zazuko / xrm

A friendly language for mappings to RDF
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code assist has isssues #65

Closed mchlrch closed 4 years ago

mchlrch commented 4 years ago

I noticed a couple of issues with code assist ATM.

Invoking code-assist in empty .xrm file leads to keywords proposed that shouldn't be shown, for example the attributes of CSV dialect, like commentPrefix:


Invoking code-assist in the PredicateObjectMapping, after the property shows properties as proposals:


nnamtug commented 4 years ago

Separating problems. For the first screenshot, where all keywords from DialectGroup are offered on an empty file:

Before, the grammar for the DialectGroup looked like:

    'dialect' name=ID BLOCK_BEGIN
        'delimiter' delimiter=STRING &
        // ...
        ('trim' trim=BooleanLiteral)? &

So you have to use the keyword 'dialect', assign a name, use brackets and then you can define a bunch of optional properties (where 'delimiter' is mandatory). Using the ampersands '&' means you can define properties of a DialectGroup in an arbitrary order (XText calls this an "Unordered Group"). This is handy but messes with code completion. XText has to build proposals for keywords without having the model instance at hand. This is done in FollowElementComputer, which performs a lookahead in your grammr. When using UnorderedGroups, all keywords will be provided in the contentassist (bug? not sure - don't think so). Code completion would work as expected when I removed the "&" and use an ordinary, ordered group.

Solution: Split rule 'DialectGroup' into 'DialectGroupDescription'

Why this solves the problem: When calculating the lookahead described above, the FollowElementComputer will not follow containments. The new grammar therefore looks like:

    'dialect' name=ID BLOCK_BEGIN

    'delimiter' delimiter=STRING &
    // ...
    ('trim' trim=BooleanLiteral)? // <-- no ampersand here

No migration of existing models is required.

nnamtug commented 4 years ago

For the second screenshot:

map EmployeeMapping from EMPLOYEE {
    subject template "{0}" with id;


        employee:no (1) from EMPNO;

When going for code completion at the spot marked with (1), the cursor is at the position of the potential second assignment (term) of PredicateObjectMapping:


The assignment term=ValuedTerm has to be optional, in order to get the Quickfix 'missingRdfProperty' working see RdfMapping.xtext:128. But since this assignment is optional, it would be OK to reference another property at this location. On what locations can we launch the code completion then:

  employee:no (2) from EMPNO;
  thing:color parent-map EmployeeMapping2;