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Timestamp Attacks #30

Open zawy12 opened 5 years ago

zawy12 commented 5 years ago


The following are clock and timestamp requirements in Nakamoto consensus that prevent all known attacks on "difficulty algorithms" or chain work (provided the difficulty algorithm does not subvert the requirements).

  1. Monotonic timestamps: Secure distributed consensus isn't possible without monotonic timestamps on messages. BTC's median of past 11 timestamps is an inefficient and problem-causing patch that is the result of a lack of knowledge in how timestamps should apply to Nakamoto consensus. It allows an existing security hole in BTC, LTC, et al., and continues to cause tricky, hard-to-catch problems in alts and any code that attempts to use blocks that come after the MTP as if they have partial consensus. It technically eliminates the probabilistic consensus that the most recent 5 blocks could have contributed. Block height doesn't enforce Lamport ordering because timestamps affect difficulty which determines chain work which is the basis of consensus ordering.
  2. Local time: It's important for miners to keep accurate local time without consulting any other nodes or NTP service that other miners use. This prevents Sybil attacks. Nakamoto consensus is only as decentralized and secure as node clocks. Peer time in BTC is a mistake because it can be subject to Sybil & eclipse attacks. Nakamoto consensus (in a sense) works better than consensus because no node has to ask any other node which chain has the most work or what time it is.
  3. Timestamp limits on parent blocks as viewed and enforced by current miners. If selfish mining isn't a concern and if an RTT is not being used (next requirement), the timestamp limits appear to only need to be a fraction of the difficulty averaging window to prevent an artificial reduction in difficulty. Otherwise miners need to enforce timestamp limits that are much tighter than block time to optimize Nakamoto consensus by preventing <50% selfish mining attacks (selfish miners can't predict when they'll need to release blocks, so they aren't able to assign an acceptable timestamp). Timestamps limits should therefore be closer to local time plus a reasonably loose delay to allow for propagation delays (~3 seconds in BTC because median delay is ~300 ms) and clock error (every pool and large miner should be able to achieve +/- 2 seconds). But this rule should not override chain work due to the possibility of long network delays. For example, the rule could be for all honest miners to ignore a new block for 600 seconds if its timestamp is out of the -7 to +4 seconds from each miner's independent local time, killing a selfish miner's profit by giving a large preference to honest timestamps, but reverting to chain work in case there was an unexpected network delay. My -7 comes from -3 s normal max propagation delay, -2 for the block creator's clock error, and -2 for validators local time error.
  4. Real-time targeting (RTT): This changes a miner's difficulty during hashing, based on the timestamp he is going to assign to that block. This can be used to prevent stuck chains and prevent large miners from getting excess profits by switching chains. It can also safely change the exponential distribution of solvetimes to be flatter or more centered on the target block time. See Tom Harding's RTT paper. and my older article. This usually needs or requires the tighter timestamps (see previous requirement). This and the previous requirement enable a better estimate of the network hashrate (read "measures consensus better") if the exponential distribution is flattened by an RTT.

Timestamp attacks result from "good intentions" or other mistakes that modify the local clock or timestamp constraints required by Nakamoto consensus security proofs. All distributed consensus mechanisms require the clock (local time) to be more secure than the consensus mechanism [1][3] and messages (blocks) must have sequential (monotonic) timestamps.[2] Allowing non-sequential timestamps in bitcoin has caused many problems. The block height is not sufficient (or necessary) because timestamps estimate hashrate to set difficulty which determines which tip has consensus, overriding block height. Timestamps estimate total hashes which are the events for Lamport ordering. A 3rd fundamental requirement of all distributed consensus mechanisms ("all" includes Nakamoto consensus because the 1978 derivation by Lamport didn't depend on the algorithm) is there must be a limit on how far in the future (ahead of local time) timestamps can be. In practical terms, to prevent all the attacks and problems described on this page, Nakamoto consensus must:

  1. Use an independent local time (no peer or median time).
  2. Enforce a future time limit (FTL) on timestamps that is greater than reasonable local time error and a lot less than the difficulty averaging window. Reasonable local time error < FTL << difficulty averaging. (If RTT is used, FTL << block time.) If it's a lot tighter than block time and also a "past time" limit, then selfish mining with <50% is not feasible.
  3. Require sequential (monotonic) timestamps. Previous_timestamp < allowable_timestamp < local_time+FTL. Not having monotonicity allows 90% of timestamp attacks and required several patches in the form of BTC BIPs to do it in MTP's roundabout way (although it's still subject 2 different attacks).
  4. The difficulty algorithm must not modify the above timestamp rules (see examples in next bullet list).
  5. Have a block time that is >> 2x propagation delays. DAGs can get around this limit, so it's not a deep theoretical requirement like the others. DAGs theoretically can secure blocks down to 2x the propagation delay by having block times even faster so that there are enough sample to estimate the hashrate to see if a block has >50% of the expected hashrate to have good security. BTW, the correct ordering in a DAG is "earlier blocks have more descendent work" (not least ancestor work) which is also how winning tips in BTC are actually chosen. See my DAG article. Chits in Avalanche are the same idea, but difficulty adjustments per block & timestamps allow extreme precision, but the ordering is not ">50% hashrate secure" until the DAG locks out new siblings to old blocks, and that lock out delay can't be faster than 2x propagation delay.
  6. Securing Nakamoto consensus against stuck chains from large hashrate changes requires changing the target difficulty during hashing based on the miner's current local time. This is called "real-time targeting" (RTT). See Tom Harding's research and demonstration chain) and my article. JL777 and I worked several weeks to deploy an RTT in Komodo which was needed to fix the problems caused by 1,000,000x changes in hashrate in a lot of their sub-chains. RTT is the correct way because it measures the current lottery ticket buying population (hashrate), not the previous population. The FTL should be small compared to the RTT adjustment speed or the miner can lower his own difficulty which is a complex topic I discuss in my article. Not changing difficulty during hashing simply because miners can adjust their own difficulty is an example of a good intention gone bad, breaking the security proof against stuck chains.

If any of the above requirements are not in place, there's an exploit.

The following are examples of bad ideas that harm the consensus mechanism. Patches on top of patches are often applied. The problems are not solved unless the patches are algorithmically at least as restrictive as the above requirements.

  1. Using peer time to adjust local time.
  2. Timespan limits or other limits to clip difficulty like BTC's no more than 4x block_time and no less than 1/4th block_time.
  3. FTL > 1/20 of the difficulty averaging window (potentially allows approx >1/20 profit in an attack that falsely advances time to lower difficulty).
  4. MTP=11 instead of 1 (not requiring sequential timestamps on every block).
  5. If solvetime < 0 then solvetime = 0. Allows unlimited block production in a short time.

Most coins have # 2 which allows an attacker to get > 5000 blocks in a few hours with my timespan limit attack (if they also do not force sequential timestamps).

The following repeats the requirements above differently. The theoretical reasons are explained in the introduction further below and in the footnotes.

  1. Decentralization and Sybil protection require nodes to unilaterally & independently determine the time without reference to any source like NTP or peers and do not let any timestamps be greater than that value, unless it is within the error "expected" between competent honest nodes (e.g. 2x their 95% range of possible error). The difficulty averaging window must be a lot longer than the expected error. The expected error plus FTL should be small compared to the difficulty algorithm's window in order to accurately "count hashes" that form consensus. But real-time-targets (RTT) difficulty algorithms that adjust difficulty during the block are "counting hashes" much more precisely, so the 2*err+FTL must be small compared to the time the RTT is significantly changing the difficulty (setting difficulty is what you do in response to counting hashes per time).
  2. Timestamps must be sequential even if it violates rule 1. A patch can be made inside the difficulty algorithm if it's not enforced more directly in the consensus.
  3. Typical network delays must be small compared to the consensus rounds in order to count votes (participation hashrate) accurately.
  4. Timestamps on newly-seen blocks are allowed to be in the past up to network delays. This prevents reorgs. Nakamoto consensus does not follow this rule for good reasons and it has consequences such as the possibility of deep reorgs and double spending. Violating this rule helps enable nodes to leave for any length of time as if their absence is a network delay, and then rejoin and find the correct chain without needing to trust any other node.
  5. (This is not really an additional rule except to say "don't mess up the rules above when you're counting hashes in the difficulty algorithm by looking at the timestamps.") The difficulty algorithm must not modify the timestamps such as imposing a limit on timespan. This is crucial in Nakamoto consensus because difficulty determines the work based on solvetimes which identifies the "least-partitioned" (winning) chain.


Short Summaries of Attacks covered:

Attacks Without a Specific Section below.


All timestamp attacks result from violating the Byzantine fault tolerance foundations, undermining the Nakamoto consensus security.

If every node points to a certain BTC chain as the correct chain and it has a massive amount of chain work, your node can unilaterally reject it if a single block is beyond your local time plus the FTL. Nakamoto consensus requires node operators to have an independent ("maximally decentralized") opinion of current time. Median of peer time in Nakamoto consensus is subject to a Sybil attack.

If we do not want a "somewhat arbitrary" but agreed-upon ordering[2], there is no consensus mechanism that does not require a "prior" consensus on time[1][3] (or a time oracle) within clock error and network delays (FLP impossibility). In Nakamoto consensus, time does not merely dictate the start and end of voting rounds (to measure votes cast or allow lottery tickets to be redeemed) as in other consensus mechanisms, it measures the number of lottery tickets purchased (hashes) in order to find the least-partitioned chain (highest number of tickets purchased aka most-work) by increasing difficulty by seeing too-fast solvetimes. We can't use any consensus mechanism to determine time without weakening the decentralization of Nakamoto consensus. So how do we get get time? Ideally, nodes determine it without reference to an authority other than their operator. The node must be its own oracle. NTP and GPS are feasible, but they are central sources that may be attacked. Even the U.S. government does not trust that GPS can't be brought down. The deepest consensus principles require nodes to unilaterally and incontrovertibly decide the time. Do not change or limit what it says beyond what the consensus security dictates (see next paragraph). Ultimately the node's oracle should be the stars, subject to any changes the UN's UTI agency makes in defining UTC. But even that's centralization. Ideally, all the nodes should operate a telescope and calibrate sufficiently frequently based on the position of the stars and the node's geographical location so that the UTI can't change the definition of UTC. BTW, other astronomical observations may enable a permissionless (maximally decentralized) source of randomness to replace the permissioned aspect of "decentralized" random beacons.

Anything that changes or restricts the oracle's (the node's) opinion of time (including the allowable timestamps range or how they are used) affects the correct estimation of hashrate aka our consensus votes (lottery ticket purchases). Any incorrect estimation of current hashrate causes harm to Nakamoto consensus. FTL, MTP, and median of peer time are all "well-intentioned" patches to our lack of a common time oracle (excepting the stars) but they all cause problems in proportion to how far they are from true time. There's a long history of reducing their values to stop future attacks. FTL is the only one that arguably should not be zero due to honest clock error. It is not unreasonable to have FTL=10 seconds. If the mining network has nodes with clock error > FTL, it can block valid winners for a time, increasing the orphan rate. The fraction of FTL to the difficulty averaging window is the fraction that manipulation can decrease difficulty in one or more subsequent blocks.

Sequential logical stamps are a requirement of distributed ordering.[2] To prevent "somewhat arbitrary" ordering, physical clocks must be used and they allow or assign any timestamp before any prior timestamp that the node approved) It appears using MTP=1 instead of MTP=11 (which means the 6th block in the past will be the "MTP block" if the 11 timestamps are in order) will force the next timestamp to be greater than previous timestamp. If all the code elsewhere is written correctly, nothing will be broken by this change and the remaining exploits in bitcoin will be impossible. Digishield and other difficulty algorithms prevent an attack from non-sequential timestamps by using the MTP block as the most recent block and this causes persistent but small oscillations. If monotonic timestamps are not used, the next best solution is to use code in the difficulty algorithm to create a "fake" sequence of monotonic timestamps when they get out of order, but not "if solvetime < 0 then solvetime = 0".

Giving miners more room to set timestamps (within the 2-hour FTL and MTP=11) appears to be from a mistaken belief that the average honest miner is setting the time. But nodes individually and unilaterally set the limit on how much time can be forwarded and miner greed of wanting blocks as minimal difficulty prevents them from holding time back.

I want reiterate that [1] shows ordering is possible without a clock. This is potentially very useful in new coin ideas. In another scheme, the time oracle can be reduced to assuming a maximum drift rate in the nodes' clocks.[4] This provides every node with the ability to survive any attack on network time, like a node looking at the stars to unilaterally determine time. In either method, they can know they have the correct system-wide consensus even if every other node in the system disagrees with them.


difficulty ~ 1 / target
T = target solvetime
TS = timestamp
N = blocks in a difficulty averaging window

MTP = Median Time Past = either the distance in blocks to the MTP block in the 
past or timestamp of that block (typically the 6th block in past +1 second for 
coins keeping the BTC MTP of past 11 blocks rule).

FTL = Future Time Limit, the largest time ahead of node time that's allowed

Note on the Verge Attack The Verge attack seemed to have been a combination of a too-long FTL value (forward timestamps), a 1/3 and 3x timespanLimit attack, making the longest chain the one with the most blocks instead of chain work, and the attacker having a lot of hashrate in one of the algos.

TimespanLimit attack

I originally mistakenly called this the powLimit attack.

I discovered this while writing this article to explain the Zeitgeist attack. My own LWMA difficulty algorithm was the first to be attacked using it (that I am aware of) about 40 days after I wrote this article. I mistakenly thought mine was immune. In April 2018 LWMA coins attacked were Niobio, Intense, Karbo, Sumo, and a couple of others. I don't know if the Verge attack that occurred then used this. Typically in an hour or two attacker could lower difficulty to 1/100,000th the original value and get 5,000 blocks.

