zazuko / rdf-validate-shacl

Validate RDF data purely in JavaScript. An implementation of the W3C SHACL specification on top of the RDFJS stack.
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Validation error when using correct lexical value for xsd:gYear #100

Closed mightymax closed 1 year ago

mightymax commented 1 year ago

When instance data contains a xsd:gYear literal in where the year value contains more than 4 digits, and a SHACL PropertyShape uses a DatatypeConstraintComponent', the SHACL validation report incorrectly marks this value as an error: with this message:

Value does not have datatype <>.

The W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes defines a gYear with this lexical space, so literals like '10000' are valid gYear literal values:

yearFrag ::= '-'? (([1-9] digit digit digit+)) | ('0' digit digit digit))
gYearLexicalRep ::= yearFrag timezoneFrag?

I assume there are similar issues with other XSD date-like datatypes, for sure with gYearMonth (see in this example code), etc.

The issue is caused by a RegExp that only allows 4 digits for a year in the 'ref-validate-datatype' module, see here. I've created a pull request to implement the correct RexExp.

How to reproduce

import fs from 'fs'
import factory from 'rdf-ext'
import ParserN3 from '@rdfjs/parser-n3'
import SHACLValidator from 'rdf-validate-shacl'
import assert from 'assert'

async function loadDataset (filePath) {
  const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath)
  const parser = new ParserN3({ factory })
  return factory.dataset().import(parser.import(stream))

const shapes = await loadDataset('shapes.ttl')
const data = await loadDataset('data.ttl')
const validator = new SHACLValidator(shapes, { factory })
const report = await validator.validate(data)
if (report.conforms === false) {
  console.error('Expected report to validate, it did not:')
  for (const result of report.results) {
    console.error(`'${result.message} on path ${result.path}`)

Content of file data.ttl

prefix ex: <>
prefix xsd: <> 
ex:Thing a ex:Thing; 
    ex:year "10000"^^xsd:gYear ;
    ex:yearMonth "10000-10"^^xsd:gYearMonth .

Content of file shapes.ttl

prefix sh: <>
prefix ex: <>
prefix xsd: <> 

ex:Shape a sh:NodeShape ;
    sh:targetClass ex:Thing ;
    sh:property ex:gYearProperty, ex:gYearMonthProperty .

ex:gYearProperty a sh:PropertyShape ;
    sh:path ex:year ;
    sh:datatype xsd:gYear .

ex:gYearMonthProperty a sh:PropertyShape ;
    sh:path ex:yearMonth ;
    sh:datatype xsd:gYearMonth .
tpluscode commented 1 year ago

Published with v0.1.5 of rdf-validaate-datatype

mightymax commented 1 year ago

Thanx for fixing this on such short notice! Any insight on when a new package will be published?

tpluscode commented 1 year ago

Of course. 0.4.5, out now