zazuko / vscode-sparql-notebook

Visual Studio Code SPARQL Notebook Extension
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Queries with COUNT not working in 0.0.31 #65

Closed kvistgaard closed 11 months ago

kvistgaard commented 11 months ago

I have tried a few different queries on several endpoints. They used to work with previous versions of SPARQL Notebook, but not anymore. It might not be related to counting because some other queries stopped giving bindings for numerical values.

BenjaminHofstetter commented 11 months ago

@kvistgaard do you have a sample query?

kvistgaard commented 11 months ago

Sure. Here a DBpedia query%0A%0A%7B%3Fwork_of_Agatha_Christie%20dbo%3Aauthor%20dbr%3AAgatha_Christie%20%7D%20%0A&format=text%2Fhtml&timeout=30000&signal_void=on&signal_unconnected=on), that returns 117, and the same gives no result in SPARQL Notebook image

BenjaminHofstetter commented 11 months ago

@kvistgaard fixed it's in the marketplace

kvistgaard commented 11 months ago

Great. All fine now.