

next_difficulty = average(Difficulties) * target_solvetime / LWMA(solvetimes)

LWMA-2/3/4 are now not recommended because I could not show they were better than LWMA-1.


Use this if you do not have NiceHash etc problems. See LWMA-4 below for more aggressive rules to help prevent NiceHash delays,

// LWMA-1 difficulty algorithm 
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Zawy, MIT License
// See commented link below for required config file changes. Fix FTL and MTP.
// The following comments can be deleted.
// Bitcoin clones must lower their FTL. See Bitcoin/Zcash code on the page above.
// Cryptonote et al coins must make the following changes:
// DIFFICULTY_WINDOW  = 60; //  N=60, 90, and 150 for T=600, 120, 60.
// Warning Bytecoin/Karbo clones may not have the following, so check TS & CD vectors size=N+1
// The BLOCKS_COUNT is to make timestamps & cumulative_difficulty vectors size N+1
//  If your coin uses network time instead of node local time, lowering FTL < about 125% of 
// the "revert to node time" rule (70 minutes in BCH, ZEC, & BTC) will allow a 33% Sybil attack 
// on your nodes.  So revert rule must be ~ FTL/2 instead of 70 minutes.   See: 

difficulty_type LWMA1_(std::vector<uint64_t> timestamps, 
   std::vector<uint64_t> cumulative_difficulties, uint64_t T, uint64_t N, uint64_t height,  
                    uint64_t FORK_HEIGHT, uint64_t  difficulty_guess) {

   // This old way was not very proper
   // uint64_t  T = DIFFICULTY_TARGET;
   // uint64_t  N = DIFFICULTY_WINDOW; // N=60, 90, and 150 for T=600, 120, 60.

   // Genesis should be the only time sizes are < N+1.
   assert(timestamps.size() == cumulative_difficulties.size() && timestamps.size() <= N+1 );

   // Hard code D if there are not at least N+1 BLOCKS after fork (or genesis)
   // This helps a lot in preventing a very common problem in CN forks from conflicting difficulties.
   if (height >= FORK_HEIGHT && height < FORK_HEIGHT + N) { return difficulty_guess; }
   assert(timestamps.size() == N+1); 

   uint64_t  L(0), next_D, i, this_timestamp(0), previous_timestamp(0), avg_D;

    previous_timestamp = timestamps[0]-T;
    for ( i = 1; i <= N; i++) {        
        // Safely prevent out-of-sequence timestamps
        if ( timestamps[i]  > previous_timestamp ) {   this_timestamp = timestamps[i];  } 
        else {  this_timestamp = previous_timestamp+1;   }
        L +=  i*std::min(6*T ,this_timestamp - previous_timestamp);
        previous_timestamp = this_timestamp; 
    if (L < N*N*T/20 ) { L =  N*N*T/20; }
    avg_D = ( cumulative_difficulties[N] - cumulative_difficulties[0] )/ N;

    // Prevent round off error for small D and overflow for large D.
    if (avg_D > 2000000*N*N*T) { 
        next_D = (avg_D/(200*L))*(N*(N+1)*T*99);   
    else {    next_D = (avg_D*N*(N+1)*T*99)/(200*L);    }

    // Optional. Make all insignificant digits zero for easy reading.
    i = 1000000000;
    while (i > 1) { 
        if ( next_D > i*100 ) { next_D = ((next_D+i/2)/i)*i; break; }
        else { i /= 10; }
    return  next_D;

The following is an idea that could be inserted right before "return next_D;

    // Optional.
        // Make least 2 digits = size of hash rate change last 11 BLOCKS if it's statistically significant.
    // D=2540035 => hash rate 3.5x higher than D expected. Blocks coming 3.5x too fast.
    if ( next_D > 10000 ) { 
        uint64_t est_HR = (10*(11*T+(timestamps[N]-timestamps[N-11])/2)) / 
        if (  est_HR > 5 && est_HR < 25 )  {  est_HR=0;   }
        est_HR = std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(99), est_HR);
        next_D = ((next_D+50)/100)*100 + est_HR;  

This is LWMA-2 verses LWMA if there is a 10x attack. There's not any difference for smaller attacks. See further below for LWMA compared to other algos. image


Known coins using it The names here do not imply endorsement or success or even that they've forked to implement it yet. This is mainly for my reference to check on them later. Alloy, Balkan, Wownero, Bitcoin Candy, Bitcoin Gold, BitcoiNote, BiteCode, BitCedi, BBScoin, Bitsum, BitcoinZ(?) Brazuk, DigitalNote, Dosh, Dynasty(?), Electronero, Elya, Graft, Haven, IPBC, Ignition, Incognito, Iridium, Intense, Italo, Loki, Karbo, MktCoin, MoneroV, Myztic, MarketCash, Masari, Niobio, NYcoin, Ombre, Parsi, Plura, Qwerty, Redwind?, Saronite, Solace, Stellite, Turtle, UltraNote, Vertical, Zelcash, Zencash. Recent inquiries: Tyche, Dragonglass, TestCoin, Shield 3.0. [update: and many more]

Importance of the averaging window size, N The size of of an algorithm's "averaging" window of N blocks is more important than the particular algorithm. Stability comes at a loss in speed of response by making N larger, and vice versa. Being biased towards low N is good because speed is proportional to 1/N while stability is proportional to SQRT(N). In other words, it's easier to get speed from low N than it is to get stability from high N. It appears as if the the top 20 large coins can use an N up to 10x higher (a full day's averaging window) to get a smooth difficulty with no obvious ill-effects. But it's very risky if a coin does not have at least 20% of the dollar reward per hour as the biggest coin for a given POW. Small coins using a large N can look nice and smooth for a month and then go into oscillations from a big miner and end up with 3-day delays between blocks, having to rent hash power to get unstuck. By tracking hashrate more closely, smaller N is more fair to your dedicated miners who are important to marketing. Correctly estimating current hashrate to get the correct block solvetime is the only goal of a difficulty algorithm. This includes the challenge of dealing with bad timestamps. An N too small disastrously attracts on-off mining by varying too much and doesn't track hashrate very well. Large N attracts "transient" miners by not tracking price fast enough and by not penalizing big miners who jump on and off, leaving your dedicated miners with a higher difficulty. This discourages dedicated miners, which causes the difficulty to drop in the next cycle when the big miner jumps on again, leading to worsening oscillations.