This uses the "timespanLimits" against themselves using a specific sequence of timestamps. Most coins have inherited some form of the timespanLimits from BTC. It almost always requires 51% hashrate block-withholding mining attack to have complete control of the timestamps. The result is that an attacker can get unlimited blocks in less than 3x the difficulty averaging window.

In places I may say or imply both limits are required to perform the attack. The only necessary condition to increase emission rate is a limit on how high the difficulty can rise in a block such as a limit on how short the timespan is. The converse limit may cause a decrease in the avg block emission rate.

Update: In places I mention the MTP-forced sequential timestamps in Digishield (like Zcash) prevent this attack. In fact, the asymmetrical 16% and 32% limits on timestamps in Digishield allow a 51% attack to get about 50% more blocks than the normal 100%. The process is: alternate stamps between the MTP and the value that maximizes the drop without exceeding the 32% limit. That value is the median of the last 3 in the window plus 5814 seconds which comes from (1.32-0.75)*150*17/0.25 = 5814. Alternate for 10 blocks. Then make each stamp 150 plus previous stamp for 11 blocks. Repeat the cycle however many times. The difficulty will lower but your clock will be ahead of time. End attack by setting every stamp equal to the allowed MTP. Your clock stops while difficulty rises until your clock time is equal to current time and you can end the attack.

Conceptual Overview

The timestamps in simple moving average (SMA) and BTC-type algos are selected to alternate between forward stamps that reach the upper timespan limit and delayed stamps that EXCEED the lower limit. This makes difficulty go up and down by the same amount, but by exceeding the lower limit, we can delay time which allow us to use more forward stamps to repeatedly lower difficulty, without without costing all the time we gained, eventually getting many block in little time. Direct limits on difficulty changes per block or limits on individual solvetimes per block can be similarly attacked.

Attack Specifics for SMA-type algorithms N = blocks in difficulty averaging window T = target block solve time L = timespan limit which is 4x in BTC, 3x in Dash, and 2x in BCH.

Here's a quick review of a SMA difficulty algorithm: next_target = sum_targets * T / ( timestamp[N] - timestamp[0]) The denominator timestamp[N] - timestamp[0] is limited to L*N*T and N*T/L.

A block-withholding mine that has complete control of timestamps keeps the MTP delayed by making 6 of every 11 blocks' timestamps set back to the MTP limit. The first timestamp ( I call it "Q") is set forward in time to drop the difficulty the most it can by setting the timestamp so that the timespan limit reached. This is M = N*T*L seconds after the timestamp of the block that is at the back of the averaging window, N blocks in the past. The size of L in various coins does not matter, it just needs to be symmetrical or allow bigger drops than rises in difficulty. Unlimited blocks can always be obtained in 2*N*T to 3*N*T. In the simple attack (that may take 2x longer) the first N blocks are just set to Q plus 1 second for each block after the Q block. The plus 1 second is because Q will soon become the MTP and the MTP rules normally require timestamps to be at least 1 second after the MTP. After the first N blocks, we start alternating timestamps between Q+i and Q+M+i where i is the number of blocks into the attack (for the plus 1 second). We do not have to advance 1 second on the Q+M blocks, but it makes coding simpler at a slight cost in time. We alternate according to a specific rule: if a Q+M+i timestamp is not going to cause the MTP to advance in the next block, and if the block at the back of the averaging window N is a Q+i block, we assign a Q+M+i timestamp. Otherwise, we assign a Q+i timestamp. The chain is submitted to the public when current time equals Q+M+i. In code the simple attack is the following. I have a negative array element on right side of the conditional to help clarity:

if ( Q+M+i > current_time ) {
    if ( next_MTP <= Q+i && next_MTP >= previous_MTP && Q+i == timestamp[i-N]+N ) 
           { timestamp[i] = M + Q +i;  } 
    else { timestamp[i] = Q + i;  } 
else { end attack, submit chain to public }

Code to demonstrate this attack in SMAs and others (in future)

Which coins are vulnerable? Half? Most coins have inherited a timespanLimit idea from Bitcoin which uses 1/4 and 4x. Coins that use the MTP as the most recent timestamp in their difficulty calculation are not vulnerable, but there are better options for small coins than using the MTP delay in responding to hashrate changes (MTP delay causes oscillations). Digishield coins appear to use MTP as most recent timestamp, so they are not vulnerable. [edit: Digishield coins are vulnerable if they are not using the MTP as the most recent block...I know of a big coin that has been attacked with it.] DGW coins do not, and therefore appear vulnerable. Coins that do not place limits on timespans are not vulnerable to it. Coins like LWMA that look at individual solvetimes are vulnerable if they have limits on the solvetimes.

