UniProt, Rhea, Swiss-Lipids and HAMAP and from huge to tiny. Practical SPARQL in the life sciences
Session Overview
UniProt is the largest public SPARQL endpoint at nearly 150 billion triples (probably more on the date of the talk). It is however not the only one maintained by the SIB Swiss-Prot group. Rhea brings the world of chemical reactions to UniProt, Swiss-Lipids is used to describe the world of fat ;) and how these molecules are key to life. While [HAMAP]() is a more internal project, yet exposing a SPARQL endpoint is quite useful.
We would like to share some of the technical challenges we have overcome and how we and our external users use these systems in connection with the larger SIB RDF landscape as well as other datasources like the Gene Ontology.
Target Audience
People whom like to be inspired about what is possible when your data is really FAIR.
Desired Feedback
Which use cases we are not meeting yet for those in Pharma space. Tools and practices that would improve our services.
Speaker Details
Jerven Bolleman: Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
Maintaining the public face of the RDF of UniProt with the help of a talented team at SIB.
Talk Title
UniProt, Rhea, Swiss-Lipids and HAMAP and from huge to tiny. Practical SPARQL in the life sciences
Session Overview
UniProt is the largest public SPARQL endpoint at nearly 150 billion triples (probably more on the date of the talk). It is however not the only one maintained by the SIB Swiss-Prot group. Rhea brings the world of chemical reactions to UniProt, Swiss-Lipids is used to describe the world of fat ;) and how these molecules are key to life. While [HAMAP]() is a more internal project, yet exposing a SPARQL endpoint is quite useful.
We would like to share some of the technical challenges we have overcome and how we and our external users use these systems in connection with the larger SIB RDF landscape as well as other datasources like the Gene Ontology.
Target Audience
People whom like to be inspired about what is possible when your data is really FAIR.
Desired Feedback
Which use cases we are not meeting yet for those in Pharma space. Tools and practices that would improve our services.
Speaker Details
Jerven Bolleman: Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. Maintaining the public face of the RDF of UniProt with the help of a talented team at SIB.
Recording Consent
Workshop Potential
Visual Aid for Social Media