Masari forked to implement this on December 3, 2017 and has been performing outstandingly. Iridium forked to implement this on January 26, 2018 and reports success. They forked again on March 19, 2018 for other reasons and tweaked it. IPBC forked to implement it March 2, 2018. Stellite implemented it March 9, 2018 to stop bad oscillations. Karbowanec and QwertyCoin appear to be about to use it.

Comparison to other algorithms:

The competing algorithms are LWMA, EMA (exponential moving average), and Digishield. I'll also include SMA (simple moving average) for comparison. This is is the process go through to determine which is best.

First, I set the algorithms' "N" parameter so that they all give the same speed of response to an increase in hash rate (red bars). To give Digishield a fair chance, I removed the 6-block MTP delay. I had to lower its N value from 17 to 13 blocks to make it as fast as the others. I could have raised the other algo's N value instead, but I wanted a faster response than Digishield normally gives (based on watching hash attacks on Zcash and Hush). Also based on those attacks and attacks on other coins, I make my "test attack" below 3x the basline hashrate (red bars) and last for 30 blocks.


Then I simulate real hash attacks starting when difficulty accidentally drops 15% below baseline and end when difficulty is 30% above baseline. I used 3x attacks, but I get the same results for a wide range of attacks. The only clear advantage LWMA and EMA have over Digishield is fewer delays after attacks. The combination of the delay and "blocks stolen" metrics closely follows the result given by a root-mean-square of the error between where difficulty is and where it should be (based on the hash rate). LWMA wins on that metric also for a wide range of hash attack profiles.


I also consider their stability during constant hash rate.


Here is my spreadsheet for testing algorithms I've spent 9 months devising algorithms, learning from others, and running simulations in it.


Here's Hush with Zcash's Digishield compared to Masari with LWMA. Hush was 10x the market capitalization of Masari when these were done (so it should have been more stable). The beginning of Masari was after it forked to LWMA and attackers were still trying to see if they could profit.



h4x3rotab commented 6 years ago

I'm on boarding :)

h4x3rotab commented 6 years ago

Here is the Python implementation of LWMA algo in Bitcoin Gold:

def BTG_LWMA(height, timestamp, target):
    # T=<target solvetime>

    T = 600

    # height -1 = most recently solved block number
    # target  = 1/difficulty/2^x where x is leading zeros in coin's max_target, I believe
    # Recommended N:

    N = 45 # int(45*(600/T)^0.3))

    # To get a more accurate solvetime to within +/- ~0.2%, use an adjustment factor.
    # This technique has been shown to be accurate in 4 coins.
    # In a formula:
# [edit by zawy: since he's using target method, adjust should be 0.998. This was my mistake. ]
    # adjust = 0.9989^(500/N)  
    # k = (N+1)/2 * adjust * T 
    k = 13632
    sumTarget = 0
    t = 0
    j = 0

    # Loop through N most recent blocks.  "< height", not "<=". 
    # height-1 = most recently solved rblock
    for i in range(height - N, height):
        solvetime = timestamp[i] - timestamp[i-1]
        j += 1
        t += solvetime * j
        sumTarget += target[i]

    # Keep t reasonable in case strange solvetimes occurred. 
    if t < N * k // 3:
        t = N * k // 3

    next_target = t * sumTarget // k // N // N
    return next_target

@zawy12 , please note that your original pseudocode has a mistake at the last line:

next_target = t * sumTarget / k

If I understand it correctly, it should be:

next_target = t * sumTarget / (k * N^2)

t is the weighted sum of solve time, which has the same order of T*N*(N+1) / 2; sumTarget is the sum of the target of the last N blocks, which equals to N*avg_target.

Given k is (N+1)/2 * adjust * T, ignoring adjust, which is approximate 1, if we sub the three variables to next_target = t * sumTarget / k, we will get:

next_target = T*N*(N+1) / 2 * N*avg_target / ((N+1)/2 * T) = N^2 * avg_target

Apparently, there's a superfluous factor N^2.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the correction.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

This post included the original HTML code coins came up with on their own. It's here for my future reference. I've used HTML comment tag to hide the content because no one else should have an interest.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

Hush (who has Zcash's digishield) has 3x the market capitalization of Masari (who has LWMA), so Hush should be less subject to hash attacks. One caveat is that HUSH is more liquid (it's on cryptopia). Another is that Masari has 120 second blocks verses Hush's 150, which gives Masari a slight advantage in reaction speed (it is able to collect more data points in the same time span to estimate hashrate). They're both about 20M total coins. Hush is $1 and Masari is $0.30. The following charts show LWMA is performing a lot better. The charts are scaled the same and show the most recent 30,000 blocks (40 days for Masari, 50 days for hush). Hush's best week on the "blocks stolen" metric was only a little better than Masari's worst week. Hush's best week on delays was 2x worse than Masaris worst week.

hush_30k_4-14-2018_ending_291k masari_30k_new

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

LWMA for BTC / Zcash Clones

// LWMA for BTC clones
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin Gold developers
// Copyright (c) 2018 Zawy (M.I.T license continued)
// Algorithm by zawy, a modification of WT-144 by Tom Harding
// Code by h4x3rotab of BTC Gold, modified/updated by zawy
//  FTL must be changed to 300 or N*T/20 whichever is higher.
//  FTL in BTC clones is MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME in chain.h.
//  FTL in Ignition, Numus, and others can be found in main.h as DRIFT.
//  FTL in Zcash & Dash clones need to change the 2*60*60 here:
//  if (block.GetBlockTime() > nAdjustedTime + 2 * 60 * 60)
//  which is around line 3450 in main.cpp in ZEC and validation.cpp in Dash

unsigned int LwmaCalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const Consensus::Params& params)
    const int64_t T = params.nPowTargetSpacing;
    // N=45 for T=600.  N=60 for T=150.  N=90 for T=60. 
    const int64_ N = params.nZawyLwmaAveragingWindow; 
    const int64_t k = N*(N+1)*T/2; // BTG's code has a missing N here. They inserted it in the loop
    const int height = pindexLast->nHeight;
    assert(height > N);

    arith_uint256 sum_target;
    int64_t t = 0, j = 0, solvetime;

    // Loop through N most recent blocks. 
    for (int i = height - N+1; i <= height; i++) {
        const CBlockIndex* block = pindexLast->GetAncestor(i);
        const CBlockIndex* block_Prev = block->GetAncestor(i - 1);
        solvetime = block->GetBlockTime() - block_Prev->GetBlockTime();
        t += solvetime * j;  // Weighted solvetime sum.
        arith_uint256 target;
        sum_target += target / (k * N); // BTG added the missing N back here.
    // Keep t reasonable to >= 1/10 of expected t.
    if (t < k/10 ) {   t = k/10;  }
    arith_uint256 next_target = t * sum_target;
     if (next_target > powLimit) { next_target = powLimit; }
    return next_target.GetCompact();

LWMA-1 (&3)

Prevents negative solvetimes.

// LWMA-3 for BTC/Zcash clones
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 The Bitcoin Gold developers
// MIT License
// Algorithm by Zawy, a modification of WT-144 by Tom Harding
// Code by h4x3rotab of BTC Gold, modified/updated by Zawy
// Updated to LWMA-3 by iamstenman (MicroBitcoin)
// For change/updates, see
//  FTL must be changed to 300 or N*T/20 whichever is higher.
//  FTL in BTC clones is MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME in chain.h.
//  FTL in Ignition, Numus, and others can be found in main.h as DRIFT.
//  FTL in Zcash & Dash clones need to change the 2*60*60 here:
//  if (block.GetBlockTime() > nAdjustedTime + 2 * 60 * 60)
//  which is around line 3450 in main.cpp in ZEC and validation.cpp in Dash

unsigned int Lwma3CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const Consensus::Params& params)
    const int64_t T = params.nPowTargetSpacing;
    const int64_t N = params.lwmaAveragingWindow;
    const int64_t k = N * (N + 1) * T / 2;
    const int64_t height = pindexLast->nHeight;
    const arith_uint256 powLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit);

    if (height < N) { return powLimit.GetCompact(); }

    arith_uint256 sumTarget, previousDiff, nextTarget;
    int64_t thisTimestamp, previousTimestamp;
    int64_t t = 0, j = 0, solvetimeSum = 0;

    const CBlockIndex* blockPreviousTimestamp = pindexLast->GetAncestor(height - N);
    previousTimestamp = blockPreviousTimestamp->GetBlockTime();

    // Loop through N most recent blocks. 
    for (int64_t i = height - N + 1; i <= height; i++) {
        const CBlockIndex* block = pindexLast->GetAncestor(i);
        thisTimestamp = (block->GetBlockTime() > previousTimestamp) ? block->GetBlockTime() : previousTimestamp + 1;

        int64_t solvetime = std::min(6 * T, thisTimestamp - previousTimestamp);
        previousTimestamp = thisTimestamp;

        t += solvetime * j; // Weighted solvetime sum.
        arith_uint256 target;
        sumTarget += target / (k * N);

      //  if (i > height - 3) { solvetimeSum += solvetime; } // deprecated
        if (i == height) { previousDiff = target.SetCompact(block->nBits); }

    nextTarget = t * sumTarget;

    if (nextTarget > (previousDiff * 150) / 100) { nextTarget = (previousDiff * 150) / 100; }
    if ((previousDiff * 67) / 100 > nextTarget) { nextTarget = (previousDiff * 67)/100; }
   //  if (solvetimeSum < (8 * T) / 10) { nextTarget = previousDiff * 100 / 106; } // deprecated
    if (nextTarget > powLimit) { nextTarget = powLimit; }

    return nextTarget.GetCompact();
zawy12 commented 5 years ago

Important locations in BTC code:

FTL MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME set in chain.h, validating here:

Median Peer time error allowed away from local time: DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_ADJUSTMENT set in timedata.h, validation here:

Here's another time setting that needs to be reduced 9x your block time if you want it to be like BTC:

LWMA for BTC / Zcash Clones

LWMA-1 (LWMA-3 used is deprecated)

This version does not allow "negative solvetimes" that the original BTG allowed. This increases stability.

// LWMA-1 for BTC & Zcash clones
// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 The Bitcoin Gold developers, Zawy, iamstenman (Microbitcoin)
// MIT License
// Algorithm by Zawy, a modification of WT-144 by Tom Harding
// For updates see
// Do not use Zcash's / Digishield's method of ignoring the ~6 most recent 
// timestamps via the median past timestamp (MTP of 11).
// Changing MTP to 1 instead of 11 enforces sequential timestamps. Not doing this was the
// most serious, problematic, & fundamental consensus theory mistake made in bitcoin but
// this change may require changes elsewhere such as creating block headers or what pools do.
//  FTL should be lowered to about N*T/20.
//  FTL in BTC clones is MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME in chain.h.
//  FTL in Ignition, Numus, and others can be found in main.h as DRIFT.
//  FTL in Zcash & Dash clones need to change the 2*60*60 here:
//  if (block.GetBlockTime() > nAdjustedTime + 2 * 60 * 60)
//  which is around line 3700 in main.cpp in ZEC and validation.cpp in Dash
//  If your coin uses median network time instead of node's time, the "revert to 
//  node time" rule (70 minutes in BCH, ZEC, & BTC) should be reduced to FTL/2 
//  to prevent 33% Sybil attack that can manipulate difficulty via timestamps. See:

unsigned int Lwma3CalculateNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const Consensus::Params& params)
    const int64_t T = params.nPowTargetSpacing;

   // For T=600 use N=288 (takes 2 days to fully respond to hashrate changes) and has 
  //  a StdDev of N^(-0.5) which will often be the change in difficulty in N/4 blocks when hashrate is 
  // constant. 10% of blocks will have an error >2x the StdDev above or below where D should be. 
  //  This N=288 is like N=144 in ASERT which is N=144*ln(2)=100 in 
  // terms of BCH's ASERT.  BCH's ASERT uses N=288 which is like 2*288/ln(2) = 831 = N for 
  // LWMA. ASERT and LWMA are almost indistinguishable once this adjustment to N is used. In other words,
  // 831/144 = 5.8 means my N=144 recommendation for T=600 is 5.8 times faster but SQRT(5.8) less 
  // stability than BCH's ASERT. The StdDev for 288 is 6%, so 12% accidental variation will be see in 10% of blocks.
  // Twice 288 is 576 which will have 4.2% StdDev and be 2x slower. This is reasonable for T=300 or less.
 // For T = 60, N=1,000 will have 3% StdDev & maybe plenty fast, but require 1M multiplications & additions per 
  // 1,000 blocks for validation which might be a consideration. I would not go over N=576 and prefer 360
 // so that it can respond in 6 hours to hashrate changes.

    const int64_t N = params.lwmaAveragingWindow;  

    // Define a k that will be used to get a proper average after weighting the solvetimes.
    const int64_t k = N * (N + 1) * T / 2; 

    const int64_t height = pindexLast->nHeight;
    const arith_uint256 powLimit = UintToArith256(params.powLimit);

   // New coins just "give away" first N blocks. It's better to guess
   // this value instead of using powLimit, but err on high side to not get stuck.
    if (height < N) { return powLimit.GetCompact(); }

    arith_uint256 avgTarget, nextTarget;
    int64_t thisTimestamp, previousTimestamp;
    int64_t sumWeightedSolvetimes = 0, j = 0;

    const CBlockIndex* blockPreviousTimestamp = pindexLast->GetAncestor(height - N);
    previousTimestamp = blockPreviousTimestamp->GetBlockTime();

    // Loop through N most recent blocks. 
    for (int64_t i = height - N + 1; i <= height; i++) {
        const CBlockIndex* block = pindexLast->GetAncestor(i);

        // Prevent solvetimes from being negative in a safe way. It must be done like this. 
        // Do not attempt anything like  if (solvetime < 1) {solvetime=1;}
        // The +1 ensures new coins do not calculate nextTarget = 0.
        thisTimestamp = (block->GetBlockTime() > previousTimestamp) ? 
                            block->GetBlockTime() : previousTimestamp + 1;

       // 6*T limit prevents large drops in diff from long solvetimes which would cause oscillations.
        int64_t solvetime = std::min(6 * T, thisTimestamp - previousTimestamp);

       // The following is part of "preventing negative solvetimes". 
        previousTimestamp = thisTimestamp;

       // Give linearly higher weight to more recent solvetimes.
        sumWeightedSolvetimes += solvetime * j; 

        arith_uint256 target;
        avgTarget += target / N / k; // Dividing by k here prevents an overflow below.
    nextTarget = avgTarget * sumWeightedSolvetimes; 

    if (nextTarget > powLimit) { nextTarget = powLimit; }

    return nextTarget.GetCompact();
cryptozeny commented 5 years ago

For safety reasons, I suggest inserting this line at the beginning of the code. @zawy12

assert(pindexLast != nullptr);
cryptforall commented 5 years ago

For safety reasons, I suggest inserting this line at the beginning of the code. @zawy12

assert(pindexLast != nullptr);

sir most btc/dash clones have it

unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, const CBlockHeader *pblock, const Consensus::Params& params)
    assert( pindexLast != nullptr );
    int nHeight = pindexLast->nHeight + 1;
neoncoin-project commented 3 years ago

Can you please make a version for the BTC clones in version 0.8.6? I try but is hard the timestam stuff.

dpowcore-project commented 5 months ago

what is setting to use for 5m blocks ?

cryptforall commented 5 months ago

what is setting to use for 5m blocks ?

Is the blockchain already set at 5m and you want to adjust the numbers?

zawy12 commented 5 months ago

In contradiction to my previous statements that say 50% of N depends on block time, I'm now saying 200 to 600 is a good value. One reason is because this many sample has only 1/SQRT(N) error in sampling which is 7% to 4% error. The main reason I changed is that I thought for many years that Monero was bad for every coin that tried it's DA because the average time was a full day (too slow). But later I realized most of the extreme oscillation problems were because monero modifies it's simple moving average to have a lag in using solvetimes (it doesn't use the most recent solvetimes). Simple moving averages can also cause oscillations under on-off mining, but not as bad as what monero forks were seeing before changing the difficulty algorithm. So instead of N=60 or 120 for 5-minute blocks, I'm saying 200 to 600 for all block times.

someunknownman commented 5 months ago

In contradiction to my previous statements that say 50% of N depends on block time, I'm now saying 200 to 600 is a good value. One reason is because this many sample has only 1/SQRT(N) error in sampling which is 7% to 4% error. The main reason I changed is that I thought for many years that Monero was bad for every coin that tried it's DA because the average time was a full day (too slow). But later I realized most of the extreme oscillation problems were because monero modifies it's simple moving average to have a lag in using solvetimes (it doesn't use the most recent solvetimes). Simple moving averages can also cause oscillations under on-off mining, but not as bad as what monero forks were seeing before changing the difficulty algorithm. So instead of N=60 or 120 for 5-minute blocks, I'm saying 200 to 600 for all block times.

i think N 576 is ok , but there another qustion if find

FTL (MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME) needs to be 1/20 of T*N to limit difficulty manipulation to 5% and "Peer Time" (DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_ADJUSTMENT) needs to be 1/2 of that, I get:

static constexpr int64_t MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME = BLOCK_TIME * N / 20;
static constexpr int64_t MAX_BLOCK_TIME_GAP = BLOCK_TIME * 12;

that is ok for low times.

but when N 576 and T 300

default is

static constexpr int64_t MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME = 2 * 60 * 60;  // 2 hours

static constexpr int64_t TIMESTAMP_WINDOW = MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME; // 2 hours

static constexpr int64_t MAX_BLOCK_TIME_GAP = 90 * 60; // 1.5 hour

static const int64_t DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_ADJUSTMENT = 70 * 60;  // ~1.16 hour.

so if we do T*N = 172800 then 172800 / 20 = 8640 then convert it to hours 8640 / 60 / 60 = 2.4 Hours , more than default :/

and from that all will more than base BTC setting , so what keep ot maybe need calculate by another way for N 576 and T 300 ?

zawy12 commented 5 months ago

Your N * T is 2 days which means if there is a significant price change in a few hours it could attract a lot of temporary mining to profit at expense of constant miners. In contradiction to my previous reply, you might want a balance between speed of response due to price changes and wanting stability if hashrate is constant. I'd like an N where expected daily stability in difficulty under constant hashrate is equal to the expected daily price change. This approach gives 2 equations that need solving to determine N and T.

1/sqrt(N) = F 
N * T = k 
where F = std deviation of the fractional change in price in a time period
k = time period F is measured

For example, if you want to target 1 day as the relevant time period in which you want to respond to price changes, then k = 3600 24. If F is measured from price history data to be 3% in that k time period (F = 0.03 std dev per day), then N = 1,111 from 1st equation & T = 78 seconds from 2nd equation. Using the equations conversely, you are using T=300 and N=576 which is like saying you have a good balance between stability and price changes if price typically changes 4.2% in 2 days. If it doesn't change that much, you could argue for a larger N, being aware that this will cause 2^(-15) 1152 = 3.5% error in difficulty at times when nBit is near the "cusp" of changing (this requires understanding nBit's compression scheme to explain). It's 1.75% error at times with N = 576.

zawy12 commented 5 months ago

I should mention that ideally your limits on timestamps (future time and past time) would be the highest accuracy your miners can be expected to maintain, provided it's larger than your "typically longest" propagation delays. Let's say blocks and validation of them can easily propagate under normal network conditions in 2 seconds. Then if they can keep clocks with 2.1 second accuracy, technically they should, and they should reject blocks who's timestamps are more than 4.2+2 seconds in the past or 4.2 seconds in the future. But there can be abnormal network delays which which cause blocks to be rejected under this rule, so you have to let PoW override the rule to repair the "breaking of synchony" that occurred. The rule could be "ignore blocks that break with rule for 300 seconds, then let PoW decide which is the most-work chain." This seems a lot of work for nothing but it's the proper way according to Lamport's 1978 Clock's paper. The only benefits I've noticed is that it makes selfish mining impossible because they have to assign a timestamp before they know when to release the block and it fixes a complaint people have had with "real time targeting". I described it in detail in a recent "issue" that included selfish mining.

someunknownman commented 5 months ago

so what setting you can recomend if not go to "real time" mining for prevent any possible issue , about hashrate i not really scare as there dual pow ( not multi pow ) 2 checks - one Nbits = 2 algos. Yespower + argon2id with salt over sha512 with tricky RAM floating.

uint256 CBlockHeader::GetHash() const
    return (CHashWriter{PROTOCOL_VERSION} << *this).GetHash();

/* Yespower */
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash() const
    static const yespower_params_t yespower_1_0_dpowcoin = {
        .version = YESPOWER_1_0,
        .N = 2048,
        .r = 8,
        .pers = (const uint8_t *)"One POW? Why not two? 14/04/2024",
        .perslen = 32
    uint256 hash;
    ss << *this;
    if (yespower_tls((const uint8_t *)&ss[0], ss.size(), &yespower_1_0_dpowcoin, (yespower_binary_t *)&hash)) {
        tfm::format(std::cerr, "Error: CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash(): failed to compute PoW hash (out of memory?)\n");
    return hash;

// CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() instance
// -> Serialize Block Header using CDataStream
// -> Compute SHA-512 hash of serialized data (Two Rounds)
// -> Use the computed hash as the salt for argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round using the serialized data as password and SHA-512 hash as salt
// -> Use the hash obtained from the first round as the salt for the second round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round using the serialized data as password and the hash from the first round as salt
// -> Return the hash computed in the second round (hash2)

uint256 CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() const
    uint256 hash;
    uint256 hash2;
    ss << *this;

    // Hashing the data using SHA-512 (two rounds)
    std::vector<unsigned char> salt_sha512(CSHA512::OUTPUT_SIZE);
    CSHA512 sha512;
    sha512.Write((unsigned char*)&ss[0], ss.size()).Finalize(;
    sha512.Reset().Write(, salt_sha512.size()).Finalize(;

    // Preparing data for hashing
    const void* pwd = &ss[0];
    size_t pwdlen = ss.size();
    const void* salt =;
    size_t saltlen = salt_sha512.size();

    // Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
    int rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 4096, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash, 32);
    if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
        printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the first round\n");

    // Using the hash from the first round as the salt for the second round
    salt = &hash;
    saltlen = 32;

    // Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round
    rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 32768, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash2, 32);
    if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
        printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the second round\n");

    // Return the result of the second round of Argon2id
    return hash2;
static bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, BlockValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW = true)
    // Check proof of work's matches claimed amount (dual pow logic)
    bool powResult1 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetYespowerPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;
    bool powResult2 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetArgon2idPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;

    // Сhecking if both POW's are valid
    if (!powResult1 || !powResult2) {
        return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_INVALID_HEADER, "high-hash", "proof of work's failed");

    return true;
zawy12 commented 5 months ago

People were using N=60 with T=60 or 120, so 5% of N * T for FTL was 180 seconds, so it needed to be a lot less than 2 hours. Your FTL = 2.4 hours is OK, but there's no reason not to make it a lot shorter. Every miner should be able to keep their clock within 5 minutes of UTC, so you could do that. A couple of coins used FTL = 15 seconds and said they didn't have any problems. I just think 2 hours is way too long and serves no purpose. I never saw a legitimate explanation for it in BTC. I would use 1 minute just to make miners keep an accurate clock.

Keep in mind peer time should be removed in accordance with Lamport's 1982 Byzantine paper (and earlier research) as I repeated in the LWMA code and described in my "Timestamp Attacks" issue. But if peer time is kept, then the limit for "revert to local time" (miner's UTC time that he knows is correct) should be reduced form 70 minutes to 1/2 of FTL.

I haven't understood what you're doing with 2 PoWs. Each "hash" is actually a sequence of 2 hashes? Please respond in issue #79 you created instead of this thread.

cryptforall commented 5 months ago

so what setting you can recomend if not go to "real time" mining for prevent any possible issue , about hashrate i not really scare as there dual pow ( not multi pow ) 2 checks - one Nbits = 2 algos. Yespower + argon2id with salt over sha512 with tricky RAM floating.

uint256 CBlockHeader::GetHash() const
    return (CHashWriter{PROTOCOL_VERSION} << *this).GetHash();

/* Yespower */
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash() const
    static const yespower_params_t yespower_1_0_dpowcoin = {
        .version = YESPOWER_1_0,
        .N = 2048,
        .r = 8,
        .pers = (const uint8_t *)"One POW? Why not two? 14/04/2024",
        .perslen = 32
    uint256 hash;
    ss << *this;
    if (yespower_tls((const uint8_t *)&ss[0], ss.size(), &yespower_1_0_dpowcoin, (yespower_binary_t *)&hash)) {
        tfm::format(std::cerr, "Error: CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash(): failed to compute PoW hash (out of memory?)\n");
    return hash;

// CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() instance
// -> Serialize Block Header using CDataStream
// -> Compute SHA-512 hash of serialized data (Two Rounds)
// -> Use the computed hash as the salt for argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round using the serialized data as password and SHA-512 hash as salt
// -> Use the hash obtained from the first round as the salt for the second round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round using the serialized data as password and the hash from the first round as salt
// -> Return the hash computed in the second round (hash2)

uint256 CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() const
    uint256 hash;
    uint256 hash2;
    ss << *this;

    // Hashing the data using SHA-512 (two rounds)
    std::vector<unsigned char> salt_sha512(CSHA512::OUTPUT_SIZE);
    CSHA512 sha512;
    sha512.Write((unsigned char*)&ss[0], ss.size()).Finalize(;
    sha512.Reset().Write(, salt_sha512.size()).Finalize(;

    // Preparing data for hashing
    const void* pwd = &ss[0];
    size_t pwdlen = ss.size();
    const void* salt =;
    size_t saltlen = salt_sha512.size();

    // Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
    int rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 4096, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash, 32);
    if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
        printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the first round\n");

    // Using the hash from the first round as the salt for the second round
    salt = &hash;
    saltlen = 32;

    // Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round
    rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 32768, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash2, 32);
    if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
        printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the second round\n");

    // Return the result of the second round of Argon2id
    return hash2;
static bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, BlockValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW = true)
    // Check proof of work's matches claimed amount (dual pow logic)
    bool powResult1 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetYespowerPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;
    bool powResult2 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetArgon2idPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;

    // Сhecking if both POW's are valid
    if (!powResult1 || !powResult2) {
        return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_INVALID_HEADER, "high-hash", "proof of work's failed");

    return true;

Bellcoin uses Yespower and LWMA. How will you use two mining algorithms? I don't believe the PoW mining algorithms you've selected are ASIC-resistant. Sorry Grammarly *

someunknownman commented 5 months ago

so what setting you can recomend if not go to "real time" mining for prevent any possible issue , about hashrate i not really scare as there dual pow ( not multi pow ) 2 checks - one Nbits = 2 algos. Yespower + argon2id with salt over sha512 with tricky RAM floating.

