zazuko / query-rdf-data-cube

Explore or query RDF Data Cubes with a JavaScript API, without writing SPARQL.
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Discussing the future of skos:broader support #48

Closed vhf closed 2 years ago

vhf commented 4 years ago

I haven't thought about this in detail, but it looks very useful. A few first comments:

  • I assume you can use the "broader dimensions" also with .filter()?
  • It would be useful is to somehow "know" in advance which dimensions have "broader" entities (and on how many levels?). I.e. the result of cube.dimensions() should somehow reflect this. Are broader dimensions also always represented as actual dimensions of the cube?
  • There will probably be at least two kinds of "broader" relationships:
    1. When the broader entity itself is not represented in the cube, i.e. doesn't have any observations (= is not a dimension?). E.g. when individual countries have data and continents are just used to group them conceptually.
    2. When the broader entity actually has data. E.g. when a cube has observations for Switzerland and each individual canton, like in
  • What about dimensions that have more than one broader relationship? What would city.broader() return?
  • How to get the broader entity of a dimension value (the example you show above does this only on a dimension level)? E.g. how to go from Zürich (City) -> Zürich (Canton) -> Switzerland -> Europe …
  • How to get to narrower values? E.g. Zürich (Canton) -> all municipalities of Zürich?
  • Is there a possibility to "hop" multiple levels broader in one call? E.g. going from Zürich (City) -> Europe?

Originally posted by @herrstucki in

l00mi commented 2 years ago

closed in favor of