The following type of limiting is subject to the same attack: next_target = max(0.5*prev_target, min(next_target, 2*prev_target));

KGW (Kimoto Gravity Wave) may be even more vulnerable because it has a timespan limit here if (PastRateActualSeconds < 0) { PastRateActualSeconds = 0; } that prevents difficulty from rising but not a symmetrical limit to prevent it from falling.


Other problems timespanLimit causes: It causes Digishield coins to surprisingly take 500 blocks instead of 80 to reach the correct difficulty at startup, which I covered here.

Here's an old method I had of doing this attack that's not as good as the new one.

timespanLimit # 2 (public method) In public non-block-withholding mining) version, the attack first makes the MTP get way behind with a lot of MTP timestamps, raising the difficulty. He then proceeds like the block-withholding mining version of this attack, letting other miners assign the honest timestamps which are acting as "forwarded" timestamps, while he focuses on trying to maintain the MTP as old as possible, but coinciding with every honest timestamp possible as they pass out the back of the averaging window, and sometimes letting it coincide with other delayed timestamps, to make sure he maintains the delayed MTP.

Hashrate required: It requires > 90% hashrate if a coin uses the common MTP=11 and the FTL is not too large, so often it's not practical. Cryptonote coin default has MTP=60 which makes it easy, but they do not usually have a timespanLimit. It is also easier to a much smaller extent if the algorithm has short a averaging window, largish FTL/(TN) ratio, small timespanLimits, or asymmetrical timespanLimits. It requires extremely high hashrate for smallish MTP=11 because the attacker has to get 6 of out every 11 blocks, without fail, or the attack ends and he has to start over. The following is my first pass estimate of the hashrate needed. The attack has to last at least 1.5*timespanLimit*(blocks in averaging window) to be profitable because these are the delays that result from making the MTP behind real time by the initial and necessary 2*timespanLimit*(window timespan) seconds. The smallest N for averaging windows are about 15. Some timespanLimits are 2x instead of 4x. 1.5*2\15 / 11 = 8 sequences of blocks of 11 that the attack must get at least 6 of them. 6/11 = 55%. 0.55^(1/8) = 93% in a good case scenario, not counting an advantage an attacker can gain from a large FTL/(TxN) which lowers this.

timespanLimit # 3 ( block-withholding mining on BTC-type algos) These are the timestamps a 51% block-withholding miner can use to get infinite BTC blocks in 16 weeks.


timespanLimit # 4 The attack is easy and possible by < 50% if the % a single reverse timestamp can raise the difficulty is more than the timespanLimit. As those timestamps pass out the back of the window, the difficulty will drop more than it was allowed to raise. This is provided the limits are symmetrical or the drop limit is more than the rise limit. In SMAs, an attacker would look for MTP/N > timespanLimit. In Digishield 4x dampening: MTP/(4*N) > timespanLimit. In EMA, LWMA, and DGW types that give more weight to recent blocks, it's about 2*MTP/N > timespanLimit. Technically it's 1/timespanLimitsince it's in target.

MTP Attack (Jagernan)

An attacker with 25% hashrate can get lucky and find more 6 or more of the past 11 blocks, allowing him to "own" the MTP (if it's set to BTC's 11). He could forward those timestamps to the FTL limit (2 hrs in BTC). If there is an error in the template code which does not automatically give the miners timestamps similarly into the future (MTP+1), nodes will reject blocks (those with honest timestamps). Attacker could get 100% of all future blocks until other miners give their nodes a future time or fix the template-creation software. This was accounted for in BTC, but it was lost in cryptonote coins. Jagerman found the issue while tracking down Graft attacks and released a patch.

Zcash's 2/6/2020 security update could have allowed this same attack in the opposite direction by basing a new FTL limit off of the MTP but the devs knew to prevent it by having the template code use false timestamps. ( If they had not not to enforce a dishonest stamp, attacker would have just needed to send 6 timestamps 120 minutes into the future, blocking all other miners who attempt to use honest timestamps in their templates. He can get all the blocks at low hashrate until other miners learn to give their node a fake time into the future.

Node Peer Time attack on FTL ("Culubas Timejacking")

In many coins like BTC, ZEC, and BCH, nodes use the median of their peers as the current time to enforce the FTL above. Coins should not use peer time because a median from peers is a consensus mechanism that does not have POW security. This allows a Sybil attack to slow a victim's network time up to the point that blocks with honest timestamps will be more than the FTL past the victim's network time, causing him to reject the blocks, at least until the block's time is in the victim's past. This allows the attacker to use bad timestamps to get accepted by the victim, enabling a double spend on the victim. If he can do the attack on a < 51% pool, he only needs half of the remaining hashrate to do a block-withholding attack to keep the blocks, and possibly do double spends on an exchange using the victim pool.

These attacks are hard to do on BTC, ZEC, BCH, etc because they revert to a node's clock time and throw a warning if median of peer time is > 70 minutes off from the node's clock. This is about 1/2 of the FTL on purpose. So the attacker can advance the victim's clock by 70 minutes before it will attempt to use its own clock, but because the FTL is a lot longer, the victim will not reject blocks with honest timestamp. So the cure is to make the revert to node time rule about < 1/2 FTL.

But it needs to be less than 1/2 FTL as Culubas's long 2011 article says. This is because the attacker might be able to do a Sybil attack on the miners' network and send the majority hashrate's time in the opposite direction regaining the ability to force the victim's node to reject the main-chain's timestamps. Attacker still needs substantial hashrate because after a while, the public chain 's older stamps will start being valid to the victim. Culubas considered the options and decided simply making the revert rule 1/4 of FTL seems to be the best.

My preference is to remove median time all together. Cryptonote who uses only the node's clock time without any problem. There was an discussion on this between kjj, kheymos, and Mike Hearn. (I agree with kjj)

Removing peer time in the above and near-perfect (+/- 1 second) local time does not eliminate the problem. An attacker with 25% hashrate could send a timestamp equal to the FTL to split the network in half and work on that tip while 1/2 the honest miners work on the older tip. His tip has 25% + 75%/2 = 62.5% hashrate the other tip has 37.5%.

Peer time / timestamp attack on database (Michael Davidson disclosed to Zcash Dec 2019)

After some sleuthing (with help from @h4x3rotab ), this is what I think motivated Zcash to do a security update. The database code gets the node stuck (during reboot) by the attacker making previously-approved blocks invalid due to being in the future. A Sybil attack makes the victim nodes time go into future up to the peer offset limit (70 minutes in BTC etc). He then finds a block with a timestamp up to the normal future time limit (120 in BTC et al) plus the 70 minutes. If the node reboots in 70 minutes (can the attacker motivate a reboot?) the node can't reboot because it is not connected to the problem peer time and sees a block with a timestamp in the future.

Another attack could be to send miner nodes peer time 70 minutes into past and then find blocks with timestamps at 120 future time limit. Non-attacked nodes will approve it, but the attacked nodes will cause their miners to reject those blocks and work on a chain that will get orphaned.

Zcash's fix was to by default not allow peer time. That fixes it. But users can still select to use it. So they added a 90 minute FTL limit relative to the MTP timestamp in addition to the normal FTL=120 and limited the amount peer time can adjust time to +/-25 minutes. Or rather they make sure the constants obey 25 + 90 < 120 in case they are changed them in the future.

Forwarded Timestamp Attack (FTL attack)

A typical timestamp attack is to set the timestamp of a solved block to the max future time limit (FTL) that nodes will allow. Most coins just accepted BTC's 2 hour FTL like Cryptonote, Zcash, and all the clones that came after. This was a problem because N*T in clones is a LOT lower in clones than BTC, and the amount a forwarded timestamp can lower difficulty in a single bock is next_difficulty = average_difficulty * 1/(1+FTL/(T*N)) next_target = average_target * ( 1+FTT/(T*N) ) This attack does not cause much of a problem even with a 30% potential drop in 1 block (according to the above equation) if the attacker has < 50% of the network hashrate and the algorithm is allowing out-of-sequence timestamps and not monkeying with the math so that it the next honest timestamp is block from correcting it. If the attacker has 51% hashrate, he can start getting ahead of the honest timestamps until it has reached that amount of drop. He then starts "bumping into the FTL" and is forced to quit and let the difficulty rise back up to the correct value in N blocks, so a 51% miner on a "30% potential drop" coin (based on FTL, N, and T) gets N blocks at an average difficulty that is 15% too low from beginning to end of attack which is about N blocks. He then needs to stop manipulation for N blocks to let D rise back to normal to repeat with equal success. More likely, he will be a >3x miner who can get N/4 blocks at about 25% lower difficulty with a brief attack before moving to another coin for > N blocks.

Solution: Use FTL < N*T/10 for < 10% manipulation (lowering) of the difficulty with a single block.

Ethereum Timestamp Attack

This allows a >50% block-withholding miner or a 66% attack on the public chain to release more blocks than scheduled in the Homestead algo. It could be prevented with using a slightly different form for the math. See the bottom of my ETH difficulty article.

Reverse Timestamp Attack

If a coin is using an algorithm that sums solvetimes instead of subtracting first and last timestamp in the window, and if it is allowing or incorrectly adjusting for out-of-sequence timestamps by using if solvetime < 1 then solvetime = 1 (or in some cases simply sorting timestamps), its difficulty will drop to zero when a miner starts sending reverse timestamps. The negative solvetime is being ignored and the subsequent honest timestamp is being viewed by the algo as a really long solvetime because it subtracts current timestamp from that fake old one. The attacker can have significantly less than 50%. For MTP = 11 (a median at 6 blocks in past limit), it only requires > 1/6 of the network hashrate to start lowering difficulty.