uint256 CBlockHeader::GetHash() const
    return (CHashWriter{PROTOCOL_VERSION} << *this).GetHash();

/* Yespower */
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash() const
    static const yespower_params_t yespower_1_0_dpowcoin = {
        .version = YESPOWER_1_0,
        .N = 2048,
        .r = 8,
        .pers = (const uint8_t *)"One POW? Why not two? 14/04/2024",
        .perslen = 32
    uint256 hash;
    ss << *this;
    if (yespower_tls((const uint8_t *)&ss[0], ss.size(), &yespower_1_0_dpowcoin, (yespower_binary_t *)&hash)) {
        tfm::format(std::cerr, "Error: CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash(): failed to compute PoW hash (out of memory?)\n");
    return hash;

// CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() instance
// -> Serialize Block Header using CDataStream
// -> Compute SHA-512 hash of serialized data (Two Rounds)
// -> Use the computed hash as the salt for argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round using the serialized data as password and SHA-512 hash as salt
// -> Use the hash obtained from the first round as the salt for the second round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round using the serialized data as password and the hash from the first round as salt
// -> Return the hash computed in the second round (hash2)

uint256 CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() const
    uint256 hash;
    uint256 hash2;
    ss << *this;

    // Hashing the data using SHA-512 (two rounds)
    std::vector<unsigned char> salt_sha512(CSHA512::OUTPUT_SIZE);
    CSHA512 sha512;
    sha512.Write((unsigned char*)&ss[0], ss.size()).Finalize(;
    sha512.Reset().Write(, salt_sha512.size()).Finalize(;

    // Preparing data for hashing
    const void* pwd = &ss[0];
    size_t pwdlen = ss.size();
    const void* salt =;
    size_t saltlen = salt_sha512.size();

    // Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
    int rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 4096, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash, 32);
    if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
        printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the first round\n");

    // Using the hash from the first round as the salt for the second round
    salt = &hash;
    saltlen = 32;

    // Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round
    rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 32768, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash2, 32);
    if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
        printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the second round\n");

    // Return the result of the second round of Argon2id
    return hash2;
static bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, BlockValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW = true)
   // Check proof of work's matches claimed amount (dual pow logic)
   bool powResult1 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetYespowerPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;
   bool powResult2 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetArgon2idPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;

   // Сhecking if both POW's are valid
   if (!powResult1 || !powResult2) {
       return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_INVALID_HEADER, "high-hash", "proof of work's failed");

   return true;

Bellcoin uses Yespower and LWMA. How will you use two mining algorithms? I don't believe the PoW mining algorithms you've selected are ASIC-resistant. Sorry Grammarly *

not exist any asic resistance algos for all algos possible create asic , all depend how much money can be spendet to developt asic.

Two proofs of work (POWs) are utilized for each block validation process. Initially, the block undergoes verification using the Yespower algorithm. Subsequently, the same block is subjected to two rounds of SHA512 as salt, followed by two rounds of Argon2id. The block is deemed valid only if it passes both proof of work validations simultaneously.

For the Yespower proof of work, the function GetYespowerPowHash() computes the hash. This function serializes the block data and utilizes the Yespower algorithm for hash computation.

For the Argon2id proof of work, the function GetArgon2idPoWHash() is employed. This function serializes the block data and then performs two rounds of SHA512 hashing with a salt . Following this, it conducts two rounds of Argon2id hashing. The resulting hash from the second round is returned.

To verify block headers, the function CheckBlockHeader() is utilized. It evaluates both proofs of work for the block. If either proof of work fails, the block is considered invalid.

For lightweight Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) wallets, only one of the proof of works can be utilized for verification.

cryptforall commented 5 months ago

so what setting you can recomend if not go to "real time" mining for prevent any possible issue , about hashrate i not really scare as there dual pow ( not multi pow ) 2 checks - one Nbits = 2 algos. Yespower + argon2id with salt over sha512 with tricky RAM floating.

uint256 CBlockHeader::GetHash() const
    return (CHashWriter{PROTOCOL_VERSION} << *this).GetHash();

/* Yespower */
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash() const
    static const yespower_params_t yespower_1_0_dpowcoin = {
        .version = YESPOWER_1_0,
        .N = 2048,
        .r = 8,
        .pers = (const uint8_t *)"One POW? Why not two? 14/04/2024",
        .perslen = 32
    uint256 hash;
    ss << *this;
    if (yespower_tls((const uint8_t *)&ss[0], ss.size(), &yespower_1_0_dpowcoin, (yespower_binary_t *)&hash)) {
        tfm::format(std::cerr, "Error: CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash(): failed to compute PoW hash (out of memory?)\n");
    return hash;

// CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() instance
// -> Serialize Block Header using CDataStream
// -> Compute SHA-512 hash of serialized data (Two Rounds)
// -> Use the computed hash as the salt for argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round using the serialized data as password and SHA-512 hash as salt
// -> Use the hash obtained from the first round as the salt for the second round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round using the serialized data as password and the hash from the first round as salt
// -> Return the hash computed in the second round (hash2)

uint256 CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() const
    uint256 hash;
    uint256 hash2;
    ss << *this;

    // Hashing the data using SHA-512 (two rounds)
    std::vector<unsigned char> salt_sha512(CSHA512::OUTPUT_SIZE);
    CSHA512 sha512;
    sha512.Write((unsigned char*)&ss[0], ss.size()).Finalize(;
    sha512.Reset().Write(, salt_sha512.size()).Finalize(;

