A lightweight wrapper over fetch with zero race conditions by default, and everything one could yearn for in a fetching library like timeouts, retries, interceptors and so much more
This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.
Minor Changes
a620848: reformated onError interceptor's error object to be consistent with the one from callapi
This PR was opened by the Changesets release GitHub action. When you're ready to do a release, you can merge this and the packages will be published to npm automatically. If you're not ready to do a release yet, that's fine, whenever you add more changesets to main, this PR will be updated.
Minor Changes
Patch Changes