Zeitgeist Attack

This appears to be named after a 2011 GeistGeld attack described by Artforz. The only place I could find it called this is Litecoin's wiki and they have a "2" appended to the end, which I've dropped. I historically called this "the" timewarp attack and got people to say "timestamp manipulation" for other things.

The attack is not possible in any typical rolling average method. This is because it depends on a gap in the way BTC is calculating the next target. The attack is still possible on BTC, but it requires a > 50% miner.

UPDATE: This is an executive summary for those already a little familiar with the attack. Further below has the gory details.

He needs >50% to perform a block-withholding mine so that he has control of the timestamps. He has to get at least 6 out of every 11 blocks for at least 2016 blocks to perform the attack, which requires a LOT more than 50% if it's not a block-withholding mine.

A block-withholding mine attack with only 51% hashrate would go like this: Start block-withholding mine at end of a 2016 block cycle. Set 2016th timestamp to 2 weeks ahead. He can do this because he has set his node to not reject the future time. Difficulty will drop to 1/3 previous value because of this. Set at least 6 out of every 11 blocks to 1 second after the MTP for next 2015 blocks. Since attacker has 50% network hashrate, it takes 2/3 of a week to get them. Set next "2016th" block to same timestamp as the 1st one, 1 week into future. Since the MTP is still delayed to only 2015 seconds after the beginning of the attack, the calculation lowers difficulty to 1/3 again, 1/9 of the initial difficulty. He gets next 2015 blocks in 2/9 of a week. So he's 7*(2/3+2/9) =6.2 days into the attack with 4032 blocks. He can repeat the process to lower difficulty as much as he wants, and get as many blocks as he wants in 2 weeks. He can't submit the chain to other nodes until real time catches up with his forwarded time (2 weeks). He must block-withholding mine the entire 2 weeks to make sure he has the most chain work. END UPDATE

A review

BTC difficulty algorithm
next_target = previous_target * ( timestamp[2016] - timestamp[0]) / 2016 / 600

I've read there's an off-by-one error which may mean the timestamp[2016] is actually 2015, so the numerator may be 2015 solvetimes from the subtraction of 2016 timestamps instead of 2016 like I have it, so the result of the error would be that next_target is 1/2016 too low.

Here is a restatement of the equation to show by intuition that it should work. if avg solvetime was 50% too high, it raises target 50%, making it 50% easier (2x higher difficulty) next_target = previous_target * average(solvetime) / target_solvetime

For reference, a simple rolling average difficulty algorithm is basically the same thing, except that it can change every block.

SMA  difficulty algorithm
next_target = avg(target) * avg(solvetime) / target_solvetime

The Problem

I'll more fully explain ArtForz's description of the GeistGeld attack and shamelessly steal his example.

Let's say we have a chain with 3-block difficulty window instead of 2016, and target solvetime is 10 sec/block, and miners just happen to get all the blocks in exactly the target solvetime. So blocks would come in like this:

blk number  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12
timestamps  0  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90 100 110

The old BTC algorithm with a 3-block window is: (ignoring integer math round off error) next_target = prev_target * (timestamp[4] - timestamp[1]) / 3 / 10 I've called this a 3-block window but Artforz incorrectly called it 4-block. The (timestamp[4] - timestamp[1]) is only 3 solvetimes. For the above 10-sec solvetimes, next_target will be the same as previous target because all the solvetimes were the target solvetime (it does not need an adjustment).

The problem results from how one calculation of it does not begin exactly at the end of the previous calculation. It uses (timestamp[9] - timestamp[5]) instead of (timestamp[8] - timestamp[4]). The problem is that there's a solvetime not being accounted for. The solvetime (timestamp[5]-timestamp[4]) is missing. Someone figured out how to exploit this.

The Attack

I'm going to describe this as a block-withholding attack with a >50% miner, but enough hash power and lucky enough to always get at least 6 out of every 11 blocks for the entire 2016 blocks he can do this so that the difficulty is lowered for everyone. He could hold the median of the timestamps to increase only the minimum of 1 second per block, and then avoid setting the 2016th block to that delayed time (otherwise difficulty would jump (target would fall) to the max of 4x (1/4 previous target)), and be sure to get the 2017th block and set it to that delayed time which is only 2017 seconds after the previous week's final block instead of the real time which would be about 2016*600 seconds afterwards. Then he just needs to sit back for a week for the next adjustment which will drop to 1/4 of the previous difficulty (4x higher target).