    // Preparing data for hashing
    const void* pwd = &ss[0];
    size_t pwdlen = ss.size();
    const void* salt =;
    size_t saltlen = salt_sha512.size();

    // Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
    int rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 4096, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash, 32);
    if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
        printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the first round\n");

    // Using the hash from the first round as the salt for the second round
    salt = &hash;
    saltlen = 32;

    // Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round
    rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 32768, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash2, 32);
    if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
        printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the second round\n");

    // Return the result of the second round of Argon2id
    return hash2;
static bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, BlockValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW = true)
   // Check proof of work's matches claimed amount (dual pow logic)
   bool powResult1 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetYespowerPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;
   bool powResult2 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetArgon2idPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;

   // Сhecking if both POW's are valid
   if (!powResult1 || !powResult2) {
       return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_INVALID_HEADER, "high-hash", "proof of work's failed");

   return true;

Bellcoin uses Yespower and LWMA. How will you use two mining algorithms? I don't believe the PoW mining algorithms you've selected are ASIC-resistant. Sorry Grammarly *

not exist any asic resistance algos for all algos possible create asic , all depend how much money can be spendet to developt asic.

Two proofs of work (POWs) are utilized for each block validation process. Initially, the block undergoes verification using the Yespower algorithm. Subsequently, the same block is subjected to two rounds of SHA512 as salt, followed by two rounds of Argon2id. The block is deemed valid only if it passes both proof of work validations simultaneously.

For the Yespower proof of work, the function GetYespowerPowHash() computes the hash. This function serializes the block data and utilizes the Yespower algorithm for hash computation.

For the Argon2id proof of work, the function GetArgon2idPoWHash() is employed. This function serializes the block data and then performs two rounds of SHA512 hashing with a salt . Following this, it conducts two rounds of Argon2id hashing. The resulting hash from the second round is returned.

To verify block headers, the function CheckBlockHeader() is utilized. It evaluates both proofs of work for the block. If either proof of work fails, the block is considered invalid.

For lightweight Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) wallets, only one of the proof of works can be utilized for verification.

X16-17-+ were asic res unless that was incorrect in 2019 Would that not increase the power required to process and kill mining equipment faster? If one POW is valid does the miner stay stuck in a loop on the 2nd pow if invalid or does it attempt to remine* the first? What mining software will you use? Is this for testing or research? Got to think about the miners. If you don't care about asic, you won't get the miners.

someunknownman commented 5 months ago

project is paned non premine , there no mining software / exist pools , algos only for POW , heders sha256 native (LTC like for speed up sync ).

Target most be valid at the same time for 2 POW's - this is not multi POW it is dual POW and this is more experemental solution , as it dual pow and 1 target is valid , it make possible at future even remove one of algo at BIP with no keep any "trash code".

cryptforall commented 5 months ago

project is paned non premine , there no mining software / exist pools , algos only for POW , heders sha256 native (LTC like for speed up sync ).

Target most be valid at the same time for 2 POW's - this is not multi POW it is dual POW and this is more experemental solution , as it dual pow and 1 target is valid , it make possible at future even remove one of algo at BIP with no keep any "trash code".

Interesting. Why not just trust one pow? What’s is the benefit and does it mitigate anything?

someunknownman commented 5 months ago

project is paned non premine , there no mining software / exist pools , algos only for POW , heders sha256 native (LTC like for speed up sync ). Target most be valid at the same time for 2 POW's - this is not multi POW it is dual POW and this is more experemental solution , as it dual pow and 1 target is valid , it make possible at future even remove one of algo at BIP with no keep any "trash code".

Interesting. Why not just trust one pow? What’s is the benefit and does it mitigate anything?

is one pow will have any problems or potential CVE we can drop it as target will be still valid and remove it clearly from code for not keep "forking code" , yespower is good for CPU and make prevent GPU and asic mining at exist software. argon2id is good for use at all platform ( exist js , go , rust , pyhon) libs , for yespower only exist for node and python ( simple integration )

this is more of an experiment + it was very difficult to find the best algorithm setting to maintain algorithms with the same speed difference - hashrate.

for prevent situation - mining 1 algo to find targets and then try push it to 2 algo for speed up.

cryptforall commented 5 months ago

project is paned non premine , there no mining software / exist pools , algos only for POW , heders sha256 native (LTC like for speed up sync ). Target most be valid at the same time for 2 POW's - this is not multi POW it is dual POW and this is more experemental solution , as it dual pow and 1 target is valid , it make possible at future even remove one of algo at BIP with no keep any "trash code".

Interesting. Why not just trust one pow? What’s is the benefit and does it mitigate anything?

is one pow will have any problems or potential CVE we can drop it as target will be still valid and remove it clearly from code for not keep "forking code" , yespower is good for CPU and make prevent GPU and asic mining at exist software. argon2id is good for use at all platform ( exist js , go , rust , pyhon) libs , for yespower only exist for node and python ( simple integration )

this is more of an experiment + it was very difficult to find the best algorithm setting to maintain algorithms with the same speed difference - hashrate.

for prevent situation - mining 1 algo to find targets and then try push it to 2 algo for speed up.

Since it’s post incident, just change the algo at block # and do a wallet update. You will be doing wallet releases periodically for the first few years. Save your self the headache. (Technically a fork but it’s the same because you have to change the code to remove)

someunknownman commented 5 months ago

and argon2id i use not native, there is 2 memory locks , what is problematic at GPU or FPGA , first for 1 round lock memory 4mb , then for next round you need again call memory 32mb "lock > free > lock"

or simple think about it why we use at BTC 2 round of sha256 why not one ? the same .

target - block most have the same or more lead 000... hash will be diferent ,but they will give valid targets at 2 algos for the same data ( "target colision" )