zaytri / slime2

Local Chat Overlay System for Twitch
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New Pronouns API #22

Closed zaytri closed 7 months ago

zaytri commented 7 months ago

Alejo updated the pronouns API to allow for reordering of pronouns, so I'll add this into the v1.2 update

zaytri commented 7 months ago

from Alejo:

TL;DR: new API's users/ endpoint comes as an object instead of an array and adds a new field called alt_pronoun_id, which is the 2nd set of pronouns users will be able to pick

The endpoints you are gonna care about are: GET GET

zaytri commented 7 months ago

Oh, one more thing, new pronouns endpoint has more fields than just name and display. New structure is { name: string, subject: string, object: string, singular: boolean }, if singular is true then you just need to render the Subject, this is for cases like "Other" or "Any" that don't have proper subject/obejct form, so you'd just render them as Any instead of Any/Any

zaytri commented 7 months ago

Changes between the old users API GET

and the new users API GET

Old New
No pronouns set Empty array Error 404
Pronouns set Array with a single user object Just the user object (no longer wrapped in an array)

Old user object structure:

type User = {
  id: string // Twitch ID
  login: string // Twitch username
  pronoun_id: string // maps to the corresponding ID from the pronouns endpoint

New user object structure:

type User = {
  channel_id: string // Twitch ID
  channel_login: string // Twitch username
  pronoun_id: string // maps to the corresponding ID from the pronouns endpoint
  alt_pronoun_id?: string // same as above for secondary pronoun, optional (can be null)
zaytri commented 7 months ago

Changes between the old pronouns API GET

and the new pronouns API GET


type Pronouns = Data[]

type Data = {
  name: string // maps to pronoun_id in the users API
  display: string // pronouns display, for example "She/Her"


// now an object instead of an array, where each key corresponds to a Data object
type Pronouns = {
  [id: string]: Data // id = name

// display is now split into subject and object
type Data = {
  name: string // maps to pronoun_id and alt_pronoun_id in the users API
  subject: string // for "She/Her", this is "She"
  object: string // for "She/Her", this is "Her"
   * if this is true,
   * and the user has this as their pronoun_id,
   * and has no alt_pronoun_id,
   * then only display the subject (for example "Any" instead of "Any/Any")
  singular: boolean