Closed BenjaminHofstetter closed 1 year ago
@simonste Thank you for your contribution! I appreciate your effort in addressing this issue. The proposed solution is too vague. I try to find another way.
I'm ok if we can find a proper workaround but in the end it's IMO a bug in whatever cannot handle combined accept headers. This is part of a standard and there are libraries taking care of that for almost any programming language out there. A quick google reveals for example for Python.
So IMO that should become an issue at rdflib-endpoint instead.
Indeed. But now I know why Virtuoso was always returning sparql-result+json instead of Turtle for a construct query.
@simonstey published in 0.0.24
Some SPARQL endpoint (e.g. can't handle combined Accept headers like "application/sparql-results+json,text/turtle" and will return their default (xml in this case) instead. the proposed refactoring uses only one type, depending of the type of query used.
proposed solution from @simonstey in PR #55
This is related to #28