Imagine a big miner with > 50% network hashrate starts block-withholding. He could assign timestamps like this

blk number  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12 
timestamps  0   1   2  30   4   5   6  70   8   9  10 110

Note that most of his timestamps are assigned into the past. 30, 70, and 110 are the only correct timestamps. The MTP limit on past times will not stop this because the correct time coming once every 4 blocks will never be the median of the past 11. The FTL limit will not stop it because the miner doesn't need a node to approve it, and if he's using a node to send the block template, then he's changing the time on it to generate the above times, so of course the node will agree with itself.

The attacker's "sum of solvetimes" for the next_target numerators are:

first period (#4 - #1) is 30s as before => next_target = prev_target 2nd period is (#8 - #5) ... 66s => next_target = prev_target * 66/30
3rd period is (#12 - #9) ... 104s => next_target = prev_target * 104/30

So by the 3rd calculation, the target has risen 66/30*104/30 = 7.6x higher (easier) when it was supposed to be the same (for this example). In reality, if he had 51%, the first solvetimes would have been 2x too long, so target would have risen 2*7.6 by the 3rd calculation.

So the >50% miner can have all the blocks he wants in less time than the network has had to go through about 6 target changes.

When he decides to submit the chain to the network, he will make his final timestamp correct so nodes checking it against current time (within FTL limit) will not see a problem and approve it. They can't check prior blocks against current time.

If he has more than 50%, and his final blocks get back to current time, he will have more chain work by whatever proportion he was over 50% of the network hashrate, which is not related to how many blocks he gets or what the difficulties were. His advantage is that there will be many more blocks he's solved. Artforz indicates he needs to assign 1 second solves to make difficulty rise high at the end in order to win chain work, but that's not correct. It can't help him to get the highest chain work if he has < 50%.

Example: 51% Miner on BTC getting 100% of blocks

Let's say a 51% miner who's been mining BTC starts block-withholding right before a difficulty change, below the underline shown below. As he starts to block-withholding, the rest of the network is going to take 2x longer to find blocks because he has left.
T = target solvetime = 600.

But because of the timestamp he's assigning, he's not going to have delays. Notice that his final timestamp matches real time so that he can then submit the chain to the network. Notice that he got all 2*2016 blocks in the two weeks he was block-withholding, while the network only got 2016, which they now have to discard. Despite having 2x more blocks, his total work is only 1% more than the public chain, which is the only reason he needs to have > 51%. Red is the last block of a window, and blue is the 1st block. So the solvetime in the equation is red minus blue timestamps. image


[1] 1993 "The Consensus Problem in Fault-Tolerant Computing" Barborak, Malek

"What must be recognized is that each of these [consensus] layers is a separate consensus problem. First, the synchronization level maintains a global timepiece which is simply a consensus of all the processing elements [nodes} on a particular time value and a rate of change of that value."

[2] 1978 "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System" Lamport Conditions IR2 and IR2' require sequential stamps on messages. This paper requires all events (change of state) to increase (no reset of a clock to be before a previously-ordered event). In the case of Nakamoto consensus, this means new timestamps on blocks can't be set to before validated timestamps on prior blocks. Block height is not relevant because a faster sequence of timestamps can override previous height ordering because it indicates a higher hashrate ("participation rate of voters"). "Timestamps used to count participation" was the key discovery of Nakamoto consensus that seemed to do the impossible. Timestamps count hashes via the difficulty setting and hashes are the sum of all events in all mining nodes for Lamport ordering that all nodes can estimate from how fast blocks are and the difficulty setting. A negative solvetime (non-sequential timestamps) has been used many times in different ways to attack the consensus on coins because it exaggerates the estimate of hashrate. Prior proofs assumed nodes would use agreed-upon start and stop times to measure participation, but Nakamoto consensus does it sort of backwards, using time itself to count participation.

[3] 1982 "The Byzantine Generals Problem", Lamport, Shostak, Pease. p398-399

The sender and receiver [must] have clocks [or equivalent time-out procedure in voting] that are synchronized to within some fixed maximum error. ..... We therefore have the problem of keeping the processors' clocks all synchronized to within some fixed amount, even if some of the processors are faulty. This is as difficult a problem as the Byzantine Generals Problem itself. Solutions to the clock synchronization problem exist which are closely related to our Byzantine Generals solutions. They will be described in a future paper. The future paper was in 1984 "Byzantine Clock Synchronization" which is vulnerable to normal Byzantine attacks (>33% or >50%). It doesn't make sense (it's circular reasoning) to try to use another POW for the clock to secure POW (unless it's turtles all the way down). POW consensus is only as strong as the consensus mechanism on the clock, so no consensus mechanism should be used.

[4] 1988 "Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization" Halpern, Simons, Strong, IBM Research