zazuko / vscode-sparql-notebook

Visual Studio Code SPARQL Notebook Extension
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Error for direct select clause binding when running on a file #66

Open kvistgaard opened 1 year ago

kvistgaard commented 1 year ago

I get this image Not happy with the last binding. Runs fine when not on a file. Is that an Oxigraph issue?

Here's the query:

PREFIX owl: <> 
PREFIX rdf: <> 
PREFIX xsd: <> 
PREFIX rdfs: <> 

(COUNT (DISTINCT ?oProperty) AS ?NoP)
(COUNT (DISTINCT ?dProperty) AS ?DoP)
(COUNT (DISTINCT ?aProperty) AS ?AoP)
(?NoP+?DoP+?AoP AS ?TnP)
{   ?class a owl:Class .
    ?oProperty a owl:ObjectProperty .
    ?dProperty a owl:DatatypeProperty .
    OPTIONAL {?aProperty a owl:AnnotationProperty} .
ktk commented 1 year ago

Most likely, did you try it on standalone Oxigraph?