zaxhutchinson / MAIA

Maine AI Arena
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Standardize UI windows #13

Closed zaxhutchinson closed 2 months ago

zaxhutchinson commented 3 months ago

From the homepage, the advanced config opens a new toplevel window. Unless I'm mistaken, about and game, do not. I would like to standardize this before implementing any additional UI changes.

My thoughts are to have only 1 top level window from which the others branch off. And provide a "back" or "close" button to return to the previous screen. While I like the idea of giving everything its own window, I think it could create confusion if someone is trying to edit configs with the sim window open. And it might be nightmare to make sure it all syncs if they try to launch a sim using new changes.

Here are my plans currently:

  1. Bring advanced config in line with the others and make it a frame. Since I didn't write it, I'm not sure if there are Tk requirements that it be a toplevel.
  2. Add "back" button to go back to the homepage where necessary. It looks like about has one and the game needs one. These need to be standardized and all in the same place so there's no confusion what they do.
  3. Longer term project: break up advanced config into multiple config screens. Basically one for each column. This would provide room for all map config info to be on the same screen once "in-config" map creation is a thing.
zaxhutchinson commented 3 months ago

1 On branch ui_work, I've pushed a revamped navigation from the home screen. Only the team config has been worked over. I refactored much of the code and reimagined some of the UI to allow for entering multiple agents. I'm relatively happy with the UI changes. However, I'm not super happy how saving to the team_data is automatic for some operations like add agent, but not for others, like if you change an agent's callsign you have to click update agent. It's not very intuitive and I can see users changing the agent data and not realizing it isn't an automatic writeback. SOoooooo. The only idea I have is to give each field an "update" button to make it explicit.

2 There's a question how to handle the JSON data during config operations. It only occurred to me at the end of this work. It goes like this:

I think the loader should be the single storage point for all data. Config screens should not keep copies of the data (which is what we've done so far). I reduced the number of copies in Team Config, centralizing it to one variable (self.team_data), but I'm not happy with it.

Reason is: the config screens are not destroyed if one skips back to home and then to another config. It means some local data might not have been saved back to the json (or even the loader, which now that I think about it, isn't updated at all) in one and is not available to another. They should all have access to the same data.

Rather than making each config screen responsible for saving its data to the json. We push saving to the file back into the loader (it becomes a json proxy essentially). And each config screen is only responsible for keeping loader up-to-date. Other than a reference to the loader, it doesn't keep permanent data.

I'm not sure the last one is strictly necessary. It could be button on the home screen giving the user the option to save everything before quitting. Just to make sure they haven't missed anything.

zaxhutchinson commented 3 months ago

Most recent commit to the ui_work branch implements number 2 of the above post for the teams config screen only. I haven't added in a SAVE_ALL, but I think that should only be on the home screen. Going to work on other config screens. I think components next.

zaxhutchinson commented 3 months ago

Component config revamped and re-enabled. A component's ctype must be specified on creation. I made a new component creation popup window that asks for id, name and ctype (from dropdown). 1) it doesn't make sense to change ctypes once a comp has been created. 2) Complicate the code.

Comps aren't so complicated that deleting a misstep would a problem.

zaxhutchinson commented 3 months ago

Object config revamp is pushed to ui_work branch.

I am taking the opportunity to rework some of the json data. So, either as a final step in this branch or in another subsequent branch, I'll need to go through the rest of the program and find what I'm breaking. I know I've broken some stuff with objects (renamed some of the fields).

I'm starting work on the map config/painter. And I have decided to completely rework how maps are stored. Still json.

zaxhutchinson commented 3 months ago

Map config work is coming along. I've revamped the interface and am bogged down in slowly adding all the functionality. With the latest commit, you can draw and remove objects from the map. And starting locations are drawn.

Edge objects are generated automatically for the visual and cannot be removed via the map editor (since they aren't in the object json obj.

Major things remaining:

  1. Create/delete/update sides
  2. Add/remove starting locations for each side
  3. Add/remove items (not far on this, but it made me realize we need an item config page).
zaxhutchinson commented 2 months ago

Pushed the first version of revamped map config screen. It is by far the most complex of the config screens since maps tie together all other aspects of the simulation.

I took the opportunity to sanitize some of the JSON file structures. With this map revamp I've likely broken the simulation itself (haven't tested). There are a few JSON changes that will cause issues. But the most fundamental change is that the loader class stores only templates (i.e., the raw JSON data). And it only builds objects when requested. This allows the config screens to deal only with JSON and not with classes/objects meant for the simulation. This will require a little interface rework between the sim (and its classes) and the loader. Shouldn't be bad though.

Way too many changes to document properly. But a few are:

There are two config screens left to do: gstate and items. They are pretty straight-forward.

Once these are done, I plan on testing the config suite and documenting the code, tweaks, etc.

zaxhutchinson commented 2 months ago

I take back what I said (partially). goal state config is actually stupidly complicated for how little info each one has.

Items were pretty easy though. Not pushed yet. Still working.

zaxhutchinson commented 2 months ago

For the time being, I've disabled use of the tkmacos package. Several times now I've run into bugs that when I look at the call stack, tkmacos is in the stack. Although I only see it being used explicitly for uiButton, it appears in other places too. I'm not sure why. It required altering the button width/heights.

I'll revisit the package once everything is back up.

zaxhutchinson commented 2 months ago

Goal state config seems mostly ok.

Revamping goal config brought up a few questions: